Tm: €oijj:(hatk i-OL. XXIV ATI.ANTIC CHKISTIAN ('OI.I.KOK, AJ’Ull, G. l<tr>l NUMHKK li Grass Roots Group Performs Thursday “Sunday Excursion’s” Cast And “The Telephone’s” Villian m The complete cast of one opera and the vilHan of an other opera are shown above. The two one-act operas. “Sun day Fxcursion" and “The Telephone,’’ will be presented Thurs day niffht in Howard Chapel. The performance by the <*ra-is Koots Opera Company of Raleigh will he sponsored by the A('( Concert Committee and is free to students. Campus Organization Schedules Week Of Pre-Easter Services Have you ever picked up the phone In Harper Halt \%hen the Une wa<i busy? Imagine that conVer^allim set to musir. The result l*» a “definitely cute“ opera, ‘ The Teleph«*ne.“ There are no Halian barbers or Spaninh dames. The mon ster that “cannot be choked or drowned” is not a fire.breath- inf dracon but a telephone. The hero, learninf that he must go auay. drcldes to pro- p<ise to his sweetheart. JuMt ax he finds courage and the rixht words, the phone ringi with some fosslpy girl friend on thr other end of the line. The man and the telephone fiiht a eon- stunt duel to win the Kirl’fl attentioHK. They battle with words and bells. This combination of wit and xatire makes “The Telephone*’ far different from the usual idea of opera. The (irass KimiIm Company will present the modern opeia in Howard ( liapel Thursday nifht. April 8. Jo \nn .Moore. ■'Cijmpuh Prt-Kaster Wt*ek‘’ will bt- observed bv the students ' f AUantic Christian College from A- pril 12*15. This observance is being sponsored by the Student Chris tian AssociatioD. At 8:00 on Monday evening. A- pril 12. in Howard Chapel, a ninety- five minute movie entitled "The Pilgrimage Play—The Life of Je sus” will be shown in color. After the movie there wiJ] be a fellow ship hour in Bert Hardy Dining Hall. Easter Play An Easter play, “The Terrible Meek.” will be given on April 13 in Howard Chapel under the direc tion of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rider. Thi;-: will begin at 8:00 in the even ing. The Reverend Joe Brooks of the Norlhside Presbyterian Church of Wilson will be the guest speakvT Brooks Hays To Be Luncheon Speaker For Inauguration Brooks Hays. United States Con- ’r‘.?sman from Arkans:is. will 'Peak at a iuncheon on the campuj '■*1 the coUege Friday, April 30. ^ part of the program of the in- ujcurafion <u Dr. Travis A. While* < the seventh president of Allantic Christian. Dr. White will l>c inaugurate! at t*remonies beginning at II that day in H‘.».v;rd Chapel He ‘dwe to ACC I/iLt August I, from the First Christidn Church, Lub- '^k, Texas, w'h<*fe he was minis- >r. Congressrnaji Hays will address •^c official delej'ates lo the iriau- •Juration at th? luncheon in th? Bert Hardy Dinnin^j Hall scnedultd "*i 12:30 p.m. The Arkansas Congressman is a fnember of the important House 'Committee on Foreign Affairs ani nas been in Congress since 1042. He is a well known “ind in 1951 received the annual l.ay* Tnan’s Award given by the minis- U*rs of Washington for outstandin*5 service. In 1950 he served as a vice-president of the Southern Bap- ■ist invention. for the Evening Worship St-rvi'- jn Wednesday. April 14. at 8 00 PoJly Sttphe/ison i mtml>er of t;i' Junior Class, will pri'side. On Thursday morning. April 15. the student.s will assemble on th< front campus for a i>ix o’clock Sun rise Service as th( ACC Band, jii* der tlie direction of Dr. Millard Burt, plays the fanrw>us Moravian Easter Chorales. Dr. James Moudy will conduct this service. At 8:00 in the chapel a Cundlv- light Service consisting of E.ister Music and Scriptural reading will be held This will U* the closing service of the “Campus Pre- Easter Week." The director of the music for the program will be Libby Rumple, a member of the Sopho more Class. The Scriptural reading will be done by Kenneth Rouse, a ministerial student The chairman of the Pre-Easter Observance i.v Richard Ziglar ACC Band And Mixed Chorus Begin Program Of Spring Activity brooks hays A native of Russellville, Afk , Congres3man Hays ha* long main- 'aintd an acuve interest m ^u- caUon and at the present Ume 1* a member ol the governing ward George Peabody College Naih- vilje Tenn., and of George Waili- ington University. Washington. D. C. By BOBBIE TIMiH.MAN One of the majorettt's lost the cockade from her hat, then Tommy Batchelor'!, drum head split and George Littrell's inallet broke Tommy was playing snare drum and George, the bn«-' drum George continued to beat the drum with his fist however and the "band play^ on." In spite of a few such accidents the band's trip to Wil mington Saturday, March 27 can be con.<!idered quite juPcesiiful. The band reached Wilmingt«>n a little after nine, formed on Third .and Woo»ter streets at ten o’clock and marched into the two hour pa rade at twenty minutei past eleven. Richard Ziglar. drum major, had company as one of the clowns strut ted comically tieside him. AfU-r marching twenty blocks, the tired and hungry tjand reached First and Wooster Streets, the end of the parade. Then a committe< of three from the band. Magnolia Duckworth. Shirley House and Betty Je^in Outlaw, spread out the makings for sandwiche.s while Dr Burt bought plenty of s<;ft drink* from the Pink Kkphant Restau rant. ACC's chorus and ensi rnbles have quite f schedule Ijefore them--a» well as something of an accom plishment just behind them, sing ing for the students in chapel last Tuesday. Among the numfx-r.? they Win- "Songs from South f'aci- fic," "Come Tunc Your Voices," "Good New.s," and "Vaya Con Di os". The Women's Ensemble sang at the Civitan Oub at the Cherry Hi>- tel April first. On April 15 will give a communion service at Lu Grange Chri.stian Church. The mixed ensemble sang March 30 for the Men s Fellowship in the Carolina Room of the First Chris tian Church. On the program were Brahms Kiermaiu Folk songs Both ensembles will sing ut thi Dunn Chnsti.-m Church on April 25 The progr.'ims will consist of madrigals, nursery rhymes, piipu- lar tunes, and a Mozart Mass ij«lrct»'d voices from thf mixed chorus will sing at the President's Inauguratiun. 'I^ey will sing two Swedish Lutheran Chorales and a Clokey Te D*’um 'song of praisei Downey To Speak ’Fhursday Morning 'The new Religious Education Di rector for Disciples of Chrixt in North Carolma will Ix’ chap<0 speaker Thursday morning. April 8 O<*orge K, Dt/wney r»-* *-n*ly .«uc- Two Students Enter Speech Tournament Two students from AUantic Chris- ‘ian College attended the South- t:i8tcm Forensic Tournament held Lenoir Rhyne College in Hic- *ory on March 6 and 7, Cecil Willis snd J, c. Winstead. CecU Willis won a first place in Men's Impromptu 5*“*“"?;, ' a second place in Radio AddreM. It is hoped that the college may be ■JipreMjmed by two debate tear^ and other speakers at the National Foren,sic Tournament at Fredericksburg in April. Ktunt Nifht Stunt ni(h( bat been »et for .\pril 23. All onanizaiioD% who would like to enter are urged to %ee Pat White, »erretarT of the junior cla»«. Kntranre fe«* for orcanizationff will be S2. Prize* will be awarded for flmt, «»er4»nd, and third place winner*. There will be individual aiantit between acta. OKORGh. f:. IHfWShV c« eded Thomas P. Inabinett in the post and i% now located in Wiljvin Bfjrn in Indiana. Mr. D^^wney .studied Butler University arid the college of the Bible in l^fxinfcUm, K«*ntucky. He has done special ner* vice with the Unliv'd Christian Youth Movement and bc*en active in several other y^nith organiza- tloni. Hi* wife. Oara Jean Df^wney. i graduat^Kl from the University of Music Comedies Begin At Eight ‘Hie fumed itTiiss Hoot> Op<*ra will prc>«nt two (»nr*act iipcrux. ■ T^e Tflrphone ■ by Meimttl niKl S-tmlwy Kxeur.sion" by Wilder Thur\da>. April 8 TheM* perform- anei.; xjMmMWi'd by tiie Concert CtimmHti'f. will l>e given in Howard C'hapel at H 00 and are free ti» c'ullege stud(*nts Koundfd in IMM. the (irujiK Kootn Opera aims "to give gualiflt'd alng- er» a ihanre to develop their tal ents. and to acquaint the pc*i>pU* of North Carolina with the b<*au* tiful music t<» Ix* f<»und in oiwra " Ovtr 225 jxTformame* hnd U'en gjvefj at the end of liic )952'&3 fca- 'r n. which included many .*(maU towns «>f the state An cutlmated 50,000 M'hool chiUlr»*n have neen their first opera at (irHXii Hoot.n ixTformancfs. whuh are nil sung in tlngli.vh Man> honors havv Imtii l>f»t**w- «-d ii|Kjn the Gras.s HiK»t5 Opera. Its iH-rformance in Watergatr Tliratn- in Washington, IJ C.. in i lt*50. a feature of tile National ' S«‘.squu entrnnlal (\ k»br»tlon. In Cintss OjxTa appcanvl ' it the National Convention of t*i«* Ki(leratn>n of Music Club.s in the jprt-mirre jxrformancc of “SuiKlay ;Kxrur»ion. ' Many national maK>e /ines have carru*<i fi-aturr articles l«in (irass H(M>ts (‘|KTa, and Voie<* iof Amirica broadcast.i have in- 'eluded «jne of Us jk*!f«»rmances. S4>vcral other states are following [the ixatqjiie and ari* forming titelr , ov^n ‘‘Cira^s H<K>ts Op<‘ra" group.<k I Kobrrl ('. Hird. profes.Hional (*- 'l>era sing« r. iji direct/^r of the com- i pany Wilson Jaycees Vote To Sponsor , Scholarship Fund ' Meml>«rs of thf Wiliton Junior C'hamU r of Commerc** n rmtly np* prov<*d th<’ setting up of a $500 scholarship fund for students at Atlantir ChristianCollege Tlie scholarship fund was award ed unanimous approval at the bl> monthly met*ting on Man h 31. 'Fhe only reHlriclions plac<^ on the fund werr that it go Ut a full- time male stud<*nt who must U* a citizen of th»- Unit<*d Stat4*.H. Un der the terms agn*4*d upon last night all male students at the lo* cal institution will be eligible for the fund The Wilson Jaycei’s award(*d Ih** .idministering of the fund to thr college ACC Student Wins $1500 Scholarship Kor the second year in a row •I $J,500 dollar seholarship by the Morehead Foundation has gone to an Atlantic Christian College Rtu> dent Winner this year was Cecil Willii a senior from H^>cky Moun*. He wan one of only three Kenlor college students in the stat<* to 1 •* acclaimed for thii honor by th<* offu-iaU of the Foundation at th<* University of North Carolina. Lunt year WulUm Coley. ACC .ilumnus. also won tlie Mor<*head Scholarship ff>r graduate Ktudy in English Cecil won the National 0)))egial«* Playutiting Contest last spring. lU* had appeared in several <»f the pro duction^ given by the SU'»ge arwl Script, and at pr<*Hent Ik directing the Sh^K'string Players. Wils<m’» ProfeKsional Ojmmunity ThinUrr. Other wirmerf l>eside Ocil wer<* Wade Hampton Jordan, Jr. of K- \dvnli>D. .^itudent at Ka»t Carolin.j .(..'ollege, and Charle* W. Philllpf Jr of Hurlingt^m. student at Kion Colleg, Twenty*two college student* ip- Ipearcxi U‘fore the committee in an ' .ittempt to win the scholarship* B«-kide> the graduate scholar- hips t<*n others were pr('s<'nted t/i br;th high sch^iol and Junior col' lege students so that tijey might continue thi- work necessary for their undergraduate degrees. Indiana Medical Cent«‘r as a R<>' gistered Nurse. The EKjwneyf hav«- three children. Gregg. 5; Douglan. 3; and Ellen Jean. S months. They are living on the corner of Le«* and Whiteh<*ad Streets, across from the campus.

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