A The Ima Sv- The Atlantic Christian Music Peoplel!! The Atlantic Christian Col lege Choir, Vocal Ensemble and Brass Ensemble will be pre sented in a fall concert by the Atlantic Christian College De partment of Music, on Thurs- day. Nov. 13, at 8 p.m., at St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church. The performance will be direct ed by Robert Daniel. The program will include music of Mendelssohn, J. S. Bach, Brahms, Billings, and selections from “Frostiana,” by Randall Thompson with poetry by Robert Frost. The featured work will be the motet, “0 Clap Your Hands,” by Ralph Vaughan Williams for choir, brass, organ, and percussion. The program is open to the public free of charge. ¥ IL. ^ Although our 1980 season is barely over, it is again time ot begin our 1981 audition tour in search of more than 350 singers, dancers, musicians, technic ians, and stage managers need ed to cast and produce our 14 live musical productions for next year. Our talent scouts will be visiting 24 cities during the next three months in an effort to find young, versatile Broadway-type talent to sing, dance and play all the types of music we have here at Opryland. 1 would like to ask your help in spreading the word about auditions and encourag ing your students to try out for a summer of professional per forming experience. It is not easy to find top quality talant and no matter how much we advertise, a lot of young enter tainers do not hear about the auditions until they are over, and then it’s too late. For young people who wnat a career in show business, we can offer professional voice, dance, and music training; the chance to be seen by influential people in the music business, network television producers, national and syndicated entertainment writers, as well as our 2 million guests; and a good salary, supplemented by road show appearances (1981 Salaries: $211.51 for performers. $179.13 for technicians, $254.80 for stage managers, $269.05 for musicians). Opryland offers its entertainers a complete music and dance rehearsal studio that is open 24 hours a day, a permission to hold outside jobs as long as they do not interfere with their Opryland perform ance. Last year selected Opryland groups entertained at over 300 special events. As the home of one of the country’s largest television production facilities, producers are using Opryland talent for national and syndicat ed shows taped in the park complex. Some of Opryland’s entertainers have landed major recording label contracts or had material recorded or published as a result of their work in, special showcase Opryland pro ductions periodically arranged for private showings to record industry executives. Opryland’s success is de pendent on the quality of our musical productions, and we hope that you will take a look at what we have to offer in facilities, professional training and media exposure, and re commend that your students try out for a summer at the “Home of American Music”. If you ahve any questions or need additional brochures, please contact the Opryland Entertain ment Department. Carol, phony recently rp. Underwrite the co« symphony’s musical Onslow, Beaufort, Washington. -es over the next three vC' Jhe symphony win . SIO.OM annual grant top^ the Weyerhaeuser Seri«' which will include educal and evening concerts, discover programs, clinics and resides', les for the citizens of the eastern counties, mam of are Weyerhauser employees Dr. Norman E. Johnson, V« president of the wood ptodur compan’s North Carolina gion, praised the symphony bnnging the best of svmpl,„„, msuci to all North Carolinian “We are glad to be ablett make this contribution to tin North Carolina Symphonv. ani we look forward to future pet- formances of the symphonv ii eastern North Carolina. It is om sincere hope that this grant vtill aid in the overall finandi stability if the symphony anj help it remain an asset to bt enjoyed by residents ani visitors to our state,” he said. R. Max Abbott, symphoin president, said, “We are excit ed to have Weyerhaeuser as» partner in our efforts to bring the finest in musical opportunii- ies to the citizens of our state. We are confident that the ‘Weyerhaeuser Series' will raise the level of musical opportiraiti in these five counties during tlie next three years.” He continued, "Weyerhaeu ser’s three-year, $30,000 gram acts as a model for the type for corporate support the symphoii) is striving to achieve. It repre sents a strong endorsemeni d the symphony’s efforts as well as a model of what otter corporations might consider as an appropriate gift for the citizens in their communities. STIJDENIS AT ACC GO 'U-’xofzi.i.ionat CJijfiing at cc/^ea±onalj[E call r What do you mean going hungry? At Atlantic Christian? Yes indeed, at Atlantic Christian! Some students at ACC will be going without food for twenty-four hours, beginning at 5:00pnj., on November 19, and continuing luitil 5:00pm., on November 20. Why? Good question! Let me go find out, be right back Ah Hah! This is why. November 20, has been designated as World Harvest Day, which is a day set aside each year to bring to light the catastrophic effects of the Third-world food shortage, and the pain involved in starvation. The innocent victims that die each day ntunber in the hundred-thousands. Now, what does ACC students going hungry, have to do with world hunger? By getting involved in a voluntary fast, you can participate in a nationwide effort to, not only collect a small amount of money for aid to these impoverished nations, but yon will also be able to share in the hunger pains that millions of people feel each day of their lives. The only difference between your hunger and theirs is, that yours will only last twenty-four short hours. Theirs may go on for a week or more at a time. Here’s how it works. You simply agree to fast, by signing a sheet which will be available in the Student Center, sometime next week, and then, just carry on your normal everyday activities. True, after six or seven hours you may begin to feel famished, but you will come to a realization that will be well worth that small pain hi your stomach, that being, that it is up to those of us, who have been blessed with all the necessities, to take care of those persons who can’t help themselves, for whatever the reason. Well, give it a little thought, and keep your eyes open for more information which will be available in next week’s COLLEGIATE* THE GREEN SLATE* POSTERS in the Student Center, and from the WORLD FAST DAY hiformation table, which will be in the Student Center on the day of November 19. Have a nice day and ei\Joy dinner! Temporary Secretarial Services 291-0723 Visit us at our new location BRENTWOOD CENTER