The CoLLEiaATE VOL. XXV ■ATLANTIC CHRISTIAN rOLLEGE. NOVK.MBKK 1!>. 1954 HOMECOMING NL MHKK Z 1954 Who s Who In American Colleges A Ceremony Is Set To Crown Queen Thf qucfn of on campus wtU tx* crowniKi tonight <«t 8 45 in the AUantU' Chrisiun Collfgr gymna.vium OurinK half-timt* of the ba>ketUiU game, the caiKli* dates. urcompanje L. .u i ^ P»ok»es> Id H*>ul K«.n »h..v adorned'* Campus Gets Set For Homecoming A ituint pep rally o?: the infir* mary j»Me »tat!<*d the kick off fiT Homecoming. Thur.Nday night .it 9 30 p m the ovei the a(i()rimching tjingled with the Lynchburg IhirnetK niounte<1 high when the I'heer U'.idctk tinik t»ver Homecoming activities get under way with a puiade Frida> afl» r- tMKin Tlie parade will fortn at 3 30 Ion Hallruad Street From the jki- rade M(e at 3 the name of the Homt coming gui*<*n will Im- unnoun- clock thr piiH*e>Nloi*. Nu>h Str«‘«*t, .»nd untr« «• Uien b.«ck to thi- colle;: thi* st.*H«’ >n 1‘Vening gowns | Quern \nnuun«rd Harper Hall p;*rlor was the I Marcning in thr parade will K- ■.tagr for the next exhibition of j Jhr collrgi- baiKl. .srvt ial visiting th<‘ girl*^ Here they apjMared in Nmall groups on l*liursday ni^ht I'ictured left to right: .lo \nn Mm)re. Suzanne (till, Lamm. James liemby, Joan Kell> . and Klena Lauler. Tegity Ward. I‘egg> \Uh6ll%, Kenneth Small And Caminos Appointed To Plan ACC’s “New Look” The campus buildmg progrun. has been placed in the hands of G. Milton Small, A. I. A. Raleigh architeci, and Professor H. Cam inos. head o^ the School of Ar- chilt-cture of North Carolina Statt College. The appointments were made by the Board of Trusteec of Atlantic Christian College and the Building Committee, compos- td of President Travis A. White. Russell Arnold. James M. Moudy. Milton Adams, and Charles Cobb. During the past summer in joint meetings of the Board and the Committee it was decided that a new type of architecture would be de.sirable in the future construc tion of buildings on the campus. Considerations In order to obtain the most func tional and usable space per con- -truction dollar, many conijidera- tions were made. The members of the committee felt that contemp orary structures which reflected the spirit of our time would serve IS best background against which to educate young people. A number of well-known archi tectural firms were considered and ‘.he advice of the members of School of Design at N. C. State College was sought. At the second meeting tow aid *iie latter part of the summer, in. lormation about the various firms vas brought before the Board. At thi^ meeting it was recommended ’hat the college employ a partner ship composed of Mr. Small and Mr. Caminos. . The recommendation includea •n over-all campus plan which would project the needs of th(‘ Tables Are Here Thirty-four ihining new tabk will hencefortli grat « the fk*rt Har dy Dining Hall and 204 new chalrf are now on order. The order for both tab)* and chair:- wi ;- placed with the S(juthern De.-ik Company in Hickory. I'he ft rmit t -top tableh are 30 x 72 inches. The style of the chairs has not yet ^*en definitely derided upon Two types are now under deration. The choice will be madt betwt>en high-backed chairs and low-backed ones that are flush with the table top. Money for the purchase of th»s new furniture ha» been provided by the bo( Wilson has presented tjj the Atlantic Chris tian Collti.- band two nans, the UniU'd StaU-J flag and the col lege standard in blue and white The flaKs were displayed from the stage of Howard Chapel Nov- e m b e r* 10. at the regular the niorninK mbiy of the stu dent br of the band, made an announcement of the Hif. to the colle ji- - . Formal pri: .-ntation made ollege. It was voted unanimous^ thj. band concert on th'-- '> put these two gentlemen ^;npu.‘: the same aftermxjn. Mr. cntract. j c Joyner. Grand Kxalted Kul- er, and Mr. K Carl Quinn. Uad- ing Knight, presented the flags U) Dr Burt, v/ho ;*ccii>ted them ii- behalf ol the band awl the c 'l- lige .Mr. Small Mr. Small, who was born in Oklahoma, received the hightit ^’rade ever obtained by any per- on on that state's examination for tate license in archetecture. Hav-i fliis>, measuring 4 by S'-i ■ng much experience as j (eet. arc ian Kelly, Jo- Ann Moore P» ggy W ird. J imes Hernby Kennetii Lamm. Peggy Nicholl* S.iranne Gill, arnl KIcna Lawler were ruiminatt^d f^r Who’» Who in Amrrlean Colleges and rnlver^llle«*. The announce ment was made by Dean Jame Moudy in a special chapel cere mony this month. All are out- stimding members uf the senior cla.^'. Peggy NicholU i.s an major and is president of Phi Si;i ma Tau Sorority. She is particular ly outstanding m Student Cliristian work, and is a member of the Women’s Ensemble Peggy Ward is studying English and music She haj» served as class marshal fc»r two year> .md i.s or- ;;.inist for chapel JoAnn Moore is planning u> en ter commercial art next year. Here at AC she ly majoring In art and Enf•^^h L*«t year sh.* w.* Pine Knot edit<)r and is viry in the Stage and S'Tipt Club. Jo^n Kelly president of Di*Ua Sigma Si^ronty and past president of the Science Club. She is major* ini= in bs'and hopes to do grad uate* work in field Jim Hemby, an English and rt • lifion major, is presid«-nt of the Student Coop«-ralive Associatior* this y< ar ai»d is also outstandinK in Stag<- and Script I^st year he served ,i> editor of th»‘ ( ()I,LK<.I- A'l K. W'lnnrr of the Hoiary Cup for th<* out^tamhng -.cholastic average Ttiday the lK*.»uUes will rule in the Horneconifiig<*, which IS scheduU*d for 3 3U p.m. Judges for this contest h.i\e b«-«-n select««d from various pn»fessi fol lows ; Sigma Tau Chi - Callie Proctor l*hi Sigma Tau — Shirley Parker Delta Sigma -- Catherine Cottle Phi Kappy Alpha - Sylvia Alls- brook Sigma Aljiha Jean Vaughn Phi Delta Ciamma Judy Lane Freshman class - Ellie Huth ILir- reU Sophomore class - Joan Edwards Junior class Cynthia Hradley Senior class — Deloros Weaver Collegiate Stuff — Nancy Jucka<•, also of E('(*. j)re- /Idj'd. Jrothy Mo/ingo. whzmgo Dr Hurt atteiKl«t] ah sptjn.sor of the AC chaini-r. j iMinds an jept(‘'>fiil i iiig the different club', on the ca- pus One of the flo.its will carry the Hotnrcoming Queen and the other candidate.s .siMtnsoiisl b> tjie v.tiious campiis s«-t for 8 00 P M . Knday night At the halftime the Homecoming Qu* » n will bu cn»wrn**siding will Ik* J the pro gram the band will give a cou- cert Then welc«»meH will be ex tj'fKled by James Hemby as presi dent of the student bi>dy .ind by Dr. Tift.'is A White as president of the College Mr Holliday will make t^ie response At thl.H time Uie winners of the room insp<>ctioti cont<*st will b« announced and awatds made Numl>ers by the mixed ensembie will conclude the pr«)gram. l/unrhron Luncheon will U* servev the acting president. Mr. Holliday. Other officer.', of Uie Alumnt As- s(K'iation are Miss Tassie Langle> s<<'ret«ry. Mr. (ieeth liug- hey and Mr. Burney H McCottei. alumni repres« ntiitives to the col lege B>ming Hail will climax the Saturday festivities. The dance is set for 8 00 PM in the dining r<»om, and it is to be in formal Musie for the evening will be furnish«*d by th«- < i)lleg«- dance barwl. the Dreamers l*he Homecomuig werki i»d \^ill Im >-onchtd(*d oy ( ht»r« h v**ivicet (‘ontinued «>n Page K;;tjr at the state convenUon of Fu ture Teachers of America at E^ke, Vwember 6, were Elaine C^win Joan Kelly, Dfirothy and trn<., tine Mozingo, and Dr. Millard Burt. •he School of Architecture at N. State College with the intentions ’f becoming a United States citi-1 jj-neral =c:5ions were held 'en. His reputation rests mainly Fneine-ring BuiH!-- ir. ■.n work which he did when he wa. ir. the Engint.ring Continued on Page Four ■intin^ ,Pd 'jn Page Pictured left lo right: Shirley Slmmon«». Joan Kdwardn, Mary l,ee Hrinkley, and Jo \nn ( rumpkr.