VOL. XXIV ATLANTIC ( HKISTIAN rOI.li-:r,K. MAY «, li»54 NUMBKR S White Becomes Seventh President Comes Here With Wide Background AJiother major milestone in the S-jfar history of Atlantic Chris- *;,n College was marked last week Id elat)orate ceremonies on A- pri: 30 Dr. Travis Alden Whitt-. : 46, was officially inaugurated as i Hk president of the college Atlantic Christian, a four-year ^^educational college, was estab- tobfd by Christian Churches af North Carolina in 1902. Dr. Wliite became its seventh presi- *-nt. Already Dr. White is well known 10 many North Carolinians. He has »scd the eight months he has been V, the state to the best advantage fc.ving traveled extensively sitice fce arrived on the campus last AuKUSt 1. From Texas The new ACC president came to North Carolina from Lubbock, Tex where he was the ixjpular miii &ler of the First Christian Church aud where the Lubbock newspa per had acclaimed him as the city’s "number one civic worker". He was no stranger to many | North Carolina ministers w ho were I acquainted with him as a nationally ; known youth worker, ■ That’s what I like most about my job as a college president, " Dr. White says. "It has given me . i rare opportunity to watch thi cultural development of youth at; close range." j Travis White is a native of Lou-| isiana having been born at Ham mond. the son of a carpenter, and reared in Shreveport, where he 1 paduated from Byrd High School. TCU It was in 1927 that he was or-! ikiined as a minister of the Dis-, ciples of Christ. He went to college; jt Texas Christian University, re ceiving both his A.B. and B D degrees there. i In the years that followed his ■ Doliefie career, he has filled the pulpits of many churches. They | imiude Memorial Chri.«tian Church.: Dallas, Texas, First Chri.slian, Church, Paris, Texas, and the First | Christian Church of Little Rock, Ark , the church he left in 1948 to I, to Lubbock. D.iring those years in the pasti.i Dr. White became a leade. work with young people. H( ". st rved on many national com- •iiittees concerni-d with ynun>{ peo- > ■■ training. Well Timed Dr. White’s inauguration wa.>^ ■* U timed. It comes at a period when Atlantic Christian is just Stirling a new building program I' ;ign<^ to add eight buildings on "1.1- campus during the next few feai:. Most of the ground work for this expansion program hSs Oeen carried out by Dr. White »ince his arrival on the eampu? iast August. It has included the .'"aising of more than $100,000 for •Jie college building fund since that time. The Lubbock minister .succeedf Dr D. Ray Lindley, who resigned V president of ACC last summer ■ii accept the post of vice-presi- i'-nt of Texas Christian University. During his ministry. Dr. White 'I found time to continue hi"- 'lucational training, doing grad- ■ ite study at the University of C^iicago and Union Theological '"minary. in 1949, he was honored by his Alma Mater, TCU, when the Uni- . •r.'iity conferred up<jn him the "i jnorary degree of Doctor of Div- ■ty. Gill Heads Marshals Dr. White Receives Charge Of Duties ) Balmy Weather For Perfect Day nr Tnvi- White received his chiirge of duties us president of Atlantic- C'hri.stlim College in meiii. Tient pn t'ram. New Program Planned For June Commencement uro‘»r.«ni i" ’ rnoif alumni as wi- I I’' bv offi nl ill. .■ollcne and l.‘;id- eis ol th- Alumni AsMK iation. Ur, Tr.iw. A. White, President III ACC t ite~. This year Com mencement \v.!i do two things: it! will t»e thi- biK moment (or rj j ACC Seniors *h.) will tw rweiving their dc'iree.s .ind it al.so will Ije I , big i-vent for mir former students, becaus" thi yi ar m addition to I graduation we aie having Alumni Day that ■'idi-nL'i who oner attended thi.s collese will get chance to get bi i k to the campu.v ' will still be continuwi in Iho fall. Students Elect New Publication Officers i lAan James Moudy has announc- ••<1 the appointment of Marshals •or the coming year here at the 'ollege bcj^inning with Commence- flient in June. The seven students appfjintcd *ere honored on the basis of their scholastic standing. Named Chief- Marshall was Suzanne Gill, a mem- '>er of the junior class from Wilso^ Junior class marshals named ♦ere Connie Davis of Wilson and James Hemby of Ayden. Marshals from the sophomore •lass are Peggy Ward of Rocky Mount and Kenneth Lamm of Wil- The two freshman class mar^ala •'lamed are Ernestine Mozingo, Kenly, and Jamec Matthews of Winston-Salem. p Mary -'ind fljrhard Zi^lar were elt cN^d .< ♦■ftitni<; of campu;. publications for the romins year in the student c licli'in?- on April 27 Busin-;-; tnan»^--'rs i-.r the year book and n<^"sp>i|r r will be Molln- Ht =;tcr and Ashton WigS" Pine Knot MiUir Mary Hadg- A3- al.-:-) ediwr of her ann''' ei? Charles L. Coon High School. Shi was a member of the Keyettc Club, Booster Club, ^amatier Club, and the N;itional Honr>r So- '“Business Manager of the Pine Knot is Molhe Hester. She is ^Uv^ in church youth Ensemble and the ’ i?", semble. She is a transfer from &«t Srolina. In Greenville High School she was a member of the Honorary S^iety of "’The Black Masqueri as well as in many other Collegiate ^itor Richard Zi^ar is news editor of «ie CoJIegiate this year He is active in church ?^rk teinra local ?t ficer’ He works on campus with the Student ChrisUan AssociaUon. Continued on Page Three Ihe grii'luation events "Will 1>' -; i;in .it « p m. on Saturday night, June D, with the K:iculty-Alum-■ ni reception in honor of the grad-. uatinr seniors ;ind their parent: on the Harper H:ill terraee. This, will be followed by the Gradu-; ation B;ill, alto to be held on the . terrace. ' "Fhe Baccalaureate service* ,ire scheduled Sunday morning, June 6, in Wilson'i new First Christian Church. The speaker iwill be Rev. Raymond L. Alex-: ander, minister of the Washing ton (N. C l Chriftian Church. A family style picnic luncheon; for alumni, seniors, and guests, will be held on Sunday at 12:30.' This will hf follower, by n Jim Succeeds Jim ' By KRNKSTINK M()'/,IN(iO I "‘Dcjn’t iX' a sut ker. Vote for I Ilemby!” I " Don’t :'.et stuck. Vote for Hem by'.” Kvi n without the suckert and bubblegum Jim Hemby probably would have oarrii'd the April 20 olection. By virtue of hli ovei- whelming victory he will suc^ another Jim — Peebles— into the office of Prt. ’dent of the Student Co-operative Association, the hlgh- <»t elective position on campus. Jim, who transferred from Caro lina a.< a freshman, is taking pre- ministerial course* here at AC. Af ter he complete* his training he hopei to do graduate work at Tex as ChrisUan Univeriity in Fort Worth, Texa*. He ha* held several important po*ition* (luring hi* two year* here including the editor, ship of The Colle*l*t«, and 1* a member of Pi Kappa Alpha Fra ternity. , „ . It must be said that Hemby car ried on a *lick campaign — no promises to fulfill when he take* office. Even hi* campaign manag- Contlnued on Page Three meetinn ot 'b*- ^’oUegi- liu*t<-t's ,it 2 p. m. on Sunditv in the Hiir- ily Library. Another highlight of Ihe 'luy i* slated at 3.30 p. m. At that tmii' grounii breaking ceremon- ii . at the sites for a new science building and infirmary will be held. The Atlantic Christian College band will present » concert on Sun4ay afternoon at 4:30 o' clock on the front campu*. The gr.'iduating ceremonies will fol low at 5 p. rn. Mr. Langston an<i C C Ware, retired secretary of the North Ca rolina Christian Missionary Socii ty, will receive honorary degrii- at thi' program. ... _ - * - Gill, Lawler, Lamm Fill Campus Offices After preliminary voting on April :37 ami a run-<i(f April 28 tlie ’ lolUiwing student.*; were eliftefl V) ; serve with president James Hemby kon the Kxefutive Hoard fif the I f-’cyiperatve As.s/»^-iation at ACC. !Th<> are Suzanne (Jill, vice presl- d-nt, Kleiia Lawler, secretary; 1 and Kenneth I.iimm, treasurer Suz.mnc Gill has been treasurer o' the Student C(X)|Krative Ass<x:ia- tion this year and last fall was eli'cted homerommg queen. Form erly treasurer of the Student Chris tian Association, she is a Junior from Wil.HOn, Klena Uiwler is treasurer of thi- Junior Cla»s, Originally from Con necticut, her homi' is now in Camp I.«Jeune, where her father i* chief surgeon. She is a transfer from Vanderbilt. Elena wa* in training for a nurse, but now plans to ma jor in science. Reliable s^iurce* in formed the COLUEGI ATE'S re- prfrter that the new *ecretary is pinned to William Draughn. Kenneth Lamm i* new t<J mod student*. He is an amijr veteran Continued on Pag> 'Hir*-*- I Newspaper repoiters aren't »u;v I posed to get too pueUr, but after : the beautiful spring morning of I April JO dawned, a.s if made to I order by Joe Overman, your re- I ixu ter was pot Into a poetic mood ' for the rest tif the day and there WHS nothing during the day ever ' to di*»troy that m<»d I Dr. White himself helped main- j tain that mmid. His inauguration ■ spei-eh constantly reveali-d well- thought out language and deepi,'"' considered thought His attention . to the symbolism of man was parU- ] cularly appropriate ’"’There ar* Ume*,’" Dr White »aid, "when h , man is allowed to Ije a lymbol of something greater than himself He may l>e an instrument, a *ymt»l. Ol a servant, possibly a combina tion of all ttiree Certainly an oc casion *uch a* this will tx- lltUe more than hollow mockery If the recipient does mit face up to the responsibility entrust«-d." (iuide Pusta In his half-hour address, the new pre*ident spent the major part of his Ume outlining specific object ives which are to b<" established as guide posts for achievement. He pointed out that at time* It Will ' l>e neci-ssary to re-evaluate those objectives and strengthen t»iem ■ in the light of new truth and new 1 responiibility. I "It is obvious with our very great i lilt'd and many unfinish»-d ta*k»." Dr. White said, ""THere mu*t come eventually a long-range program of college development. Any effort I toward the announcement of *uch ! a program at thi* point would be I prematun- For such can c<ime on- I ly out o( long and patient effort to evaluate the present program, our neMis. and our ability to achieve " ! Academic Froeeaslon , The oix-ning academic proce»*lon I went off In fximp and pageantry ' without a hitch, Uxi.stj-d by the I college band's pi-rforinanci- of tiie ' '"Coronation March.” ' Afler n fitting invix'ation by Dr. , P**rry Case, tlie collefii " Mixed Chorus sang a stirring and uplift ing "Ti- Deum" by Clokey. The H(-v. Ira l.ang.ston of New York City, a memlwr of the college board of trustii-.s. presided over - the morning program with an as- .mr.inie Jiid ea?.i that aiigur wi ll -for ACC's June Commencemeut piograni wht-n tlu- Hev. Langst«-i’ will Ix- the main speaker. D<-an Jaine-. Moudy's quiclly hu morous attitude toward his Jot) of. introducing tht? distinguished d«le- gat<-;> U> the inauguration was a pleasant surprise tii the delegate.% i themselves, most of whom in prts- , vlous year;, had sat patiently ' tliiough more stringent tests of en- i durance of Introductions. Hring (ircelings ■ Bringing special greetings dur. ing the morning were Ur, Carlyle I Camplx'll. jiresldent of the South ern Assoclntiijn of College.: ind ' Secondary Schools; Dr. Allen S. ' Hurlburt, assistant superintendent I of the North Carolina State De- ' partment of I-Mucatliin; I>r. J I M Ox)k, executive secretiiry of ' the Intarnalional Convention of Dis- ; ciples of Christ; and Dr. Harlle L Smith, president of the Board of Higher Education of the ' Disciples of Christ, who also pre- .sented thi' chargc U> the new pres ident. The second major addre** of In- I auguration Day waf. delivered at the one o'clock lunc4i<«n for of ficial delegates in H<-rt Hardy Din ing Hall. C<mgres*man Brook* llay* of Arkansas, sjxraking on the church-related college in relation to government. *aid: "There mu*t be !i bridge between the religiou* community and the governmental ] community. The church-rclated col- i lege must be that bridge." Junior-Senior Band Jimmy Harris and hi* Combo have l>een contract<*d to suf^ly the mufic for this year's Junlw Sen ior Prom. The annual event will bo held in the Cherry Hot<-l on May H. Other detail* will be announced later thi* wx-ek. but It 1* rumored that the affair will be *emi-formal. ACC* Junl»>r Cla** annually plays host to the Senior*. Officer* of this year'* Junior Clas* are: president, Eddie Johnsfjn; vlc»- president, Jim Hebbe; secreUry, Pat White; trea*urer, Elena Law- l»-r.

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