MAY 20, 1955 T H K C O L L K (J I A T K I’njro Kivo Mumhj W5 From The President’s Desk In the sprinjr, they say, a younit man’s fancy turns to thoughts of love; but that of your college administration turns to Commencement and thouKhts of the return of alumni for our sprinK reunion on Sunday, May 29th Some very wonderful plans are beinji: made for the day— actually activities Ket underway on Saturday eveninR. as you will note from the programs to be found elsewhere in the COLLP^GIATE. I certainly hope that you will make it a day for you and your friends to spend on the campus of your alma mater. Make your plans now; the food and the fellowship will be wonderful. It will be a great occa sion for us to have the privilege of trying to make it a great occa.sion for you. I you all join me in the sen.>*e of loss we felt when Jim Fulghum decided to return to the newspaper I^atest reports are that Jim and his fine family are happily settled at Myrtle Reach. This news comes to us all with a deep sense of satisfaction. 1 want, however, to say that we have a "Jimmy” replacing “Jim,” who is rapidly making for himself a place of significance in the program of the college and in the life of our alumni. Jim my Daniell is an alumnus of the college. He has accepted his new responsibility not only as a job to be done but also as an opportunity to express his gratitude for what his alma mater has meant to him in years past. He and his family are happily settled in Wilson and he is on the job. He will be very much in evidence for the alumni ac tivities. In addition to that, he has some excellent ideas 1 think you will be happy to receive. I.,ook him up when you get to the campus. The Loyalty Fund is moving along. According to the reports I have received, it already exceeds last year in amount. Our goal is $2,000. We are a little short of that goal. Let’s get over the top by May' 29th. 1 the news around the campus is the very excellent progress being made by the architects in plans for the classroom building and the administration building. We will have on exhibit the new overall-plan for the development of the campus on Commencement Day. I believe you will feel a real sense of pride when you see what the future holds in store for our school. The science building is moving along rapidly now that the weather is favorable. We hope to get into it by the fall. This has been a busy and profitable spring. It will come to a real climax with the big day May 29th. I hope you will be on hand to join in the festivities. Expectantly, Travis White Candlelight Ceremony Unrtes Jeanie Jones, William Tucker wwunv-'- MR. AND MRS. WILLIAM KDWARI) TL’t'KKR m i / 1 / Hr. TmvU A. White, prrtldrni of AtUntlr ChrUtlnn (ollr«r. nnd T. J. Sr.. rh»lrman of the Hoard of Tru^tmi of Alliintlr ('hrl'«>ti«n ( ollrgf*. iirr nhuun urlronilnt Muitrlrjr prrnidrnt of Wilnon Chjimbrr of ('ommrrrr. jind lljirold .Srhurti. rhalrni»n of I'ollrffc Coo|>rrativr ('ommlttrr. to thr CKmpun ('hambrr of rotnmrrrr l>ay mi Ihr t'ollrtr. Chamber Of Commerce Day Held On Campus COMMKN( KMKNT S( IIKDI LK SATl’ROAV. MAY 2S. 1955 8:00 p. m. Karuliy • Alumni Rerrption for Senlom and Parrntfi. (On thr Irrracr of llarprr Hall) 9:00 p. m. Ciraduation Ball - On Trrracr of llarprr Hall (OrrHN will br lnfor> mal; mufilc by Drramrra) SlINDAY. MAY 29. 1955 11:00 a. m. Haccalaurratr Ser vice. 12:30 p. m. Family Style l*lc> nlc on ('enter C'ampuH at Collece 2:00 p. m. ('laaii Repreaenta* Uvea meet In I*arlor of Harper Hall. 2:30 p. m. Meetini:, Hoard of TruNteeN In Hardy LI* hrary. 3:00 p. m. Seniors and far* enta queat of Alumni in Howard ('hapel. 4:00 p. m. Ground-breaklnc Oremony on Front Cam* PUH. 4:30 p. m. Band Concert—At lantic ('hrUtlan ('ol)efe Band (On Front ('ampuN) 5:00 p. m. ('ommencement KxercUea on Front Cam* pua. In a candle lighted sanctuary of the First Christian Church. Fri day, April 8, Jeannie Jone* be came the bride of William Edward Tucker. The wedding took place in Texas. nie bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs. A. V. Jone» of Albany, and the bridegroom is the son of Mrs. C. E. T^ker of Greenville. North Carolina. The Rev. Wilbur J. Mindel. min uter of the First Christian Church at Odessa. Texas, performed the dwble ring ceremony before a background of greenery centered with a cross covered with white carnations. The white satin prayer i bench was flanked l>y white can-i delabra hokiing foliage green U-\ pers and white basket* of white I ^adioli and Easter lilies, white *a-1 tin bows and wedding bells mark- j ed the pews. , i The bride is a graduate of Al bany High Scho<rf, and is a Junior at Texas Christian Universltj-. where she is a member of the Dl»-1 ciples Student Fellowship, United Religious Council Sect, and Camp us ••y.’’In 1952 the bride visits Europe on a T C U student tour. She did six week* nUssionary work in Jamaica during the summer of 1954. The bridegroom U a graduate of Greenville High School and attend ed East Carolina College two years. He traniferred to Atlantic ChriBtlan College, where he grad uated in June 1953. While on the campuB at ACC. he wa* a mem ber of Phi Kappa Alpha Fraternity and served as president of the stu dent body. He was also a member of the Golden Knot Honor Society and was elected to the Who's Who among College Students in Ameri> can Colleges and Universities. He is now* a second year student in Brite Seminary at TCU. On June 2 t^ couple will go by plane to the Holy Land. While on their tour of Europe, Asia Minor, and Africa they will visit London. Rome. Athens, and Cairo. They leave New York June 2 and will petum to New York July 15. Phi Kappa Alumni Plan Dinner Meeting The third "dinrnT meeting" itf the Phi Kiippii Alpha Alumni As- sociatif>n will be held Saturday, June 4, at 6 p. m., in Rocky Mount. I at Buck Ovcrtf>n’j Barbecue. At the last meoting of the group., which was held at Parker’s in Wil- i .Hon, there was a small amount of business transacted, and it w<ia { a great evening of fellowship tr>| see one another after some few | months and even years had past. < It is the sincere desire of all past] Phi Kappa Alpha members that: this, such a wonderful affair, will I grow into something of great help to the college and the fraternity.; Jack AlUbrcx>k will be in charge of the conUng meeting. According Ui Jack, business will be held to a I minimum and “shooting the bull" to a miximum. Jack said. "It is po:.sibIe that Paul Glazer will be able U) be at the mecrting. I know Jimmy Daniell and his wife, Jo Anne, will be present,’* 'Hie dinner will consist of Buck 1 Overt/m's special chicken, berbe-1 [cue and all the trimmings. The! price ot the dinner will be $1.501 ! per person. This dinncT meeting in-1 ! eludes wives and wives-to*be. 'Hie I i wives and the wives-to-bc play un| • important part in the present and | I future plans of this organization., ' Jack AUsbrook, Warren Barnes. I and Ed Smith planned the event.' Alumni Meeting To Be May 29 The Alumni Aj >oiati<m «»f At- luntic Christian 0»llege will h<»Ul its meeting. May 29. at 3 00 p. m . in Howard Ch«p4*l. Tlie meeting is a |Mrt of the fifty-third commence' ment exercises of the college. S(*nior» aivd their pHrentji are In- vit^-d guestfc to the meeting, which will be presld<*d ovtT by Hol liday. president of the alumni as- .vicuilion, Mr. Holliday is n<rw srrv- ing as principal of the Needham Hnnighlon Hi^ Sch<K>l, Haleigh. To <>j>en the meeting Lynn Hn>wn, prf>fcs.sor of music, and (Jene Barnes, Instructor in physical edu cation, will lemd the gnnip in sing ing the "Alma Mater." A welcome will be given the alumni and gui^t by H. C. Hjllard. president of th«- ■tudent b(xly for 1955-56. Mr. Holliday will present a plan for future class reunions. Accord ing to Mr. H(»Iliday it is the hoi>e (4 the alumni c»fficers. that there will b«‘ n)emlK*rs of every gradual- ing class since 1902 att^^nding the me<*Ung. He also urges everyone who graduat<'d from Atlantic Chris tian College to attend this im- pf^rtant meeting. Jimmy Daniell, dlrt»clf>r of lie relations at the college, will give a rejjort <m the alumni j«x- sociation Uiyalty ftind. Mr. Daniell .vaid, "The amount contrUxited to the fund so far is more than had be<*n contribul4*d this time last ye-;ir, but it is still >h(n^ of the goal set for this year. Roll call by classes will be made by Mr. Jc^hn M. Waters, As a part of the proi^am the group will have the o|>portunity U> hear I>r. Travis A. Whit4*. presi dent of the college. Dr. While will speak briefly U> the group aUnjt the college in general, and the fu ture plans for U)e developm*’nt of a more beautiful campus. Byrd Visits Campus Mac Byrd, on a business trip to Wilson, (topped by the campus for a visit. It was Mac's first visit back to the campus since his grad uation in May of 1948. He Is work ing as a tax-evBlation (rttlcer at Plymouth. He also is general man ager of the hoapital at Plymouth. College Plays Host j To Faculty Group Atlantic Christian Cf>Uege Facul ty was host to the East Carolina ■ College and Chowan College facul-{ ties at a joint meeting of thr High-| er Educatir>n Divlsifm, N. E Dis- ^ trict of the North Carolina Edu-1 ratk*n Associatir>n Wednesday ev-1 ening. April 20. *n)e meeting was ] held at ^e First Christian Church ( Carolina lUxim. , Seventy-five members of all the, faculties were present. The Udies <rf the church served dinner, after which there was a discussion of problems concerning the teaching profession. It was brought up in the meeting that this Nfjrth Eajrt District of NCEA furnished the bulk of membership of the Higher Kdu- cation in the NCBA. It was brought 'jut and discussed that if the cf>l- leges of North Car^ilina are going to prepare bett^- teachers for our puUic schocjls. the faculty members of the colleges of North Carolina sboukl take more Interest in and participate more in the NCEA. Dr. Millard Burt, chairman (4 the Department of Edticati^m at Atlantic Christian College, presid ed over the meeting. Wilatm (’hamU'r of Commerce Day wa.*; held on the of AtlanUe Chri.flian College 'I\a-«lay, April 12 Mi*ml)er.M K-iUier- ing around mM>n and were* official ly met and wel<*omiHl tm Uie cam pus by tht» faculty and thi« nicm- ixTS (»f thr ACC biukeU>all t«*nm. Around a humirrd memlxTs were present Tlte activities of the day iM^gan with lunch servixl under the trees on ttnler camixjs. Tlie c<Ulegc band entertaimsl the gnnip during the lunrh hour. Immediately after lunch the visitors were t.ik«*n a tour of the campus buildings and thi* n«‘w (250.(KX) itcltsirr iMiildlng, whu’h is uxKler constructum. Aft<^ the tour the gnnip gathrre<i in the chapel, where they were wek'om- ed by the Chairman of the Hoard (»f Trtistees. T. J. Hackney, Sr., and wfre entertnin<*d by the c<4- lege chfirus. Dr. Travi* A Whiti*. j>rr»)iJt'»4 of Atlantic Christian College, s)K»ke to the group in the ch.ijM‘1, |v>inting out the future plans of the collegr In its growth to kerp up with the> rapid increase in ptH>ulaLx>n and the ever growing dmiiand of society for l>eller education. Dr, Whit<' said, "Why sh<mli1 Wilium l)e ctmcerm'd in the growth and develc4)mefit of Atlantic Chria- tian College? l^e answer U* this oueKti(»n is that we as eitixens (»f the community realire that our wealth lies in our childrrn. Whm industry and new families move int<» Wilson, they l(x»k f<»r cultural and educational op{s>rtunities." Mr Han>ld Seburn, Cliairman of the Collcgr Cfxiperatitm CommitU*e of thr ChamlxT of Commerce, said, "The purjKise of such an event is to build up interest and (*othos- iasm among the ritl74*na of WtbMin in this fine institutir>n as is eviden ced in so many either college tfiw ns." Mr. Moseley Hussey, president of Wilsrin's Chamber of Com merce, in li short speech thank ed tlie college administration and faculty for such an enjoy able time here on the campus. Can You Supply The Missing Link? ■ Plcanc auk in the «)IJ,h5r;iATK if any thcur missing F’lNE KNOTT5 arc available," rcqu(*xt4Hl I)r. C. C. Ware. wty> is rntf;ii{tjd In writing the history of AiluttUc Christian College. 'nil* annual Issues for which Dr. Ware ha* no r<ipy are 19U. I91S, 1917. 1918, 1919. 1922, and 19Z7. Dr. Ware will appreciate It. If the renpccUvc mlsaing issues can 1)0 sup|>lli^ or loanMl to the rr>l- l«-ge lUirary, for access In prej>- aralion of n definite Atlantic Chri^ tlan College hl»tt>ry. "It will even br helpful if correct informjitltm ran bi- suppiUed as to whether iir wH the annual was Issued for any of these miising years," he suld. JA( KHON IH NKW Ni;i'KKI.NTKNI)KNT Rev. Ranton It Jackson, a grad uate- of Atlantic Christian Odlege, has been selected as superinten- di nt of the Free WUl iUiptlst Or phanage at MKldJesex.

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