!• Bight THE COLLEGIATE coA/GP/1 ruL ft rio/vs OUNd •'UP- S^NIOTIS ^\AY_20, SCA Stage and Script During the s^n of 1964-55 tht* Stage ai^ Script club has had two able presidents; Paul Crouch and Evelyn YionouUs; whereas the oth- «*r member of the tno or triangle, whuh has .served so ably in sev eral plays. Ruby Wigifins. Is to be ' president for 1955-1966 She will be Phi Sijfma Tau had its annual j auij»ted by Evelyn Yionoulis «i5i in Howard Chapel. Friday, Muy 6 bcinqueA on April 30. at the vice-prevident, M%ry Eva Griffin I7»e »rfficrr» are um fnik/w« Kurmville Dr. Mil*:a& secretary. Jessie Thomas as President S<*crelary Treasurer Chairman of W«»r«ihjp The Student Chrutian AmdcU- tictfi U buay with plans for the »ch(*>l y«*ar. Orttjbrr 17-21 h:.- set aa»de for Reli^inua Evnphii^is Week A freshmao prt> cram U in the pn>ces» of beinf farmrd The mataUatioo aerv'ice n of “ Bell. II White al<»ig with other guests were bK and Candle. ' by John Van ^ welcomed cordially. Ev«Tyfwve had Drulen. the final play of the year. C'hairnian of Publicity a gocjd time oo thl* memorable v^^n the play i.** over, the actors I^ve* ^ J«‘ Hardegr«* ,;.<< a.'>ion and workers, and oth**r m< mbt*r!i Ctwlrm»n of Special -py. „ew offUvrs for the uchool'of the club plan for :i trip U) T'" . I . 19SJ^ have bct-n t-lcrtcd and i Writ quired fi»r a letter and eiRht for Ollie Gray Cuddin^fton ^ key. or usually the *xjuivalent of —— -* two years' work in the club fof a pv la c* letter, and four year.c for :» key. L/CIlSI OlglTlcl Pomts rmers If you njL^^.ied the SCA P*cnic ' , which was held at the Rt*« reati(jn Vlc« -Presidei J>ark Tu<*»d«y. May 3. you reaUy a treat! There wer<* np- j, prwdmatrly 35 who enjoyed K.-i!»rtir Collegiate Future Teachers The Atlantic Christian Co|^ I Future Teachers Association^ a joint meeting with the Putw Teachers Association of East Ca» 1 lina College, Thursday lught, Hij , 5, on the campus of Atlantic Chrs- tian College. _ The meeting consisted ol a dj. The National Congress of Sigma ner, with the East Carolina (y. Pi Alpha wai; held at Brevard, A-1 lege group being guests of the Fa. pril 23 Connie Davis. Judy Creek-iture Teachers group here. Mia more M irj- Eva Griffin, Dr. E.s- Elaine Godwin, president of the'* ther Long, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh cal association presided at the dn- Jc^njiton, and Joe Bulla represent- ner. Mr. James D. Daniel], dirert. ed the Sigma Pi Alpha Fraternity' or of public relations at Atlaoae of ACC .ChrisUan College, wl-.; princips. Sigma Pi Alpha held its annual speaker, banquet Tue.sday, Mav 10, at the! meeting was the fiijt home of -Mrs, Hugh Johnston, this nature to be held in the ee'- There wns a largf number attend-'ern part of the state. It .stimula’js! ing thf .‘-paghetti supper. A pro-1 a healthful and wliolesome fellow* gram « *.' given by several stu-jship with the future pn>fessiaii dentr i.articipatini; in the Spanish hpeople. The group went on recori ■ind French phnses of the pro-! to invite the state convention' uram. lEast Carolina this coming year. On Wwine.sday, Miiy II, Sigma Recently elected officers for r*- Pi Alpha enUrgained the East! AC association include the foUc.- Carolimi chapter nf Sigma Pi Al- ing: pha. After the program lemonade t President Ruby Wi*giB and cookies were served. i Vice-President Ralph Grs; TTie -jfficers for next year are as I Secretary . Betty Jyn IVrt! .t.^ff wM*trMt<^to^^ after Sigma Sorority of At-, »nd directors or stage' managers n«T dmsert b» the ediUirial lUffs ChrisUan CoUegr held it* an-|»nd workers on committt^-s. Pre*- Mr, rSgU-s Vti^ Saturday! sent h.,lders of keys now in col- Mrt Sitl.^ ^ H.v lege are Paul Crouch and Peggy n.T nome. Mr*, t-agu-* servea, Room ' NirK/^ii. r.t NicholLs. Holders of letters now on (irtmnirs wjth ice cream .»nd pink ^ . lemonade • ^ Millard Burt. Chairman of James Hcmby, J<*e While enjovlng the il.-^sert and the Department of Education at the i Crwch, JoAnn t.-llo«»hip. pi»n.< were made f(«- college was the principal »Pcaker, Wiggly, Richard the final IS.UC of the paper. , at the banqu.-t w Darrell Thi- .•.■Uff wUhes to thank Mrs. I According to Joan Kelly, Pn-.si- 'luirman. f:aglrs f<»r having been .%o gener-1 ^ D»*lta Sigma, there were Awarded this year will be let- lua to as this year. She ha« reallr ‘ alumnae of the M*rority' ters for 40 pr>ints camc*d bv per- made us ' fe*.*! at home" on vari- pr<^t-nt Among the*e were Mrs. formances in plays and work back- »u' occasions. Bethany R. J<»yner. Mrs. Millard | atage to Evelyn Yionoulis and J. — Burt, and Mrs. Ann Paschall. allX. Winstead; keys, representing 80 of Wilson. point.s earned will be awarded to New officers fur next year are: Ziglar, and President Canrfyn Cherry DarrtHl Huffman. I Vice-President Pauline Salter /i.»d itj» annual 6 o’clock breakfast I CorTt*spofidin*: S<^et^y it the Recreation Park t»n 'Hiurs- „ . „ Dorothy New’man ped in- I^Vern Batten *j* the s*M'iety on April 13 ' Hi.storianf; Golden Knot Science Club .M a recent mcfting the officers | .ind spcrter Vera and Billy Weathersby I Linda Lee i Mary Eva Griffin: Judy Creekmore I iVeasurer JoAmi Crumplff Business Club The Science Club madi' a tour of the DuPont Plant in Kinston 1^ Sm^' hours. This plant is the only one in the United Stiites that makes T ^ Ditcron fiber which has become Tall I Kl such a favorite in clothing. . ,NC Academy of Science and NC —« Guiding Sigma Tau Cnl , F>hychological Association met at Mr J P Tyndall, year will be Gloria Ba.ss. Davidsfjn College, May 6 and 7. dent: Ann Edwards. * Thos4* representing AC were Mr pCVl/ dent, Sybil UUj, I Robert HolUr, CarroU Kennedy, '-'•j" Kelly, F-d Ward. Magnolia Duckworth, Faye Boyette, Max On Wednesday. May 1«, »!»«• P^'*’ l^ifnV.'lB a r b e r. WiUiam Owen,s, Judy - - - MS^ Creekmore. Ht-nrj-Powell, and Nor- _ M«, Bcrnart W«t, Watson. They atu-nded only T^mllSS“-wert. unanimously re-1 <>>e presi^taUon of the re^rch papers and the business mi-eting, S^a Tau Chi is planninjf a The research papers were ^nt- b.^p«^ for all the memUTs ed ^ vanous alleges throi^- » and until U»e state by under-graduate stu- J^n^ Mrs Bernard We*t wUl dent5. Eleven papers were given, June 2 Mrs r>ei two by AC studi-nU. WiUiam Ow ens presented a paper on '"nie Ef- , , II Ifects Different Chemical* Have on Harper rlall .Tubcrcle BacUlus.- wmum has been working on this paper for 2V4 The flowers for the Baccalaure-j years at the staU- sanitorium ^r- 4rv?^ wUl be given by Harp- roll Kenm^dy gave a paper on -The SlT i^ bom-r of the Seniors. 'Effects Different Temperatwes T^ councU la now in the pro-,Have on the Regeneratom of Pla- members of the Christian StT\ice Workahiip. which include the re ligion ma)ors of the college, had itji final activity at Adams Chapel. A worship program, prepart'd by Richard 21iglar. serv«'d as the closing program for Xhuf rjrganiza> tion. The speaker for the occaiion waa Dr. TVavis W’hite. After hi*, speech an ob*er\'ance of the Lord's j accompany the group Supper W4S held The program ckia^ with a peruxl of rededica> tioo and consecreation Caldwell Hall Caldwell H.ill electi'd lU nejf cfficcTj for next year on April 27 TTwae clccted wrre as follows: President Jim Matthews cess of planning a little sister, big naria." This research was done bv Ray Tlssott during his senior year at AC. AU the papers showed ex tensive and high calibra work. Tlw Collegiate Academy was or sister proifram for the coming year. The Wg sisters will be from ^y Vice-Prrsldent Kaoru NonaXa one cla«. A Tr*a««iirer appointed to work out the aeuJiw — _ »>- Secreury it««s e Hardegree The new officers of the Won^en s ganized last year. WiUiam Owens Al» elected were the members DormiU-r Co.^c.1 for the year «.», secreU^ and editor of toe oo the dormitory councU. 19iS-5« are as follows paper, CANCAS. which the acade- a, fXTs Pr«ident Margie BUnson p«bU.,hed. Charles CaroU from TO^we as Vice-President l^via Cre«h; lW was elected president, Wil- VLn^pMident Larry McSwain' Secretary Mary Eva Gnffm Owens, vice-president, and M’.x“"^rSfr' ^.su.2r Shirley Park^ Margaret HoUand of WCUNC sec- i retarv. Each coUeKe in the aca- f ‘ ‘ ~I (jeniy will have a representative at I the executive meetings so as to promote more interest in the Ori- |legiat« Academy. The Academy ; wUl meet at Otapel Hill next year. Science Club had a weiner roast May 10. at Gold Park to honor Its new members. "Oie officer! for next year are: Presideot Judy Oreekmore Vice-President . Ed Ward Secretory Mamie Davis Treasurer Betsy Everette Never could understand how the ants acqulr«d a reputation tor be- 1ns ioduatrious — nearly all we ev er saw were on a picnic. BARSHAY'S LADIES SHOP *'Apt>arel That Appeals” Ne»l To The Post Office Wilson, N. C, BARRETT'S PRINTING HOUSE 130 North Goldsboro Street Wedding InTitations and Announcements Our Specialty There was a large group of stii- Mary Ellen Corbett i dents who attended the weiner ' roast held by the Business Ota 131 • t'" AIL i Recreation Part I m ^appa /\ipna Besides the business students th«e j were also many guests who e» On April 28. a sta^: supper was|j9>'*^ held at Parker's in 'hwior of the i games were enjoyed by iu new members who are Bobby Ben-|P*’^^^V ^ nett, J,H Dennett, David Black-i The food quickly disappeared »• wood, McGee Creech, Tim Ellen,; mong the hungiy crowd ai^ mon Billy Farmer. Littlejohn Faulkner, ^ ^ brought out. Charles Hughs, H. Ralph Kennedy, large crowd was not. expectot Kenneth Kornegav, Barry Lamm, the club was delighted with Jim M:,tthew.‘!, Kaoru Nonaka, Wil- number who attended. Evert- liam Owens. Morris Porter, Henry ^ pleasant time enjoyuij Powell, Van Smith and Pete Wil-1 the food, games and fellowship ^ liams. in the fresh air. The fraternity’s annual .spring' The officers for next year hav: banquet wa^ held May T, at the not been elected as yet, but dec- Cherry Hotel. At this time the tions will'be held at the ne.xt mef.- "Phi Kap Man of the Year” was'*^^- announced. Carroll Kennedy was i given this title by the members of: the fraternity. The new officers for 1955-56 are: President Hughe.s Dillard' The Hesperian Club ha.s produc- Vice-President Harold Warren ed two radio programs during S)t Secretary McGee Creech past month. Sponsored in conjuB^ ■^easurcr Charles Hutchins. tion with the public speaking class, Spon.>k>ri Mr. J. P. ISndall they have been a great success. ■Mr Jimmy Daniell ^ Included on the programs has been 1 a variety of activities includiM Alnlio 'newsreading, poetry reading, moo- ;ologs and diologs, and music. The officers of the Hesperian Sigma Alpha Fraternity has i next year are as foUoss: lected as its new officers for next ^ .. Kenneth ThomaJ year; i Vice-president Bobby Bennett Presidrnt 'Earl Hughes Ernestine MoziajO Vice-President Durwood Wooten I Secretary George Jones! Chaplain ... Roland Jones i Sergeant-at-Arms . Bill Barefoot ■ Alpha's annual spring ban- on April 27, the freshmen, sofb- "t. ■ ‘"no'-e, and junior classes met io sic wai Hotel. I order to elect their officers for tlie SVC was iMinished by a colored' combo. Hesperian Club 1 Class Officers Sammy Pridgen 'Man of the Year,’ was elected coming year. The officers of the senior vla» , will be; ! President Hughes Dillard f-k» • rv 1. ^ i Vice-President Tommie WilUatnsoo Phi Delta Gamma ^ - The up coming junior cla<* chose the following to : ; President Kcsineth Rou** Vice-President . .. Jim Matthewi Secretary Dot Moziii|o Treasurer Ann Edward* Serving as officers of the sopbo more class will be: President McGee* Creew On May 7. Phi Delta Gamma held their annual banquet at the Rainbow Room on Goldsboro St. After the banquet a dance Vtas held In the college dining hall. 'H^e diiung hall was decorated by Joe Killingsworth and Paul Crouch. , _ rvo«i Od May 9, Phi Della Gamma; President — elected its new officers. TTiey are | Vice-President H. Ran^ .'Secretary Continued on Page Ten Treasurer Boooy » JIMMY DEMPSEY LAUNDRY, Inc. “For The Best In Laundry and Dry Cleaning” MULLEN'S BARBER SHOP 116 South Goldsboro Street Home of Well-Groomed Men J