Page Eight KNOW THEM Names, Nicknames, Pet Aversions and Superlative^ M. Clapp, “Eie, Kie,” Looking for Mr. ?, shortest. N. Carrigan, “Mrs. Net,” Reading the Bible, most religious. B. Clarke, “Dean,” Primping, Most clever. G. Colbourne, “Brownie,” Loving Mr. ?, Most collegiate. B. Davis, “Spanky,” Seeking news. Best grumbler. J. Dickson, ‘‘Jesse,” Singing, Best Singer. A. Farrison, “Slim,” Studying English, Most slender. . ^ , B. I'alkener, “Blanche,” Arriving at class late. Best orator. M. Gamble, “Maidie,” Beating Sunday school. Most dramatic. C. Humphrey, “Ilumpy,” Missing the point. Best grumbler. V. Jackson, “Jackie,” Hanging around the College Inn, Most athletic. A. Pickett, “Pickalete,” Ijooking through photograph books. Most studious. J. Pope, “Nita,” Stump speaking. Most ver- G. Eobinson, “Nervie,” Cutting stencils. Fastest talker. M. Sessoms, “Ses.s,” Impressing boys, Jol- licst. C. Totton, “Bill Square,” Taking beauty novels, Most dignified, r L. Townsend, “Cilo,” Going to town. Biggest baby. ,‘ “Virgip/J^a to if AS ThA' SAW US Mario Clapp—“Lamenting still.” Nettie Carrigan—“Ligbt of lier eye shows the joy of lier heart.” Bessie Clarke—“I’m so sorry.” Grace Colbourne—“With the colors.” I’audorii Davis—“She has something to say.” Jessie Dickson—“Nobody liiio Jessie.” Alice Farrison—“Siic is alw’ays tlie same little gii'l.” Blanche Falkener—“Our orator.” Maidie Uuth Gamble—“My kingdom for a boy.” Clara Humphrey—“Don’t tease her.” Victoria .laclvson—“Past-master of tlio bas ketball.” Addle Pickett—“Patiently waiting. Juanita P^pe—“Our debater for all sides.” Gladys Hol)inson—“I haye notliing to say.” Mildred Sessofns—“Does she make noise.” Carrie Totten—“The Egyptian Queen.” I.ueile Townsend—“All she needs is an other chance.” Virginia Simmons—“Our bright eyed doll.” THE BENNETT BANNEE CLASS SONG Thou art the Mater we love so dear, Thou art the school of our hearts, And as we conclude this, our Senior year. We say goodbye, ore W’e part— Fare-thee-well. We hold cherished memories of our college days. We’ve lived here and loved and learned; And now we reach the parting ways— Bennett, until w'o return— Farewell. As travelers often look at ovc at the end of a journey long— Wo now turn to gave at that light we leave— This is our closing song— Fare-thee-well. “Mistaken works tonight may be so cher ished tomorrow’s light, we may bo patient, for we know' tliere’s such a little way to go.” I WALTON SHOE SHOP t I APPRECIATES THE COLLEGE | I GIRLS’ BUSINESS I i We Deliver t i 122 W. Sycamore St., Greensboro, N. C. | Tailoring Shoffner’s 022 E. Market St. CLEANING - PRESSING - DYEING Wc Dye to Live Victoria Jacknon, Be^iiiietj, K^presentat!' Hours: 8 ;30 to 1; 2 to C and 7 to 8 Office Phone 9841; Res. 2-3C63 DR. B. W. BARNES Dentist 8114 E. Market St. Wilkins Bldg. GREENSBORO, N. C. People’s Drug Store PRESCRIPTIONS FOUNTAIN Grill Open Sunday 'Nights 813 E. Market St. Phones 9312-9528 PROMPT DELIVERY “On us he has laid the duty— The task of the wandering breed— To better tho world with beauty, Wherever the way may lead.” Economy College Shop in the Basement Headquarters for Inexpensive 1934 COLLEGE FASHIONS May, 1934 Miss Kittrell (in conference with Home Economics students): ^ S. J.: “Miss Kittrell, I want to reduce.” Miss K.: “Take a basal.” S. J.: “What is that some kind of medi cine?” -T f Hours by Appointment Phone 8824 I Dr. George G. Simkins I DENTIST f (ilOi E. Market St. Greensboro, N. C. Reynolds Barber Shop 103 N. Dudley St. Courteous, Efficient Service Ladies Eyebrow Arching a Specialty L. E. Re.vnolds, Prop. Dial 9215 Hours 8 to 0; 8 to 9 on Saturdays Self Shoe Shop 303 Bennett St. We appreciate the college girls’ trade Ouaraniccd Work—First-Class Material Dr. Ghas. G. Stewart Surgeon Physician for Bennett College for Women Office; Stewart Bldg. Efficient, Courteous Service Reasonable Prices PRINTING McCULLOCH & SWAIN Paramount Printing !> = Asheboro and Trinity Streets Phone 8809 Neivest Creations in SPRING FOOTWEAR $3.95 and $5.00 ‘ HOSIERY TO MATCH 79c; 2 pairs $1.50 Bell Shoe Store, Inc. 209 S. Elm St. Opposite Kress The Bennett Banner Wishes for Each of You a Most Pleasant and Profitable Vacation