’age Two THE BENNETT BANNER April, 1945 TIIK JIKNNETT BANNER “Aiivtliiiiii \\';>i*th Kfiulinsi, W Write” TEN CKM'S A COI’V iti.-r, I'KK SUIiSCRIl’XIOM GLORIA DIX, ’45 KDITOHIAL HOARD Chairman MYRTLE L. BROWN, '45 Feature Editor — Business Manager News Editor „ THORA E. KELLY, ’45 CAROLYN L. ROBERTSON, STAFF ASSISTANTS Secretary MAYME HARRIS, ’45 Assistant Busm^f^s^^Manager^^^^^^^ Circulation Manager , Excliange i-ditor NANCY PINKARD, '46 TYPISTS Thelma Thomas, '47 Gwen Alexander, '47 Edith Bishop, '46 Margaret Caldwell, ’46 Willie Ruth Coles, ’47 Precious Copeninc, '45 ADVISER PROOF' READERS Miriam McTeee, '47 REPORTERS Helen Davis, '47 Roberta E. Favors, ’45 Goldwyn a, Foster, '45 CAROL E. carter, ’45 Eleanor Chippey, ’45 Rose Hogans, '47 Jean McCord, ’47 Betty L. Powers, '47 Mary Wagstaff, '45 M. Eugenia Sims, '48 DR. FREDERIC A. JACKSON EDITORIALLY SPEAKING l^ooscvc li-W or LI C Kixcii The untimely passing of President Franklin Delano lioosevelt came as a severe shock to the nation and the world at large. The nation has lost a capable leader and an inspir ing personality: the world has lost a true world citizen and an energetic champion of world peace and international brotherhood. President Hoosevelt’s death was widely and deeply felt. He, more than any other individual, was recognized by the peoples of the earth as a lover of peace and democracy and as a dreamer of a workable international organization aftei the war. It is our duty to help make real the dreams of interna tional brotherhood for which President Roosevelt sacrificed and to perpetuate the high principles for w'hich he stood. Of all the tributes made to President Roosevelt, we can think of none more fitting than a statement made by one of the many radio commentators w'ho spoke of him shortly after his death. He was truly a world citizen. I^cciclc IN ()\\ The sudden death of President Franklin I). Roosevelt did more than any single thing to focus the American p^^o- ])le’s attention on the critical position in which we find our selves at a time w^hen the decisions we must make can have such vital effect on the w'orld in which w’e must live in the future. The need for trained perso-'.nel capable of ^ dealing satisfactorily with the great political and economic prob lems is already at hand, and this need is bound to grow^ as the war nears a close. The hour has arrived when all the people of this coun try must make the decision about the kind of a world w’e should like and must have after this war is over. Just as this country could not remain half free and half slave back in 1862. so today the country must make the decision for a w'orld of international brotherhood, guaranteeing all peoples com plete economic, and iiolitical freedom or accept the woild envisaged by another Hitler or a Mussolini some 25 yeais from now. A decision must be made; there is no middle ground. This Free World which every American desires is in the making now. Teheran, Yalta, C’hapultepec and now San Francisco are all steps in the right direction. And concerned as we are about the matter, it cannot be said that the women of America are being educated in the direction of giving the importance to these problems that they deserve. A type of unconscious isolationism seems to have permeated the thinking of the American woman to the extent of believing that the final victory which will send our boys back home is the complete victory for an enduring peace. To indulge in such idle folly is to invite another World War more devastating than the present one. We won such a victory in 1918 and we inherited a Pearl Harbor in 1941. V-I)ay is not complete victory day; it cannot be; it must not be. Complete victory day can only come with a peace so last ing, so enduring that all people, wherever the\ aie, speak in the same terms when they speak of morality. A comiMete victory will be a realistic one when freedom from want, from, fear and the other guarantees in the historical “Four Free doms” and the “Atlantic Cnarter” signify the identical goal for all people everywhere. This type of world is being molded today. We, as Negro women, cannot afford to set ourselves apart from this great molding because we are a great gear in this molding ma chine, whose product must be a world so rich in heritage as to last and serve all humanity well throughout the ages to come. Indeed, this is the hour for the great decision. Doris Low^ery, 46. Inquiring Reporter... Wliat sliiiulil XeKi'iH'S do to cryst.il- ]\7.t' ji.'iins iiiiidc in (‘iiiployuieiit dui'ing I lie wai'"' 'i'lic voluMic of retained in tlie iiost-war jx'i'iod depends upon the number ol' I'actories and plants that will remain open, or that will coiivei't to peace time schedule. However, the crystallizalion of the Negroes gain,s and Iht' guaranl(‘e of tlii‘ iiermanencey of his i)osition (It'pend ii])on his p.ar- ticii>ation in iniion activities. Ni'groes will only Ik; consideriMl in iiriioii poli cies thi'oiigh the wholehearted co- opi'ration of all the Nesro(‘s in industry lo exert powei' in the unim. DOROTHY WAl.KER. Reader's Retreat :| i T1 le Long iew— stepney in the 185t('s was a little town in New .Jersey steeiied in Quaker ti'aditions and characterized by the Quietness and peace of a Friends' set tlement. Ashei' Allen, a small boy, came from a family of Friends who had a long and intei'esting iiistory. Asiier's grandniottier had related this Iiistory to him over and over again and slie told it so vividly that all tlie ancestors seemed to Asher to be alive as he tliought and dreamed of them. A deep regard and respect for tiie glories of the past became a part of Asher and throughout his lifetime his f;ivorite indulgence was that of I’eflecting up on bygont' days aiul the tralitions and loyalties wbicli had cai'ried over from these days. AsIkm' was the yoimgest of I'our cliil- dren of I!enjamin and .Mary Allen. Hannah, the oldest was married to a wealthy I’hiladelphia businessimin, Iieboraii, when Asiier was still a boy niai'ried the Rf'vei'eTul .John (iriffin. Margery was six years older tiian Asher and very lovely. Asher often Ihought of tlu' other .Margerys of the family, all of whom iiad died yoimg. Somtdiow he I'eared that Margery might die young, too. The (.Uvil War came and most of the yoimg men of Stepney went away to figlit. Asher rebelling against his youth, in a moiiient of dar ing, ran away to .join tiie Union Army. Xaturjilly, he ^^■as too ynuig to with stand (he rigors of battle and was sent bacl home. He liad expected to be thrilled by the sight of battle l)ut he saw only cruelty. It seemed even more crnel when Margery's fiaiu’e, .lonty j Chase was killed anl he saw the light ivrhaps the .nost effective way for |K‘='ve her eyes, the Negro to insuri' the jol)S he now j Asher tuid always loved to tinker liy standing beliind the F. E. ! with machinei-y anl to invent new ])u'tting (-very iiossible effort to-j things. When it was time for liim to de- its "ro"ili with it oni’ guiiiujcide what sol'! of work he would do, to ajipease his mother, he decided to go to I’hiladelphia to study medicine In oi'der to keej) the gains whicii tlie .\egro has made during the prest'ut war. it will be nec(*ssary for us to lie- coine mor(‘ skilled and more prolicient in all tyjK’S of skilled induslrial labor. We must also take advantage of all labor unions and movements imdt'rfoot t(] tin' best of our ability. We uuist also stijjpoi't pressure groups as the F. E. P. t'.. N. A. A. C. P.. and othei' groujis whose aim is to secure cconoinic freeiloin for all regardle.ss of rac(‘. color or creefl. nuist light continuously for all peoplt's ol the v\(n-ld to hav(' (‘coiiomic security and betler Jobs. CASSANldiA MOORE. ’i'o crystalize the gains nuule in em- |)loyinent during the war. Tlu' Negi'oes should win'k cooj>eratively and \\holt*- he.-irtcdly with oi'ganizations as the F. I>:. I’. ('. Organizations of their type ar( better aiile to have laws passed to insure fair employment f(U' the Negro. SENOltA .lOHNSON. has P. war' then oni’ be no pissil)le defeat. .lOCELVN P,LAN('IIET. Nind for the first time he left iionie. His first summer home from school, Asiiei' I foiind a little d\dl. And then a few days befoi'e liis i'eturn a severe epidemic of The Negro will 1)(‘ wise to begin now making permanent the gains which lie has obtained during the war. To do this he should retain the skills that ''liolera spread through the town. Asiier he has learned during the war period |'""iself was stricken lightly and was iand develop new ones s,. that he will' over.-ome witii grief upon ins reentry ibe as necessary a part of pea.'e time | to find that Margery liad (hed. After industry as he was war time. He sliould tl>at Asher stayed home and took a 1(- a uniti'd effort to bt'come an m: integral part of unions—bt' solidly be hind any movement to oiieu unions to Xegro membership. He must learn co- opi ration and iierserverance. NATALIE LYNN. One of the most important tilings that we can do today in order to crystalize tlie gains made in euiploy- nient during the war is to organize and back the fight wholelii'artedly for a l)ermanent l'\ 1^. P. W* should join miions and make a plact' ol distinction for ourselves by partici]iating willful ly and earnestly iii them. P.AIU’.ARA .JEAN SANFORD. Th(“ most important action Negroes 11 take to crystallize gains made in war is to support wlioleheartedly the tlie ing by moral mean the ]>a.ssage of will make Negroes's war a i'(>ality aftei DORIS NEWLAND. F. !■:. 1’. ('., which is presently be- lobbied all over the United States minority groups. Financial and su|i]iort of Ibis endeavor may the i>a.ssage of Ibe bill, wliich ■f dreams in this tlu‘ war. We should help llie current campaign of th(> F. E. P. C. Tlu'y are striving to get a iH'rnianent F. !•;. P. ('. law passed. Oliposiiioii will bt‘ nu't but we can put pressure on our Congressmt'n liy writ ing to llieni and getting others to write too. The others we get to write should include other minority groups as well as whites. Once the F. E. P. is permanent then the Negro's eco- nomi( status will be not only visualized but realized. .JANET WHITE. job at Chase's Machine Shop. Within two or three years Aslier was left alone in the big liouse. His sisters and ti'ieuds tried to persuade him to iimrry Imt Asher was not ready for marriage. Ashei' had perfected an invention and sold the patent to a chain and cable fai'tory in New York state. W'lieii De- i)orali and her minister iiusband left Stejiney for a Poston ciuirch, Asher too bid farewell to Stejiney and took a job in Horatio, Ne\\' \ ork with tlie chain and cable factory. l‘'or some time after ills arrival Aslier was sc, ai)- sorbed in business that he found no time to explore the town or make ac quaintances other tlian those in his boarding house. One Sunday, iiowever, he went to church and was invited to Singing School, a fu'iu of recreation of the young people. There he met Char lotte Hoardnian, town beauty and Sybil, her cliarming younger sister. 'I'liese two were tiie daugiiters of Scpiire Hoardnian, tiie wealthiest man in the town. Asher was soon hopelessly in love with Sybil but tiiat young woman was much too interested in becoming a famous painter to lie interested in such ■•foolish" things as love. However, they had nnich fun together with the other young people. The.v became increas ingly close. Asher was patient with Sybil :ind soon she surrendered iier ambition to )ier love tor Asher. They wtM-e married a year later. After their marriage the wiiole world was a sun lit plact>. The two comiiliniented each iitli,.,-—Asher with his modified t^uaker sobriety and Sybil witli her efferves cent joy and delight in life. The two had a liome of their own in wliich Sybil took great pleasure. Squire and Mrs. Hoardnian MORRIS much concerned aliout Charlotte, their older daughter. She was in love with and determined to marry Humphi'ey .\nsoue, a young farmer. Humphrey was a strange young man, a sort of social outcast and Charlotte could have (lone so much better. Despite everyone's efforts at dissuasion, Charlotte was adamant and married Humphrey. In 1883 tliere was a financial crash and S(iuire Hoardnian lost everything except some property. In order lo sup port the older people Asher and Sybil had to move in with them. Chailot'e's Humphrey was so close with his money that she could give the older folks no help. A few nights after the crash the old S(iuire died. 'I'he company with which .\sher had i)een working was forceil to close so that Asher took over ;i machine repair shop and at the same time he was perfecting an invention in heat radiation. After repeated efforts to make the machine shop pay and sell his boiler patent Asher finally accepted a good offer witii a company in Dune Hariior. .Michigan. Sybil was loathe to leave Horatio but she hioked forward avidly to new adventures. Asher and Sybil with their family of five—P>en, Richard, Deborah, and Itoard and Laura, the twnis — liked their new home and soon became ad justed. 'I'he business went very well ex cept for a labor dispute. The years pas.sed (luickly and Asher and Sybil found their children grown. Hen liad become a succe.ssful businessman and had married Nell Cheritree. Richard went off to college and came baciv de termined to he a writer and was quite a success. Deborah, the bachelor maid of the family finished college and had a .series of interesting jobs. Jjaura mar ried a young German in the town and Hoard was working in tiie Chicago fac tory. In 1!)17 the war came to America. Ricliard went off to Europe as war correspondent and P)oard was a inem- i)er of tiie armed forces. Richard was killed in Europe and Hoard married a young Swiss girl and so remained in Euroiie after tlie war. 1!)23 was the golden wedding an niversary of Asher aiul Sybil. Now that Asher had retired from all work —lie was 74 and Sybil 70—he could abandon himself in reflections of his own life. It was a long view and Asher loved to survey it—the lives, ex periences, and traditions of his ances tors ; his own hnig life—it liad not been exciting and adventurous but pleas ant and peaceful : the lives of his children and of his grandchildren. BENNETT QUARTET KETLKNS FKOM TOUR OF EASTERN STATES (Continued from page 1) Hanks, second .soprano, Allethia W’alk- er, first alto, and Petty Ann Artis, sec ond alto. .Joyce Picot also traveled with the group as contralto soloist. Mrs. (iladys Thomas Gomez wa.s director of the quartette and acconiiianist. ilr. A. A. Morrisey was manager. The Banner is looking forward to a recital by the group on our campus. BARGE HALL PRESENTED Sir-VER SERVICE SET .Mrs. David I). .Jones presented a lovely silver service set in memory of .Miss Ada C. Lndy to the girls of Harge Hall and their dormitory dii'ectory, Jlrs. Wallace. The gift was a present of a group of women interested in tlie welfare of Hennett College and ad mirers of women of worth. Wilhelmina r)oyle, vice-president of the hall, accepted the gift and ex pressed the hope that future occupants of Harge will appreciate the gift as much as tlie girls appreciate receiving it. In addition, each girl is writing to the donor personally thanking her for the gift. President .Tones accompanied Mrs. .Jones to liarge to pre.seiit the .set and promised to return to tell the girls of Miss Carrie Harge, for whom the buihl- wereling was named.