THK (OLI.EOIATh OfTOREK 8. 1954 Ek Mi Sigma Tau Chi 1 Future Teachers ; Mixed Chorus Tiiu C*bi U tAt U> •• line iUrt *hl» yr»r Wr b*ve brkJ Utrcc rrrrtii^f with our new officerg io ch«irgf TlVf'^ »rr Catlir Pr»»clor. pr?>uirnt iditry IJHi Lee. vice* litr'uu r t Madcliw Albiiltoo ncc- TeUtr^ Harriet C<jrlette treAiurcr, Eirf.K Lawler, rruorter iind fcllen- rv»r HaUrll. chapjato Hik )'Un« arr belnf m^d«' for our ^nii i.J Harvt*«t Dancc to br hcki in th« dining haU on Friday. Oc* to)x r 22 Jimmy Harris hU bat^ -Aih piay /nr daoctnf. 'n>oftc of u «ho have been at AC in prrv.'' . >t'jfr will airi'c that thU U on« (if the* best dance* of the Kverybndy U Invited N^ouid like tfi extend our th^Kk t( thi mrn of Phi Kappa Alph. ftrf letting us u»e their rhaptt ; r»tum agnln thi* year. 'Hi** mrrtifur time ha» been changed t/) 4 li r\* r\ Monday atcrn^jon W( v-i lrornc' back Mrs Johnvtoii Ml Tomlinson our spf»n- ir- ♦. ! thi 19f4 19&5 M-hncil veai Phi Sigma Tau A d^nci vlla^ sprjnsorod b> Phi htgm. Tau in the game room of H^ll at right o'cUxrk. Sep> tcmi^r 24 The dancc proved t/i be vctv tucccsxful. There wan a good attrr^ancr and all seemed t^) have M good time Ai thr first m<*eUng of the cur rent semester, the sorority elected Mr« Edward Rider as one of the spottsor» Thr sorority feels for tunate in having such a capable and welMovcd person as Mrs. Ri* der fcjr sponrwr. Libby Rumple was elected to rep>- rescnt Phi Sigma Tau on the Pan Hell Council, along with the presi dent Peggy NichoUx The date for the 'T<» Hat Dancr hat been set for October 30 Krcp this date <^n on your calendar — it's a big night on campus. Definite pliins concerning time And cost will be announced at M later date. Tl»«= newly rlr* it'd l>ff^l•cr^ f<»r the fiil! iiemester are as follows; Pr*?iident Pfgg> Nicholls; Vice Piei>ident Mamie Davis. Corres ponding: S<' lU’tty J Tjott, Rc cording Sec , Vivun Muns, Grea- ur« r Jerr\ Hall (’haplain Shtr le> Hou^e Reporter, ^rah Alice Hiiri *nd Historian Kvelyr, Yi- <»n*‘'il Delta Sigma i! tird mri-Unf ol Uvlu Sis- mil ^irority for the iiew »cbool \car W.IS held in Phi Drlt« chap ter room September 16 Joan Kel- le> the nr«' preildent. presidl'd The »laff (or the lorority publi cation U NAME IT. wai chosen Ernestine Mozinfo will serve as editor, with Emily Adams. Delores Weaver. Margie BUnson, Joan Langston, and Joan Kelley to a^ stst. Jean Johnson was selected to represent Delta Sigma on the Pan- Hellenic Council. Mrs. Swain was elected to suc ceed Mrs. Jim Fulghum as spon sor. while Mrs. Fulghum was se lected to be an honorary member. On last Thursday night three new members —EHaioe Godwin, An nie Cray Johnson, and Helen Whlt- tey — were initiated into the sor ority. Delta Sigma would like to welcome them publicilv Church Affiliation Remember those church afflUa- tioQ card5 ymt filled at regis tration ** Well, tome astonishing re sults came from the tabulations of tho«e cards Number 1 *nierc are no students oc campuf who have no church preference Number 2 The Discijdes of Christ Church ha^ im)> u slight margin betweer. the r>ext contend ers—H«ptixt» and MrthodistK Be!o» tf k complete list of the results of tiw i.utve> for the fall srme!*tri I>i»cipies •! CliriM ~ K llapU»U —• «• MrthedisU — U l*re*byteria»» — free Hill ( ath*hf — % Quakei — n — * \dvrnt C'kn^ii^M 1 l.tftheran — 1 Frimili^r R^pliM Total lU inc (Ni ramiHiH luhan spaghetti and sauit *■<*$ 'ervfd t<» the Cl>d* A Krwir. chiip. ter of the Future Teacher* of A- mcrica last WedAf*»dity night in the Carolina Room of the Fir^t Chris tian Church Th« dinner, furnished and prepared b> Mr. Cobb of the Education Department attracted 4S ACC studentv. ^11 of whom U- came members After dinner. Pres ident Elaine Godwin preKid'^d at dn organization meeting of the chapter Ele<*ti*/0 ol othci officetk was* first on thi ;igrnd;i J«»;<n Kelly was elected Vice-president. Dale Gainey. Trea!»urer; Ernestine Mo- /ingo. Public Relations Chairman; Ruby Wiggins. Program Chairman: Ralph Kennedy. Social Chairman. Horace (tarri» Membership Chair man .ind Therese Rabil Project.' ('h.lit man Pauline Salter wa^ e* lectr^ S<‘c retary at thr final meet- ' ing of last year 1 Dr Hurt. Mr C^ii and Mr Cobb were elected to ^ponsoi thr chapter for the coming year. The purpose of the org^ni?.<«tion IS to develop young people for the teaching profession by acquainting them with the programs of the profession, to give them practical experience in working together In a democratic way on problems of their profession, and to empliBsize both character and scholarship in teachers. ’ The following member* were present for the Wednesday night meeting: Madeline Albritten. Emi ly Di> Adams. Margit Blin.vm Mar>' Etta Bynum, Elizabeth Bf)le#, l«averne Batten. Jo Ann Crumpler, Catherine Cottle, Carolyn Cherry. Connie Davis. Pat Davis. Dale Gai ney, Horace Garris. Lorraine Ev an*. Elizabeth Elliot Betj»y Ev- eretti', Imogene Finch. Elaine God win Sarah Alice Harriss Louise Hutchins MoUie Hester. Annie Gray Johnson. Jean Johnson. Joan Kelly. Ralph Kennedy, Elena Law ler. Joan Langston. Dorothy Mo- zingo, Ernestine Mozingo. Jesse McAteer. Margaret New'bern. Bott> Britt Perkin». Callie Proctoi !atl> by Rumple. Therese Rabil. Gene Spruill. Kay Spruill Margaret SUlr Rietty Trott. Patsy Tharp. Carolyn Tico, Jean Turner. Thomas Thur mond Fay Watjon. Rub> Wiggins. B<»nnev Wilson and Pauline Sal ter The FTA will meet once a montii at • dinner meeting. Other teach er trainee> who would like to be come members, please contact Horace Garris. Science Club The furst Science Club meeting for this year waft held Thursday. September 30. 19S4. 'Rilrteen mem bers with Mr Hollar. Mr Tyndall. Mr. Carr and Mr&. Swain met to draw up plans for the coming year. Officers were elected. 'Hiey are as follows: President. Edward Ward; Vice*President. Williams Owens; Secretary. Mamie Davis; Treasur er. BUly W’eathersby. The president a^^inted Jim Matthews as chairman of the pro* gram committee and Joan Kelly as chairman of the publicity com mittee. Plans for future trips, speakers, and demonstrations, were discuss ed. To freshmen and upperclassmen who are interested we extend a warm welcome to our next meet ing. llie time of the meeting will be posted Th< Collide Ch*>rj* tin- >crir is compo5cd of fort.'-tvk'- \oite* un der the direction of Profc5sor C. Lynn Bro^^n .^t tlu ^/^e^ent the chorus is preparinj: il5 c<>r«cert work entitled “T« Deum” «l»rd God W'c Praisr Thri b> Flor Pceter.*«. The fust ap|»tiiiun<t of the cho- ru* will b<- at the Stiit<- Conven tion of the Dlsclplr^ of Christ. The chorus ha? also lieen extended and invitation to sing in FarmvUle. but ak yet no definite decisum haf l)ccn made Those suiging in this year s cho rus.are Peggy Ward. Eleaw»r Hat- sell. Janie I^ngley Joyce Stevens. Ed>thf Fuller. Ca> EKjpton Jim my Harris. Carl Weaver. Ralph Kennedy (iraham I-ile^ Kenneth Rou.<ie, Pegg> Nicholls. Marian Si* mon, Faye Ba«;s Bett> D.iugher- try, Jackie Wilder. Irene Glover. Hub> Wiggins, Rebekah Rr>bbins. Mar> Eva Griffin Molly Hester. Richard Zigl«*tt. Claude Fulghum. Warren Goff. Bill Beacham Billy Farmer. Chailc^ Hutchinf. Shirley House. Jean Burkhalter Evelyn VioiK>uli^. NLirjorie Trott Pauline {Stcphens4jn Annett** Bnrefo^)t Ed- ' ith Brad.^haw. Jacku l^ngley F)ill ly Smith Bruce Herndon. John Faulkner. I^rry Kluge. Don Wea ver. I^slie Wilkinji and Blackie Jones Stage and Script Phi Delta Women’s Ensemble Woriting along the modern vein, thr Women'.<i Ensemble has start- rd rehearsals. The music being learned now is ‘‘Modem Hiawatha” — F)liss Nonsense. “S' Wonderful” —Gershwin Swing, and “Sam Was a Man" — Persichetti dissonant vein. Altos Pegg3 NichoUs, Marion Simon, and Jean Burkhalter Second Sopranos: Annette Bare foot. IJb Rumple, and Joyce Ste ven*. First So|);: Llianor Hatsell. Sue Kostei, Janie Langley, and Cay Ciupton Caldwell Hall Boy! If.' hen at last. No mor» wandering over ti the basement of Harper Halt \o enjoy an even ing of entertainment. Why. wr can use our own parlor. Yi'< boy vko can ixit di. our pajamas and robes and sit or lie down on the floor of our own be loved Caldwell Hall for an even ing of entertainment, because we have our new 1955 Westinghouse TV set. How did we get out new TV set',’ Under the leadership of our President Ralph Grey and a committee appointed by the presi dent a plan wat made and each boy at Caldwell Hall contributed two dollars towards the set. The Executive Board gave us fifty-four dollars to make up the amount of the bill. The TV set was then in stalled, aerial atxl all, bv the boys of Caldwell Hall The more serious side of cam pus life was stressed when the boys of AC campus met Septem ber 23. in the chapel for the first meeting of the year. The program was opened by the reading of the scripture by Ral;^ Gray, president of Caldwell Hall. All joined In together with song and prayer, after which Gerald Hill. AC feshman made an inspir ing talk. Class Officers AC Students Travel To Miami October 2S-31 marks the date for the 1954 International Convention of the Disciples of Christ being held in Miami. Florida. Several members of our student body* are planning to attend this coo\*ention. They will leave the campus Octo ber 24 to represent the Christian Youth Fcllomship of North Caro lina and Atlantic Chrmtian College Student.' planning to attend are Shirlet Parker. Magnolia Duck- viorih Richard Ziglar Mollu Hes- tt I :.-»d Kenm th Roust W'hlle thru ii*4\ will witl « di*^ of thi (ollegt n»r9f '^itiOint- D<iti and I>? Whitf wir mM* ; !unrhi«.i. U- H«*tl ♦»' I » . -I r . V The kfj and Icttci miinini; of tht Stagi and Script Oub held thcir lirst mcf ting on Thursday night. SepU-mbcr 16. Plans for the vear were discussed, and it was de- iided that tht fall play. Arthur Millei < THE CRUCIBLE, would be pii inlcd nii Thursdav and Fri day night. NuM-mber 4 and 5 at 8 15 P M in Howard Chapel. On Mondav night, September 20. Stiiue and Script held its first gen eral meeting for all members and any studenU who wished to join this year. A number of freshmen .iiid other.' who had not previous ly joined became apprentice mem ber.' by signing cardf indicating the branches of dramatic work in which they wnuld be interested in working After working on a com mittee for one play, or taking part, these apprentice members will be come full members. ‘Thi |iresident, Paul Crouch, welcomed all who at tended; Uuby Wiggins prov ided en tertainment by giving a humorou.s reading of .i .^cene from a play. It was decided that equipment for the make-up rooms in the base- nieiit III tiic chapel would be pur chased with money remaining in the fund from last year, subject to tht approval of the Kxeeutive Board Try-outf were announced, and a review of thi play. THE CRUCIBLE and comments on the characters were given. The regu lar meeting time was set for the and third Thursday evenings ot each month at 8:15 o’clock, with some entertainment to be provid ed for the meetings. Hesperian The Hesperian Club .shows prom ise of talent just raring to go. Even at the first meeting, Sep tember 22, there was spirited dis cussion of plans for the future. The memb<-rs want to organize them selves into groups of particular in terest.' since plans for the club cover a broad vaiiet.\' of speech activities. The following officers wer» elect ed president. Doris T. Alexand er; vice-president. Kenneth Thom- ;is secretary. Albert Alexander, Should any of the Hesperians appear to be talking to themsel ves or reading aloud while walk ing across cmpus, thcir peculiar motions arc easily explained. They will b< practicing a piece of dra matic art to try out at the next club meeting Watch out for these people: GeraW B. Hill, Bobby Ben nett. Evelyn Yionoulis. Mollie Hes ter, Shirley Parker, Ellen Den nis. Ernestine Mozingo, Ruth Wig gins, Bo)>by Wilson, Catherine Gup- ton, Mary E. Corl»tt. Afu-r aciepting win. iigm •, resignation of Dean James Moudy, the men of Phi Delta Gatr ma have elected Mr. Robert Capp to replace him as one sponsor o the fraternity, the other ^ing M: Allan R. Sharp. Dean Ed Rider has been niaa- an honorary member to serve witi Mr. Milton Adams, who served ii the same capacity last year. M: Rider replaces Mr. John Flower.' who is no longer a member of tl-. ACC facultj’. An IntramuraU program foi ti. entire year is the high point of th. frat's interest now. Jack Harr: president of the fraternity, ha been chosen by the men to car; out this program. The officers of Phi Delta Gav ma this .vear arc; President . . Jack Ham V'icc-Presidenl . . Paul C’rouci Secretary Jim Burnett. Tieasurei .. Joe Killingswort) Chaplain .. Norman PoU Sergeaiit-at-Arms . Alois William House President Don Wea>, Corresponding Secretary Wilbur Heath Historian Bruce Hernd .: Reporter , Robert Oven t AC Students Perform For Lions In class election: held Wednes day morning, September 22, the foUowing were elected to head tKelr respective classes for the coming year Frrshman David Blackw'ood President Larry Kluge Vict'-presWent Molly Moye Secretao'! Judy Lane Treasurer Sophomore | LrRoy Batt.« President I George Litti eli Vice-president | Shirle>' Parkrt Secretary : Earl Hugho Treasurer Junior ( orkit Pieftkdt'n^ Ji*ek Hum \ H i-(jresident Ma)one Bhi » Secretar> n.iii4. Xii ;«*>'.irer S4-aii»i I- (Ki>i Jmi. ’ I'lt-'ideni Jill H«Mi< \ <'>|»r(5idcnt |)r|(irc fii : W, S«ct<tar\ H IV II ^ T , r,* .w • The Lions Club ol Wilson held their Annual Banquet In honor of all the teachers in Wilson Coun ty Friday. October 1 Dr. White was program charman for the event and Mrs. Edward Rider was in charge of program arrangement. Jimmy Burnette served as mas ter of ceremonies and supplied the needed humor and vitality, Paul Crouch, accompanied by Peggy Ward, sang two solos, A grl's trio, composed of Eleanor Hatsell. Piggy Nichols, and Libby Rumple, sang two madrigals. Ano^er event on the program was the presentation of a comic dramatic reading by Ruby Wig- gtns. She portrayed the character of the ultra-dramaUc Lorraine Shel don from “The Man Who Came To Dinner.*’ Harper Hall Catherine CotUe was elected president of the Women’s Dormi tory Council, at AUantlc Christian house meet- UM. , ® “"‘or from Rose H^ll was elected to fill the vacan- p left when Doris Strickland, the incoming president, dropped out of .school. thi council include tlena Lawlcn- of Camp Le- jeune, vice-presuicnt; J^^e Thomas Farmville sicretarv- Bl.i.son Oa.vuHi trea'-ur- er. F.Mim C.Kiwii. Fayetteville Davi.. Black Mountain' ^eaiuii HatM'll Hubert riccl, >n.iUifirld Ed.vthf falUt «•..T, n Phi Kappa On Monday, September 27, tl. Phi Kappa Alpha held their firs football practice of the season. Thi defending champions expect anotl. er good season this year. Tuesday night. Septem^r 28. tiu fraternity held a stag supper a' Parker’s Barbecue. The Phi Kap pa Alphas have decided to hav( at least one stag supper per montl. They have cordially invited an; non-fraternity men on the campii- to visit the house whenever the.' wish Veterans’ Club The Veterans' Club of AtUinl. Christian College held their firs' meeting Thursday, September Z under the leadership of their nc'* commandar. Darrell Huffmai They immediately began a mem bership drive. With the incTeasei’ number of Veterans on the cam pus. thoy set their goal for ur ever more successful organis'.atioi in the coming year. The Veterans' Club is tlie newi organization on our campu^;. It ex isted at the close of World W^: II. laps(*d. and was establishi'd )i 1953-1954 by a group of Vete^an^ headed by Authur Dail, whose aim^ were to promote fellowship amoni Uiemselves and to offer their sen ices to the life of the campus o' Atlantic College, Membership is open to any Vet eran who has served at least six ty days on active duty in an' branch of militarj- service. SCA The Student Christian Associa tion held its first general meetinr on Tuesday night, September 29 in the Recreation Room of Harpe: Hall. This meeting began the mem bership drive for the coming year Approxiamtely 40 students were present. The first part of the meeting was conducted by Eleanor Hatsel and Shirley Parker, who led th( group in singing, games, and fun Vivian Muns, the president, pre sided over the business meetint held afterwards. Officers and advisors were intro duced as follows: Mr. and Mrs Rider, faculty sponsors; secretary Peggy Ward; treasurer, Chuck Hes ter; committee chairmen. Pegg,' Nicholls. Helen Whitty. Shirle? Parker, Eleanor Hatsell. and Tom mie Williamson. A brief view of coming e\enu was presented to the group, fo‘ lowed by the signing of commit tee5 for the coming year. The membership drive wai tl* maxed on Tuesday night by a v^oi ship servicc and th( signhif^ o' pledge card> \iuii Bells ZeiK I/t't Kinstoi na Jant Westbrfx>k Four Oak- and MargHirt Ncwl)crn Eli7a'»<'^’ City Saiah Hull. Ward Dean ol 'A meii Reiiccci. T«»mlinson Assi.'t^ • iXai of Won.Of ?ind Maigucri'. Gl< U*- rnM’"'- !<»t

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