I'agc Four THE BENNETT BANNER October 29, 1937 Campus Notations JOKES ■Ml'. \V., iui A. iuul T. I'rosliman, lii'iiily Itclit'vcs in tlie "TUy, try again” tlieory. At least it scorned wlien he calleil to see Miss I-. II., P.ennett fresli- nian, Friday night and again on Sunday and was denied tlie privilege eacii time, time. Oh, well, Mr. W.—Kee)) a-trying. Freshmen know that A. and T. is not the only school in (ireensboro—a fact verified by the fre(juent visits the young Lutheranite pay at .Tones hall. For e.\ami)le. (here's the itiiling and cooing ol' Miss II. T. and Mr. t'. A.; of Miss 10. I’, and Mr. -M. II. •Miss F. W. carries on (he tradition of freshman taking out niiiK'rciassmen.- We're speaking of Mis,s C. U.'s former l)oy-rriend, Mr. P. L., of Lutheran, ■Miss J. It. I’, likes the caveman tyi)e, at least one would tliink so when she holds hands with I). M. >S., of Living stone. Is iliss K. offering Miss .1. ('. comMetition for the attention of Mr. 1!. :\i. ■\nd believe me, there's a real ro mance budding between Miss C. L. S. and ^Ir. (i. P. Can it be true (hat Xliss I. I’, is tak ing u|) wi(h Mr. I“. JI. right wliere her room-mate left oft".' And won't Miss C. li. iiave something to say about that'.' And did you know that we have a freshman (('harlottt') Mae We.st who asks of a handsome A. and T. fellow— "Why, don(cha come ui)'n see me some time'.'" Can you imagine Mis.s I>. C. stretch ing two minutes into two liours on Sunday afternoons when Mr. S. M. Is calling'.' Just who is Jliss E. K. Ws real se cret passion—-11. (J. II., the senior or II. W., the soi)homore. Who'll be the winner in the rivalry for the affections of Mr. M. 1’.—Miss I!. 15. or Mis.s K. A,'.' Have you noticed (he twins have a boy friend between them—Mr. II. C. ‘I iiis casuaTT)T)si'^'(n'lias noticed that Mr. T. It. S. ('I'eddy to you) has sliifti'd his attentions from Miss F. I’. L. to Mi.ss 1. V. We are pleasc'd to note that in spite of constant inlerference on (he pait of "frij'nds," Miss U. A. continues to hold her own in the affections of Mr. ,1. II. C. Dr. Dett Presides at Vesper Service A saident failed in examination. He telegrai)hed his brother, “Failed in all five. Prepare papa.’’ The brother telegraphed back. "Papa prepared. Pre pare .vourself.” On coming liome from dinner one day a freshman was causing much e.\cite- ment because her trunk hadn't come. An upperclassman very sympathetically asked, "Do you have your check'/” The freshman answered very seriously, "Xo, she always .sends me money orders.” "Daddy, I don't think mo(her knows much about raising children,'’ said four- year-old Mary Jane. “What makes you think so'.'” asked the father. “Well,” said the li;tle girl, "She makes me go to bed when I'm wide awake and makes me get uii when I'm awfullv sleepy.’’ JUNIOR CLASS WILL GIVE NOVEL PROGRAM -Vt 4 o'clock on Sunday afternoon, October L’4. in the Carrie Ilarge (.'liapel, Kennett College, Dr. K. Na thaniel Dett, supervisor of tlie Music department, presentf'd a nuisical ves pers, The guests artists a])i)earing on this very int're,sting program were Mr, Paul Oncley, baritMne, professor of music jit Woman's College, I'nivei'sity (►f Xorth Carolina. (Jreenshoro, X. and Mrs. Paul Oncley, accompanist to Mr Oncley: Mr. Hernard Mason, violinist, professor of music at A. and T, College, (Jreensboro, X. C',: and Mr, Warner Lawson, accompani.st to Mr, Mas(m, also of A, and T. Colle.ge. Others appearing on the program were Jlrs. Helen Flise Dett, ])ianist, Bennett Col lege Choir, and the Hennett College Cinartette, composed of the Misses Min nie Keeves, Frances Uandall, Phyllis Shelton, and Frances I,ucas. Appreciation and Thanks A group of war veterans were dis cussing Thanksgiving. One of the guests was a veteran who had lost both legs. “And what have you to be thankful for?” tliey asked. “Lots,” he replied, “I’ve got cork legs and I can put on my socks with thumb tacks.” Morrow Drug Go. 813 Ea.st ^Market Street Phone 9312 GHFFXSHOKO, X. C. Patron : "Look here, waiter, I ordered chicken pie and there isn't a single piece of ciiicken in it." "Waiter: '“That's being consi.stent. sir. We also have cottage cheese but so far as I know there's not a cottage in it.” Fnglisbnuui: “:My great grandfather was made an earl by the King wliose likeness you see on this coin.” American ; "That's nothing, Tiie In dian whose head you see on this one made an angel out of my great grand father. For reaching across the table to help himself to tlie butter Johnny was sharply reproved. "What did you do that for'/” demaded his father. "Haven't you got a tongue?" "Yes, sir,” said (he boy. "bu( my (ongue i.sn't as long as my arms.” Wee JIaggie, radiant over tiie recent addition to the family rushed out of the house to tell (he news. “Oh, you don't know what we've got upstairs,” she cried. “What is if.'’’ “It's a new baby brother.'' "You don't say. Is he going to stay?" "I tiiink so” (very thoughtfully) — "He's got his things off.'’ A small girl a.sked lier mother: "If I grow up and get married, will I liave a husband like Papa?" "Yes, my dear." replied the mother, “.\nd if I do not get married, will I be an o!d maid like Aunt Susan?” "Yes," was the rei>ly, 'I'lie little girl thought for a minute, "Well, I am in a fix,” “Darling,” slie cooed, "I've .just read that a man out west traded his wife for a horse, Y'ou wouldn't exchange ni(‘ for a horse, would you?'’ "Xever," he replied dutifully, “but I'd hate to have anyone tem])t me with a good car.” Herewith are the five essentials of an ideal date : ]. She doesn’t eat much. 2, She’s good looking. She doesn't eat much. She's a good dancer. She doesn’t eat much, —The DcPauUa. a, 4, “Who’s afraid they failed on yester day’s exam?” smiled the teacher. “Pm not,” said Cookie Postelle, a,s she hoiK'fully deposited on the desk a vase of roses, a big red apple, and a box of candy,—Xcic Mcxico Lobo. G. G. Simkins, D.D.S. Hours by Appointment X-ray Service Telephone 8824 8031/2 East ^Market Street Greensboro, N, C. One of the best chapel programs liresented this year was the one siionsored by the junior class on Wednesday, October l!0. The first part of the program was devoted to a skit entitled, "Raw Deal A'ersus Ideal,” written by the Jfisses Bertha Joyner and Maxine Davis. Those participating in the skit were the Misses Frances I-ucas, Frances Jones, Georgia Hilary, Sankie ICverette, Evelyn Stewart. Alice I’atterson, Lisbeth Edwards, liennie Mae Young, Itettye Crump, P>ertha Joyner, and Maxine Davis. After the .skit the class pre sented for the first time their class song, This sung, said to be beautiful by everyone who heard it, was composed by the .’\Iisses Alice Patter.son and I’hyllis Shelton. First, the song was sung by a iiuinu'tte composed of Misses Katherine .Maxwell, Sidney Jlax- well. Julia Wilson, Uutli Jackson, and Florence Lig.m, Then the en tire ,1'unior class stood ui> and sang it in unison, • ♦ • Did You Know That-— A Little Bird Told Me— ,1, Most distinguished editorial writer is Jame.s Whitefield Owens, of the Holtimorc min? 'I. To know one's amazement, At lanta's (iny Margaret Mitchell got for “(ione With the Wind,” fabu lously successful first novel abou; tlie Civil war? .‘i, James Itoosevelt, 21, the I’resi- denCs youngest son, spent .$1,(172 be tween July 3 and September 8 on pleasure ? 4. The Fnited States has enough automobiles so that everyone can ride comfortably at one time? 5. The cost of living in August rose 10 per cent over July, according to the Xational Industrial Conference Board, reaching Tr^er higher than -August a year ago and 24 per cent ai)ove the 1!)M:! low? (I. X-ray movie-s now show internal organs at wcnk? 7. Helen Keller, deaf and blind author, underwent an operation for gall i)ladder at tlie ^layo clinic, Itochester, Mass, Her coniliticu is satisfactory? 8, Science servict' lias uncovered one of tiie most incrediMi? parental assort ments ever found- a 1.5-year-old boy named Knploo whose father is an Eski mo and his mother a Yulu from far off Africa? !), The coiLStitution of the United States is I.IO years old? 1(t. Congress passed the Xeutrality Act last spring? 11. Kussia wants abandonment of Xon-Intervention plan ? If a fellow tries to kiss a woman and gets away with it he's a man ; if he tries and doesn't get away with it, he’s a brute; if he doesn't try, but would get away with it if he tried, he's a coward; but if he doesn't try, and wouldn't have gotten away with it. if he had tried, he's wise.—The Pointer. The squirrel looked at a freshman, Then his mother's gaze did meet; "Yes, darling,” said his mother, "But that's not the kind \ve eat.” —Salemite. Personally, we rei^resent The minority five per cent. —OiUlfordian. That there is an old adage which says, "Beauty and brains don't go to gether."—All right freshmen, let's see what you have? That Evelyn Porter has given up bridge for the fa.scinating game called “Sticks.'’ That iliss Marguerite Xelson doesn't want people to know that Marcellus' first name is Catilinus. That I. C. has lost some of her ego. Three cheers for I. C. That J. L. is suffering heart attacks because lier love believes that “variety is the spice of life.” That the freshman class is all right ] and that any go.'isip )/(-«!/ be the results of jealousy. That Jliss 11. A. has the “ideal man.” Here's hoping you won't be disilUi- sinned II. A. That Miss F. L. 11, (a fresliman) prefers liome products even if A. and T, is next door, 'I’liat it takes more than castor oil to give a certain class the work cmt. That majiy freshmen are majoring in A(lv(i)icc(I IIurrnonn. That the sophomores have very uni(iue ideas this year, Tliat .Miss D. W, is planning to be an evangelist. That Miss J. M. is following in the too: steps of her bo.s.s. That Mi'-s J. K, is getting up in the world—going to the show with A, L, Is it because of someone's absence? 'I'liat the love bug has bittea C, G,— to be or not to be in love . . . and get away with it . . . that is the question. That I.. W., of the Queen City, and Mi.ss A. E. L., of a nearby city are se cret rivals for the love of Mr, W. W,, of A. and T. Come on, show us gome real competition. Tliat there are more Duchesses than the Duchess of Windsor. X'est pas K. S.? That a certain Von and not Von Hin- denburg has Miss (i. J. on the .spot. Is it “Xo Alan's Land'’ or is be the hero of (he hour? That Jliss D. O. D. is rivaling Itobe and plans to publish a personal vogue for 19.'37-'38. That Miss G. E. has a lot of gold in her mouth. I've always heard that the best way to a woman's heart was through her mouth, meaning giving her plenty of eats. This young lady has given me a new version. That Miss F. S. will give anyone ad vice on how to practice teach. That Miss A'. McD. had to go home for eye strain. Is it because "she only liad eyes for Mr. Allen Williams?'’ That Mis.s T. is "breezing along” mighty fast in that new ^■-S. Thanks, I prefer to walk. That ('hef makes “A” when it comes ' to cooking rice. That we're beginning to cut whislcers on white potatoes and salmon. That if my identity is discovered I'll have much explaining to do—so good bye until you look up and see a cute little bird? Famous Sayings of Faculty Members Aliss Jones: “Are you trying to be- funny ?” Mr. Dickens; “I hope, I hope, I hope.” Mr. P'arrison : “I love you all, every last one of you.” Mrs. McLaurin : “Xow, young ladies, you're too noisy, modulate your voices.”'. Aliss Kittrell; “Everybody is stupid but me.” Jliss Tate: “This is a scientifie course.” “Who has been messing with this radiator.” Miss Gould : “My pots and pans.” Miss Player: “Vous frabique, Mile.”’ Miss Johnstone: “It really do not matter nohow.” Airs, Simmons: “Has the last bell rung?'’ Miss Foster: “Tliis class is just as important as your liistory cla.ss,” Jliss Hamlin; “Excuse me for being late," •Mrs, Taylor: “You got any money for me. dear?" Dr. Dett: "(iood morning, girls.” Airs. Dett; “I wish you would find the hymns before you come here.'’ Aliss Darden: "Well, I'll just give you a dose of oil.'’ Afr. Well : “Xow, can you not see, my dear students.'’ Air, Alorton: “Xow, ladies, I can’t take but one of you at the time,” Air, Worniley: “Xow, now when I was at the hotel in Xew York,” Afi.ss Jetton : “He just sent me some beautiful flowers,” Things We Gan Do Without The administration’s definition of ‘•convenient” when applied to radios. Seniors' ’‘balls.” “Dean F. S.’s" deaning, G, II,'s sarcasm, E, P, L,'s Aft, Olivian accents, 11, r>,'s Xew York brogue, Ala Alac's telegrams. Faculty's dancing'; cjasj. Kent-Pfiffer Feud, Freshmen initiation as imposed by class of '4(1. Intrusions upon “penthouse” (3rd floor privacy). F. It.'s "oriental hat,” Aly best thoughts come after 10:00 o'clor-k—practically my only thoughts— at 1:00 I get sleepy. What can one do in three hours? I give up.—Guilfovdian. JESSIE WATKINS Royal Cab Service Dial 2-1153 or 2-1154 900 East IMiarket Street Greensboro, N, C. We Call For and Deliver PHONE 9119 Shoffner’s Tailoring—Dry Cleaning Dyeing 922 East .Market Street Greensboro, N, C. For the Party— Gall Us For the Eats Our delicatessen department can prepare on short notice, ready to serve: Fancy Cake.s, Cookies, Sand wiches and all the fixings. Just call 2-3176 and tell us when, what and the number to be served. Patterson’s Dept. Food Store 219 S. Elm Street You Can Always Find • DRESSES • COATS • furs • SUITS That Are Different at 120 S. Elm Street