Page Four THE BENNETT BANNER December. T:i39 CHOIR IS HEARD AT STATE UNIVERSITY ♦ Gives (’oncert at Chapel Hill Under Sponsorship of Stu dent Union of U. N. C. 'I'lic Sciiiiir I'lioir inadi' its sccdiiil ]]iaj(ir lliis \ r.'ii' (in Siiii- (l:iy cv^'iiiiiK. Xdvcinbcr Ki. Al tliis tiiiic. till' choir. iniiliT llic diri'clion iif I )r. X. i;. I)cll, w.-is liy tlic S(nilcii) I'riioii 1)1' till- riiivcvsity of Xcirlli ('aro- liii.-i. .-il ('liajicl llill. X. ('. iiriiL'raiii. wliicii lasted fur one liiiur, was \'cry well alt(-iidcd liy one of I lie most appn'cial ivo aiidioiiccs that tlic clioii' lias c\cr aiipcarcd lic- foro. As was stati'd. this was (lie sccoiul apiH'araiicc of llic clioir, tlic tirst liav- iliK iK'rii ill I!al('if;li. X. ('. I’otli ])ro- i;raiiis were (|iiilc successful jiidKiuf; friiiii Die iiiaii.N' cimiiiliiiieuts and K'X'd wishes which llii' i;riinii has i‘ecci\'ed. ♦ • ORGANIZATION NEWS .JIMOK TIIKATKK (U ILI) 'I'lie iiienilicrs of the .Junior 'I’heatcr (Juild met 'I’uesda.v evcninu' for llio liin'iKise if oruanizinj;' tiie cluli. with •Miss ('Ifirice (Jamlile, iii'csideut of tlie Senior (!uild. iiresidins. The followin,!;' oflicers wei'o elected: Siira Krienile. |iresideiit : 'riiomiisine Kirkland. \ ice presiilcnt : (»rinda Wliife. seeretar.\': Ilarriette l''itz^'er- ald. Iiusiness manager: and Sara l/ou liari'is. chaimau of llie social coiiimit- te‘. •\ slinrt one act iilay is lieiiiK pre- liared to lie i;iven witli a pri'sentation of |h(\ Si'nior (inild in I lie near future. full and inter(‘stiiis pro.uram is liein,u: planned for lliis year. II is hoped tliat the oriianizat ion will liecoine an iiii- jiorlant one in the coUe^e ciirriciiliini. 'I'lie dirpctresses are the Misses I'ran- ■Jolmson. I>.\’dia .letton. and .Mrs. V i« ‘ I )M n iel s nle.s liy the various A. S. TJ. grouii.s in order (o aciiuaint the pulilic witli it.s work. The Hennetf ('liapler is looking for ward tn the return of Miss Francis •Jones for her holidays. She was for mer president. The A. S. r. convention will he held al Hartford, ('onnecticut. It is ho]ied that Heniiett will have a representative present. >ri SIC l)KI*.\KT.MKNT 'I’lie orchestra was brought to our attention a few Sundays ago and most of us were surprised at tlie ])i'o, which it iiresented. It began, with ilr. Calliii direetin,g. as a sti'in,g orchestra, but later added a few other instrunients. Xow tlie or chestra is coniiiosed of 25 and instru- nients which include such groups as string liiiss. wood wind, brass \vood, piano accordion, tirst and second vio lins, ilriini and piano. Al present, the orchestra is wori^ing on material for an hour iirograin in pie|iaration for engagements at the Windsor ('onimunit.v Center in the cit.v and at Ihe ()ak Uidge lligli School in dak Itridge. X. C. Members of fh(‘ orchestra and the sections in which they play are as fol lows : Kirst violin : Misses Alma Stewart. \'era Sugg. Doroth.v .lackson, AVilla 1!, l’la,ver, Mrs. Cooper and .Mr. \V. T. I’ynuni. Second \ iolin : .Missi's Martha Haw kins. Hattie \'incent. Lillian I’ettifin'd. ■Mattie Sellars. Ilarriette l-'itzgerald. and 'I'hadamalhM' X'elson. Wood wind: Misses Annelte I’itts. lOdith Fleming. lOlla I’erry. and Master Frank .lones. I’.rass wind : .\Iiss(“s Edwin (Jraliani, Marion Thacker. Estelle AVard. Aus tralia Hines. .'111(1 .Mr. Theodore (ireen. Drum: .Miss Clara .Maudlin. String bass: .Miss i)oroth.\’ lirown. I'inno accordion: .Miss Lillian Wil liams. I’iano: .Misses Edith Whiteni:in and Elizahetli (inthrie. .Vhisicale Presented K k’Ii Week 'n an effort to culti\:it(‘ a desire POErS CORNER THK HOLY IJIKTH To liethleheni of .liide.a. In the days of Herod the King, Came the Virgin .Mar.w A Savior to this wn-ld to bring, "Call his n.aiiK' Eniaiiiiel." 'riu“ Angel to .Joseph said: ■•Peace and light he shall he to men; To men the living bread." In the little town of I’.etiilehein So quiet, so still, so low. Christ was boi'ii in a man.yer Clion the stabh; tioor. In cpiest of the Holy Cliild. Wise .Men came from afar. The.v knew the Savior had lieen born. For in tlie East appeai'cd his star. '■(bi se.arch for the Holy Cliild." Said Herod to the Wise ,Men thi-ee, ■'And when you have found tin; Habe Iveturn again to me." 'I'lie Wise' Men followed tlie star, Wliose light did brighten tiieir way. Fiitil its I'a.vs fell on Hi'thlehem ()ver where the Christ Cliild lay. \Vitli trembling hands, yet joyful hearts, Fpon their knees they fall: tU'fering frankincens(‘ jiiid in.\rrh To our King Emanuel. Itetween the earth and Ihe skies The Hol.r Angels did sing, ■■(ilory to Cod in th(‘ higliest, (>n eai'th is born a king,'’ FAXXH': CWVXX, '40 Class News SKMOK CLASS The Senior Class would like to take this opportunity to express their thank.s to the Student (Jovernmeiit for the I lovel.v evening spent on December L A good time was had by all who at tended the dance. Don't fail, to call on the .Senior Clas,s for IDO'/c coojieration. ()ur thanics to ,\'ou again for u .grand time. SIP.YL I'AYXE. '40 JIMOK CLASS 'J’lii* .lunior Class ,i:ave a ilatinee Daiieo Saturday, December IG. They invited their bo.v friend as their gue.sts and the affair was enjo.ved by all who attended. The class wishes to extend and acknowledge its appreciation to its president. Miss Doi'othy Stelle, for th(' fiu(> work she has lieeii doing since holdin.g the otHce. Kent, Hall girls who are also .luu- iors sponsored the Thanksgiving lUrth- (lay Dinner. The program was one ;that received mucli comment liecaiise I of the excellence of its rendition. Kent Hall also has a newcomer to the dor- ; mitor.v, nanIel.^■. iliss Cora Mae l{udd. i We liojie that she will feel at home [among her sister classmates. Tlie class j wj^shes for you .'ill a very merry Clirist- mas. ELEAXOK .lOHXSOX. ^41 F.aculty Column (•lie of the most reassuring cliarac- tei'istics of liumaii life is its quite in- cradicahle allegiance to the ideal. How- “\'cr completely one nia,\' have aceoni- niodated oneself to the state of alfairs one calls "realit,\’." there is still in one enough of dissatisfaction with things as they are to allow to one's SOrHO.MOKK CLASS Tli«* young ladies of Annie .Merner llail with tlieir company were enter tained by eight members of the Soph omore' Class at an informal part.v in tlie parlor of Annie Mei'iier Halt. X'o- I vemlier ;!0. Several games w(re played, Rafter whicii refresiiments were served, ■ 'rile occasion was b.v all jires- j ent. VIIMHXIA SXlfES. '42 KKKSHMAN ( LASS The Freshman Class held its Urst Kirkland; assistant secretar.v. Helen I’almore: and treasurer, Helen Clark. An activitie.s committee was also se lected with Valena Welch as chairinaii. '4’he.v have planned several class ac tivities for the year. With oiti- cers tlie class hopes to be ver.v suc cessful. The Freshmen have also entertained their sister class this year. They gave a movie Avhich was made possible through the courtes.v of Mr. Wells. 'The group witnessed several comedies including Jlickey Jlouse, Donald Duck, and I’opeye. After the movie the .lun- iors wore invited to the gymnasium where they were served punch and sandwiches. Miss Jlercedes McClellan entertained witii sevei'al instrumental solos. 'I'lie evening was a ver.v mjoy- I alile one. I 'riie class is well r('pr(*sented in atli- j letics. They have outstanding players ill hockey, archery, and tennis, 't'licy were winners of thi' intramural hocke.v game between them and the Sopho- I mores. It is hoped that the.v wiil ex cel in inti'amurals as tiieir sister class, the .Juniors, One fif tlie most en.joyable activi ties of the st'ason w;is the Freshman Dance held in the 'J'hirktield (Jymna- siiim Saturday. December 2. 'I’he gymnasium was dei'oratwi with Ihe school colors, blue and white, and Ihe fireplaces at each eml of the gyni- iiasiuni contained a glowing fire which gave the Ix'auliful backgTOuiid. 'The pastel shades of dresses worn by tlie I'^reshmaii .girls added to the color scheme. 'I'lie source of en.joynient came from music ]ilayed by tlie A. & T. (’ollege or(hestr,i. 'I’lieir vi-rsions of the lar- est song hits were en.joyeil liy every one. During inti'rmission refreshments were serx’cd. 'I'lie dance lasteil from •S to 11 o'clock. LAFKA ALSTDX, '4:; KFTII (;AI>L0WAY, '4M V, W ( . A. Till' V. 'W. ('. cabinet of lit I ('ollege |)la,\'cd Santa Claus again this year to Hie needy children of Ihe com- niiinity \vith thi'ir annual ('hristmas party, at which time thi' children were ]ire>eiiled with toys and articles of clothing. The.\‘ were a.'so ser\'ed hot coco,-I. sandwiclies and fruit. All ot ihe dormitories gave donations ot mone.v with whicli to |inrchas(' the to,vs .'111(1 clothes. Tile cabinet h:is also broughi to the ciimpns Howard Kester. who is one of the foundei's of th(‘ 'reminis and Sharecroppers Fnion. Much was learned alioiit the position of the share croppers and tenant farmers in tlie South from liis lecture. A. S. I . The I’.ennell Chaiiter of the S. F. held its annual dislrict meeting De cember I'.K'.'.'. in Kent Hall parlor. Kcpresentat i\ cs from the I ni\’ersit.\' of Xorth Caridina. Woni.'in's College, (luilford ('olle^'e. and -V. il^ I. ( ollege i\-ere present. Fresident Lee Wiggins ot the I ni- \(>rsily of Xorth Caroliii.-i was cliair- man of the meeting. Keports from the various chapters wei-e iires(>nted and pi,'ins were made for Ihe inei'Hiigs. He also advocated working with other organi/.ations. Many other jilaiis are on foot. It w;is suggi'sted tliat a radio program be siionsoroed once a w('ck' tor L) niin- Fhone 2-itHil Hours !*-l 2-j F..M. Dr. W. L. T. Miller Dental Surgeon !il4 E. .Market St. CKEl'lXSIiOKO. X. C. lor a higher l.xpe of music, a special liiiK' has been set for sludents to hear selected classical and semi-classical music. 'I'his program is presented every 'riiiirsda.\' morning ar regular chapel time in the music room of Hol- g.'ite Libr,'ir.\'. Mr. (5atlin of the music deiiartmeiit ludjis the students to listen more intel- ligentl.\' to the programs by giving a siiort stor.v of th(> b.'ickground of the numlK'i'S pla.x'ed. In this stor.\' he tells of the (-omposer. th(' incident \\iiicli caused the piece to lie \\ritten. and Ihe meaning it is trying to conv(>y. Considerin.g tin' large groups whicii attend the s\'t*ekl.\' half hour ]irogranis. the plan for greater appreciation of the ch'issics seems to be a ^'er.\■ suc cessful one. I n.eeting in the chapel. October 22, for ithe ])iirpose of electing officers. 'I’he following oflicers were eh'cted : ]iresi- ! mind coinniunion willi the lovel,\’ forms of an intelligiliie world. 'I'o the luiman spirit, drawn as it is to tilings of beauty !Uid truth, the idea of Christ mas with its persistent hope that the world is in reality belter Hian it ap pears in exp(*rieiice. iias had hislori call.v a tremendous appeal. And it may be Hiat a heightened awareness of all of the beaut,that this idea eni- liodies niiglit sutlice. like th(“ freshness of a dream, to I'evive mankind from tile darkness ot this world in l!l.'>tl. On behalf of IIk' Faculty ('lub. 1 am happ.v to extend to the stmU'iits of IJeniu'lt ('ollege sincere liest wishes for all the .joys of this season. \\'1LT.IA:\1 a. r.AXXEli. I’residenl Compliments of BENNETT COLLEGE ■ KuHi Evcrette: secretary, 'riiomasine t f i)i‘licious Food ;it U(‘a>onMMo I’ricos STEWART’S Electric Shoe Shop “For Fine Shoe Repairing” 7(H-* K. .Marker St, I’hoiic ills.") A. A. Stfwnrt. \'vo]\ I Miss .lolinsioHe: tlio I lirsl slovo. Miss .h^lTt'riosV” Air. Morton: '■What is an idiosyn- .u>tieries: ■■Vulcan." I •It’s :\ (liscnso which Miss Johnstoiu' ((‘Xjisi)c‘ratel) : "Oli cojiu's from th»' hick of vilniiiius. i 110 I Tliat's a (irt'ck' ii'oL" Sliell Service Station ■I\Mi;s l>. l^iiK’i;. M(ni'j(iy Dial !MSr> 7112 10. Market SI. (iiHOEXSltOUO. X. ('. Reynolds Barber Sliop lii:; X. Dudle.N' SI. i;kei-:xsi!oi:o. x. c. MllllllCIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIimillllllllllllllMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilMIIIIKIIIinillllllllUMIIUdllllllMIIIIIIIIII M lUIMIltllllUIIIIIIIIIIUIIItllllllllllllMlllllltlllllllllMltlllllllUlllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllUlllllllllllu:^ Mangel’s | Feminine Apparel jj 216 S. Elm St. II (ii'eeiislioi'o. X. C. || Phdtie 7(l'28 II DR. C. C. STEWART Surgery a Specialty ('onsiilti)i(i Suff/eoii fo Heiiiiett College, lininatiticl Liitlicriiii College and I’almei- .Mctiiorial Institute. Ollice I’luine 7-''i12 Kes. I’lKaie 7221 Palace Sweet Shop JL !)():■!I ^ J']. ;\Iavket St. Dial 9233 Dr. B. W . Barnes DKNTISr (;i!i:exsi:oi:o. x. ('. Hotirs: S:.'!(l to I. 2 to .'i. and (> to s (Utice I’hone: !>S4I Kes. I’hone: 2-.’!ti(!"' Wilkins I’ddg. Ml E. .Market St. ShofEner’s Tailor Shop '.122 1:. .Market St. CKIlEXSliOKO. X. ('. il■( ('tH l'ir inid DiliI'cr I'hoiie '.mil Student I’rice .2.'i .in.... ..1^ = ^’IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIKIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIUMIIIIUIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ^ Oliicc Hours: 1*' lo 12 A. ~M. o t» ■'> ami T to !) I’. DR. J. B. M’LAUGHllN Physician and Surgeon Ollict' I’hone .''i'iS4 ■ Kes. 1‘hone 2-:!7.SO ' !ii;; E. Market SI. (:kei-:xs!'.oko. .x. c. I r ,i>|i|tMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIItnillirlllllMlllllltllll(ll1MIII‘« II iiicirttiii = Coinpliments of DR. G. H. EVANS Resident Physician of Bennett College _ I _ Ulllllll M ^ I ^ Kill.II M Compliments of DR. WM. M. JENKINS Dentist Office llottfs: !) A. .M.-l P. .M. Compliments of D. E. Allred The Quaker Grocer 1100 Iv ilarket St. (JKKEXSHORO. X. C. Dick’s Laundry Co. Launderers and Cleaners PHONE 7101

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