MARCH, 1942 THE BENNETT BANNER Page Two THE BENNETT HANNEK Published seven times a year by llie students ot Bennett College. Subsci'iption Price.. 50c A year THE STAFF Editor-in-Cliief .... Ola Parker, ’42 Associate Editor.. Valena Minor, ’43 Husiness Mgr. . Helene L. Jacobs, ’43 Circulating Mgr.. .Hattie Taylor, ’4 2 Repoiters and Contributors— Helen Boulware, ’45, Geneva Powell, ’45, Roberta Favors, ’45, Cassandra Moore, ’45, Mary Taylor, ’44, Constance Steward, ’44, Elizabeth Gilliam, ’44 Vashti Warren, ’44, Katlieryn Davenport, ’44, Dorothy De- vaugiin, ’44, Hath Everett, ’43, V'ii’ginia Holder, '43, Catherine •Johnson, '42, Evelyn McNeill, '42, Margaret Hoykin, '42, Mar tha Hawkins, ’42, Hallece Pig- het, ’42. . I’hotographers .... Betty Wade, '44 Marguerite Pope, ’44 Faculty Advisors . . Miss Lois Taylor Mrs. Maggie 15. Daniels Mr. A. C. Dutton EDITOKLVL work done by putting your stamp of approval on things about which you should properly be highly indignant. So the next time your race is jokingly insulted on the screen, aon t laugh! Suppress that ner- V ous urge somehow! Be perfect ly silent. Report the distaste- lul incident to your theater management—show them that you RESENT it! In that way some day m the not too far oif the Negroes on screen will ue persons that will make ,y'„u proud that you, too, have a brown skin. especially during these dark (lays when America is arming, both mentally and physically, for total defense. Let us allow ourselves to ex pand, to delve beneath the realms of mortals and seek ex perience through the will. As Schopenhauer has put it, ‘‘It is only through music that we can get the most out of life itself.” YOUR RACE IN THE MOVIES You’re in a theater— silting in the balcony, of course, because thi; i=. the South and you are a Negro. The feature attraction is going on w hen suddenly there is flashed on the screen a fat, BLxVCK, greasy, grinning char acter. And what is your im mediate reaction? You burst in to loud appreciative guffaws and think that this character is probably the funniest you have ever seen. Why? Do you like to see your race represented at its lowest, most ■inattractive level? Do you want other people to judge you by the movie reprf'sentation of the Negro? Do you want to be ihought of as a peipetually grin ning, lazy stooge that speaks in a half-witted dialect? Of course you don’t and yet as long as you laugh at them, the cinema pro ducers will continue to charac terize the Negro as unbecoming ly as possible. The matter of typing the American Negro as ‘‘the happy cotton p'cker” has long been a bone,of contention championed by the N. A. A. C. P. Advertisers have been forced to change their illustrations of the Negro wom an. Instead of the big, common, iigly, black “mammy” formerly seen in the ads, the Negro w^om- an now is pictured as a rich brown with pleasing features and a not-so-elephantine stat ure. The usual red bandana is missing from her head nine limes out of ten new — nor does she murder the king’s English so consistently or thoroughly as before. The N. A. A. C. P. has fought a long battle to raise the idea of the Negro in the eyes of other races. Yet YOU, the Negro him self, seek to tear down all the Don’t Talk"Act! Newspapers, billboards, movies, radio commentators, and people who love America are pleading to in dividuals and the general public to lalk less and do more toward win ning the war. Some one has been talking too much and thus aiding enemies in plotting against our country. Have you asked yourself what you might do as a student? We might remember that the per son you least suspect may toe one ol those information seekers who is willing to risk his lite to destroy an A)nerican plane or ship. As college students, we are often asked to express ourselves on the war situation. We go on telling what is being done in our American fac- lorics, and boasting that our tanks are well-made with certain metals, and even describe them if possible. We like to feel that the colored boys ai-e using the best equipment to be found in the army and tiiat tlioirs is equal to that found any where else and so w'e proceed to describe it. If a member of your family works in a production plant, you might keep in mind that discussing tue .-.mount of material that goes into a gun or army suit may give some one the wrong kind of idea. Let us remember that secrets of war may be revealed and disclosed in a very few words. And so let us re frain from discussing and describ ing equipment, materials and jobs, and be aware at all times that there are many who are anxious to know what America is doing. Their know ing -won’t help us win the war, but may result in an evil plot. And you want to know wfiat you can do? DON’T TALK—ACT! iVlcjSIC Have you ever given music a serious thought? No, not s'wing alone, but all music, both sw'ing and classical. Music is the art or science of making pleasing or harmonious combi nations of sound tones, the ef fects of which satisfy or dis- satisiy us. But before suddenly deciding which specific type you like, why not give it ah a fair opportunity to please you? The appreciation of fine music is not an innate characteristic with which some few people are endov/ed; we can all come to ap preciate its value. A desire to learn, an attitude of entering upon a new road of adventure, an unbiased mind — these are the simple prerequisites — and a new world revolves about us, the world of music. Some few' people in the universe have met these requirements successful ly; Beethoven’s “Sonata Opus 31, Number 3” is to them celes tial, “The Valkyrce”, a compo sition by Wagner, knows no verbal description , Chopin’s ■‘Ecossaises” is sufficient to hold them spellbound until its com pletion, and so it goes. Just as easy as that, you, too, can be come a cultured member of the circles of music lovers. We might liken our sense of listening to music to a business proposition; we listen because we feel that we might profit by something presented. Music, in spite of its abstrac tions, is one of the most pro found and useful arts to be found in the realm of civilized people. ■‘It soothes the savage”; it can heal the sick, if the case is a psychiatric one, for music can act as a tonic, relieving one of many of his w'orries and cares of the day. It acts in the capac ity of a stimulus, co-ordinating group activity, thus, the use of anthems, hymns, and the like, when masses meet for a com mon cause. Not least, by any means, music may aid in the building up and maintaining of | nft womanhood, we lift morale, a thing most vital to us .iviiization. More Defense Work For Bennett Students Letter to the Editor; Do you think that Bennett Col lege is doing all it can to aid in the National Defense cause? I believe a great deal more could; be done along this line. My suggestion is something similar to what was done recently at another woman’s college. The committee on Civilian Defense at the college launched a Victory Book campaign to collect books for men in all branches of the service, with clever posters to attract the students. They were constantly kept reminded of the urgent need for these books and other defense efforts by posters scattered all over the campus saying, “LET’S FACE IT.” The students co-operated w'hole- heartedly with the Victory Book campaign by giving to the committee over 500 books. Why can't the Bennett girls, think of the men in camps in some similar manner? VOX POP ]5y Constance Steward, Inquiring Keporter Many of us, I am sure, have read the numerous articles appearing in our current magazines on “Our Place In National Defense.” These articles all leave many questions. One is, naturally, the woman’s place. What is It? Some authorities on the subject say that tlie woman of Ameri ca’s place is in the home', others, in the defense jobs which many women hold, and still others contend that we, the w'omen of America should be drafted into a standing army, an army to take the place ot our brothei’s, fathers, and sw'eetliearts who are not coming back, one similar to the one Soviet Russia now has. W-'hat do you, the women of Ben nett College, think? Would you like to be drafted into this militai'y ser vice or do you think your place is still in the home? Should we, the women of Ameri ca, be drafted into a standing army? Anona Blanchet, Freshman, does not like tlie idea— “No, who would be home to cook and to help make machinery to be used in the war.” Mary Gregory, Junior, agrees with Miss Blanchet,— “No, women can take an active part along other lines of defense and it will be just as important.” Miriam Hart, Senioi-, is slightly on the fence about the subject— “At the very end or when the man power is exhausted, women, then and only then, should be drafted in to a standing army.” Icie- Parks, Senior, has another view' on the subject— “I should think women who do not have any definite contributions to make to defense on the home front, should willingly go into the ai'medi forces, since we demand equality with men in every other situation — why not prove it here by defending our country against enemies?” Dorothy Devaughn, Sophomore, is slightly in favor of enlistment— “If absolutely necessary, 1 would be glad to enlist in the army. Re member I say if “absolutely neces sary.” Ruth Van Hook, Sophomore, is definitely in favor of enlistment—■ “Women should be drafted be cause if there is a shortage of man pow'er, we could still liave a ’.veil trained army.” Ruth Harvey, Freshman, her view point on the subject is this— “At the present, I see no need for women to be drafted into a stan dardized army. I think that there are too many other positions that we can fill. I think we should be drafted into training for mechanical and technical instructions so that we w'ill be able to take the places of the men in industries, research labora tories, etc. — When the war situa tion has reachedi the place where our service is greatly needed then, I see no reason why we should nol. be drafted.” Now fellow students, what is your opinion? Should you like to be drafted? A recent survey at Dickinson col lege revealed that more than a third of the freshman class are related to graduates or former students of the College. ELEVEN YEARS AGO Bennett Wins City Basketball Tournament. Senior Day was observed on Fri day, March 18, when the Seniors named their tree after Mary JIcLeod Bethune. The Phi Beta Kappa fraternity of Wesleyan University, the alma mater of David D. Jones, saw' fit to initiate him as one of its members after tw'enty years of absence. Mr. Jones was a member of the class of 1911. Bennett College hald its fifth an nual Home-Making Institute Week. Information Please Did you know that approximately $2,0 00 has been spent to add a thous and new' books to the Tliomas F. Holgate Library during the present school year? The library budget, in cluding $1,500 from the Carnegie Foundation and' $500 from the col- eige, has been used to make it prob ably the most up-to-date college .ibrary in the state. These expendi tures do not include the Carnegie Art set whicii will be reviewed in .his column next month. A full reference collection has been made possible from the Car negie donation. Expensive general and specific reference volumes have been added this year. For recent general information, see the 1941 editions of the “Americanna An nual” and the “Britanuica Year book”. These volumes supplement the encyclopedias by giving the marcli of events tlrrough 19 41. The Coluni'bia Encyclopedia” and the ‘New Funk and Wagnall’s Diction ary” will aid you in your search for jnformation. In the field of literature, valuable additions have been made. E'er those English term papers, the fol lowing volumes are recommended: Lhe 17-volume “Library of Southern Literature”, the “Cambridge Biblio graphy of English Litei'ature ’ and the “New Variorum Edition of Shakespeare”. Information in the field of his tory is also included in the refer ence additions. Siignificant facts about the United States may be found in the “Dictionary of Ameri can History.” Brendon’s “Dictionary of British History” offers the,same_ type of information about Great Britain. Do you know about the index ser vices offered by the library? These indexes direct you to sources of specific materials in various fields. For educational information, see the new “Educational Index.” “The Es say and General Literature Index”, an index to essays in volumes ano miscellaneous w'orks is one you need to know better. If you wish to trace world events as given in issues of the New York Times, use the New York Times In dex. You will find many more help ful indexes at your service in the library. The library budget from the col lege has been used to secure material to make the library serve the func tional needs of the curriculum. Be cause consumer education is im portant in the present crisis, ap proximately 50 new books in this field have been purchased. Why not read Gaer’s Consumers AH, McCaw’s Fifty AVays to Save Money and Rich ardson’s AB(.^ of Co-operatives for information on these popular sub jects? Ever mindful of the achivement of Negroes, the library keeps its Neigro book collection up to date. Most outstanding among recent ad ditions are our own Miss Virginia Simmons’ rich collection of original poems, Wliitecaps, W. C. Handy’s Fatliei' of the Blues, Twelve Million Black Voices by Richard Wright and Arna Bontempts’ Golden Slip- ipers. The library gratefully acknowl edges the gift of 9 88 books by the family of the late Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Suggs of Greensboro. Including a collection of poetic, religious and miscellaneous works, this Igift is valuable. A w-ealtlr in books is at your ser vice in our own Thomas F. Holgate Library, why not make tlie greatest use of it?

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