P»«»! Six T H K r O I. L K G 1 A T K NOVEMBER 19, 1954 fVcTcorne Future Teachers - I*' . ^ ^ mrd, it fc> (;riatifwi Wt*r«- iiscuftsed. , 'Hm* ^*TA wAft in chiirgt' of iht- 'X'tubrr 22 chapel program. Dr. HuUwt. AiHfttilant Supfrmtrndrnt H Public ln»trucUoo m North Caro .inTA. Dr, Burt, spf^iuor o# •iir chapter, introduced Dr Hul* ourt. who U a former £>st Can> :ina profe»»or. Dr Huiburt ttre«»«d the import> toce of vocational education in the «chout af he declared "to jitup with raming fact* u a danger in edu- :ratk>o.'' He dlscloted tome afton- i«hing figures in ihuwtng thr many problems of modern education In nir state Approximately 55 itudenls are now members of thr Kuture Teach- •?r‘« Association, which is a Urge :ocrritsv over U^t year It is hoped ‘hat other students preparing for the teaching profession wlU become members in the future Greek Letter Sororities Phi Sigma Tau Veteran’s Club Vr.t '’hriitli:' ' » r Veterar;;;’ «" *» with lU ^ixt* .i.. strong memb«Tf P«c'::frd up* -ht re it left off last year and I ' .-king p?^t:^ for Tn ;*h**r ^r*t.yij Th( e rep: Don't get alarmed wbfi: yfu/ >c mat:-r from I'hl Sni-j -'^ome of the vets marching around Business Club At thr meeting of thr Business Club thr officers for the year were '•lectrd. They were a* follows: Ar thur Dali, president; Ashton Wiggs. vice-prrsidrnt; Beverly Cousins, secretary. EUie Ruth Harrell, trea> ^urrr. Thereof Rabll. rrptjrler. There was a wein«r roast on Oc tober 26 Games and tongs were cn)oyed as well as hot dogs. This was an occasu>n to get the mem- t>ers together. There was :» \h*»rt busim-vN meet ing at the Weiner roast, at which •imr Jean Craft was elected to rep resent the Business Qub as their .'undiciatc for Homrcoming queen. The Business Club hopes Ui have s fruitful year Some projects hasc ueen Ntarted which the club is hop* .ng to acc ing were Libby Belangia. Linda Lee. Mar)c>rie Trott, Helen Faye T(Xld, Edna Jane Westbrook. Cyn thia Bradley. Sylvia AUsbrocJc. ^*t- ty l»u NoMe, Ellie Ruth Harrell, and Agnes Davis. During the intermission. Chuch Hester and Phil Houchins sang their version of “Blue Christmas" followed by Jerry Ball, who sang two numbers The climax of the program was the crowning of Mr Tr>p Hat. Can didates for the honor were brought in by the cigarette girls. The can didates were Joe Hardegree. Jim- my Harris, Jack Harris. Jerry Williams, and Phil Houchins. Jer ry Williams was crowned Mr. Top Hat by the Master of Ceremonies. Oiuck Hester. He was chosen by secret ballot at the door. There was a tremendous crowd; the dance seemed to go over well. The president for this year is Pegfy Nichc^ls. TIIK HKKT GIFT OF ALL... THE JUNIOR TEEN SHOP Blouse* Pedal Pushers Jumpers Bermuda Shorts Skirts Knee Hi Socks 509 Raleigh Road Your Portrait For liioM you lov« ti>c b««l ... aDil waoi to pIcaM the DMMt... gire ■ portrait of yoararlf. Call or drop in for an appointmrot now whals tb«r« is (till tinM (or for* QuittmAa” (kKverjr. RAINES & COX Carroll Building Delta Sigma On Friday night, October 29. D<1- ta Sigma and Phi Delta Gamma enjoyed a wemer rua and fraternities submitted pressed changes to the constitution. Pan Hellenic has been very busy work ing 9ut details for the Homecom ing weekend. On the night of November 9. the Pan Hellenic Council sponsored an intersquad basketball game Pine Knot For Prompt and Courteous Service DIAL 4010 DIAL RED BIRD CAB Don*t say taxi, say RED BIRD PINE KNOT editor, Mary Hadgc. announced that the staff has b^n busily working on individual shot.^ which were taken in October. With the help of Mr. Russell Arnold and Dr. Mildred Hartsock, sponsors, the staff hopes to make this year'i: yearbook the best yet. Compliments of LADY FAIR BEAUTY SHOP Welcome Alumni TWEETIE'S Homecoming Headquarters MEET CHA' AT the CREAMERY” J. H. NIXON'S UPHOLSTERY Office 306 Bragg Street—Phone 4721 Residence 311 Whitehead Avenue "Your Old Furniture Reupholstered On The Custom Plan’’