April, 1945 THE BENNETT BANNER Page Three :: Kampuzzations:: The l)unny rabbit came out in style with tlie early Easter Egs Hunt that was given to tlie students by the Sun day School. Briglitly colored egss were everywhere and everyone sci'anibled under l)ushes to see what the Inuuiy liad hidden. The Sophomores came on with their presentation of David Lear. He really was good witli his drama and dance. Congrats to the Sophomore on ttielr class projects. Tlie students really came on with tlie dances this month: there were three in all. The Seniors' gave a Cot ton (iardeii Party. The Seniors added to the “Hailing of Spring” witli their starched and frilled cotton frocks. Doned spick and span for the occas- sion. .lust who said P’riday 13th was unlucky? If you still believe it is just ask tlie Seniors. It was all soft lights and sweet music at the Freshman I >ance. 'Phe Helles and Beaus rejilly came on with the belles looking like CLA.MOI'U restored to life. I'm quite sure you all got a gander at the ballroom done up in a “KhapsiKly in Blue Theme (which was some sharp) and the modern dance interlude to the same melody done by T. Smith was isome fine, 'riie music was just right to put the lads and lassies in the groove. Ves, tiie city-students really icaiiie on. Congrats to you—your deco rations were the finest yet. The badminton tournament was (piite intei-esting with stiff competition from the first round on down to the finals. Annie Lou Cist was the victor in the finals over Frances (iordon, this year's ping pong champ. Don't forget the spring “Sports Day” sponsored by the \V. A. A. Let s be one luuulred per cent hostesses to the W. A. A. of A. and T. Little Tlieater Stages T1 iree Playes The Little Theatre has been buzzing with activity recently. On JIarch 30, the Play Producing and Directing Class presented “Shoemaker's Episode',, a one-act play directed and produced )>y Vera Wooden. The audience chuckled when (iershwin (iodoyle (Ed Ander.son) influenced by the verbosity of Coffee (ionov (Hosea Butler) sud denly discovered that perhaps little Jloll Shaney (Dorothy I'earson) was not a brother after all. Adding to the mirth of the play were the fancy dance step of Dan Kaye as Fancy .lohnson, the man about town and the sales talk of Delores Newsome as Candy Lee, the perfume demonstrator. The -liuiior Theatre (luild kept the audience guessing and a bit jumpy at its presentation of “The Girl ^\ ith Two Faces,” a three act mystery, on April 13 and 14. The parlor of a spooky house on a dark, rainy night with a cranky eccentric, old woman who had but one thought—to disinherit her niece—was the .setting for this mystery. It was inily aftei' much breath-taking action including two murders that the identity of the “girl with t\\'o faces \\'as discovered. Miss liunyan, the old lady was played by Ituby I’oag and her maid, Delphine by Ehiine Mitchell. The six girls among whom Miss Kun- yan decided to split her inheritance were Pola Xew.some, Anna McDaniel, Ruth Hunt, .lean Simms, Edna Gamble, and Virginia .leffries. The one who gummed up the works was Lucille Headen who caused Anna McDaniel, the niece incognito—the girl with two faces, to be discovered. Thursday, April 19, was an eve ning of rollicking laughter when (Jloria Dix, a member of the Play Produc ing and Directing Class presented “I’ot Luck", a one-act comedy. Ko.seiiiary and Tom Edwards (Roberta Favors and Charles Wallace) were a comical pair as they tried to get their landlord, old Mr. Hicks (Bossy .lackson) to move out of the basement. The audience fairly “rolled” when Itoseiuary avenging Tom's introducing Jlr. Hicks as her father, serves the hitter's diiuier of jel lied trout, blackberries, onions, etc., to feetl unexpected gue.sts, Dr. and Mrs. There’s Music In the Air By MARAGAKET HENDP^KSON, ’46 Twice this season we have had the pleasure of hearing the only opera of great Beethoven — “Fidelio". Decem ber 17 the N. B. C. Symphony Or chestra under the direction of Arturo Toscanini ended the Beethoven Festi val with a performance of tlie opera and Jlarch 17 it was given at the Metropolitan Opera House in English. In the former performance were such singers as Kose IJanipton as Leonore, •Ian Pierce as Florestaii, Eleanor Steb- er as Marcellina and Herbert .lanssen as I’izaro. Both performances were very enjoyable though there are some criticisms to be made in regard to the Kngli.sh version of the opera. It is quite true that a performance of the opera in English helps those who do not know the original language of the opera but in this instance there were many times when even the English words could not be understood. An other disjuivantage of translating the foreign language into English is that each word does not match the music correctly. The best performances of an opera must necessarily be given in its original language, be it French, Ger man, Italian, or Kussian. We feel very fortunate to have on our own faculty one of America's great organists. We look forward to the sec ond Wednesday in each month for the regular monthly recitals. At the March recital we enjoyed the “Prelude and Fugue in G Major” by Bach. Other numbers by Bach were “Prelude in D” and a selection in keeping with the Easter season, “O Sacreil Head Sur- rwmded.” Following the short playful composition “The Squirrel” by Weav er was “Ave Maris Stella" by the mod ern composer. Bedell. This composi tion portrayed a solemn procession passing through the quaint street of St. Malo of the town of Quay. Monks chant the Ave JIaris Stella while the archbishop blesses the little fishing fleet anchored in the cove. Church bells are heard from afar, niinglel with the singing of the nuns. The pro cession then whids its way hack to the cathedral in solemn pomp and is lost in the distance. The last number on the program “Carillon-Sortie” by Mulet was exciting, bringing into play the colorful chords that were played as only Mr. Suthern could play them. The Spring Organ Recitals began April 11. The recital began with three compositions by J. S. Bacli—the im mortal “Toccata and Fugue in I) Minor,” and the choral preludes “Je.su, Joy of Man's Desiring” and "In Tlu»e Is Gladness". The program continued with the charming “Minuet’ of C. Ph E. Bach and “In Springtime" by Kinder. Cesar Franck's Chorale in A Minor concluded the program. TE AMO I love you for the bi-ightness of your eyes, And the softness of your voice; I love you for your manliness, and 15ecau.se yini are one of my choice; I love you for what 1 think you are Not for what you may be; 1 love you becau.se 1 have seen the ti'aits In you that others fail to see; I love you because of your thought fulness and (Jentleness that to me is shown ; I love you because you are so kind To others though sometimes not to me; I love you l)ecau.se you seMii afraid to love AtkI rationalize on being “free'’; I love yt>u because you will never know •lust how I am loving you; I love you because 1 feel that some day My lreams will all turn true; I love you because all I have is My life which only you can rule; I love you because I cannot help it— Perhaps I am just a fool. By Precious N. Copeiiing '45. Fads an d Fas! lions Webster says a fad is a craze, amusement, or the like, followed for a time with exag.gerated zeal. And we can test his definition b.v thinking of some of the more recent fads on the campus. First, the Clover Fad. A couple of weeks ago, a stranger ent(“ring our campus would wonder what strange place is this where every one crawls on all fours with her eyes turned downward. No, mister, we weren't pay ing penitence for lost souls but merely looking for four leaf clovers. Some found them by the dozens . . . others, not so sharp of sight, found none. Vet all .searched as if their very existence depended upiai it. One fanatic arranged her catch for the day in a dish of water . . . iuid there they floated like water lilies on a pond. Many pressed them and still others shared their luck with their less fortunate brethren. Is it Hu* possession of the clover that brings you luck or do you have to find them for yourself? If the latter is true, woe be unto those who accept them as gifts. Second—the bicycle fad. At the be ginning of the year there was only one on the campus, now there are bikes . . . bikes . . . and bikes. This fad is I'ather useful when it comes to getting ice cream at reducel rates from (Jib- son . . . or making quick trips to town . . . or better yet for reducing those hips. (Come to ';hink of it bending for clovers should help there too.) Third—The Voung Mule Society . . Jones Hall special. Ciin't say much about this one ... it starteil with a bang . . . time will tell us about it. To classify the recent parties in Barge Hall is a [iroblem. They are amusing, definitely crazy, whoops a sla[i, craze was the word . . . and it sure is followed with exaggeratwl zeal, by participants and with more zeal by those who aren't participating. Vet they have all the makings of a fad. Webster was right when he defined a fad as a craze, amusement or the like, followed for a time with exag gerated zeiil. The definition has bwMi testwl well on the campus here of late and was not found wanting in any of its asjiects. Mitch ell (Riginald Reeves and Mary Pearson). Watch the calendar for more plays which will be presented soon by the Theater (Juilds and by the Play Pro ducing and Directing Class. KALEIDOSCOPE Nutrition Students Assist In CommunityHealtliP rogram The community iirogram of Health Education, under the direction of Miss Flossie Parker was projected during the past month by nutrition students under the supervision of Miss Barbara Ware, director of Home Economics. Nutrition students conducted quiz shows in the Mt. Tabor and Collins (irove communities to test the knowl edge of the community folk about vitamins and balanced meals. A prize was awarded in each of the communi ties to the patron who answered the highest number of questions correctly. The puppet show, marked out by the students in the field of nutrition was highlight of the program. Each puppet represented a vitamin which told about what foods containwl it and what defi ciencies and diseases, a lack of this particular vitamin would cause. Miss JIarion Tucker and students of the Department of JIusic continued their program in the two communities which will lead to a “Community Sing" at the end of the present school term. Students in the Rural Sociology class met with Dr. Beittel's class in .Soci ology at Guilford College in a seminar recently. During this inter-racial .semi nar, Bennett College students told in detail the program of the community health program. Following the pre sentation, Guilford f^ollege students requested iierniission to work in these conniumities under the direction of Miss Flossie Piirker, heiul of the Ben nett Couiniunity Health Program. A sensible girl is not as .sensible as she looks because a sensible girl has more sense than to look sensible. The Fisk Herald. March, li)4r). The world must go on—de.spite the irreparabU' lo.ss of one of its greatt^st leaders, in spite of its lose of one of its greati'st correspondents. 'I'lie greatest my.steries which man encounlers are birth and death, that at the end of the road of lift!—death jilways stands. What does it mt'an? Pt'ople llu' world over have asketl this iiuestion again and again. What does it mean when in the hour of .grealest need—tho.se who stand highest among us are no more? Similarly, what does it mean when man meets man t>n the battlefield, t'ach jirotecting his own life? We do not know ! But, we do know whtMi the grim monster strikes—the others must cari\v on. When have w> been more conscious of what is happening around us in the nation and in our woi'ld? We oughi to know—it is imperative that we be intellig(Mit on all matters of contemiiorary evtMits. Do we realize Ihe greatness of the era to which we iK'long? Do w(‘ ri'alize lhal we ar»> liv ing in a iieriod in wliich the founda tions of worlds to come will Ih‘ laid. Imagine turning the juiges of history books in future .generations and saying 1 remember when—out of a knowledge and understanding of ho wthe policies of our nation have bi'en shaped. Oi' are we going to be ignoi'ant then as we so often ai'e now and have nothing to sa.v. We must begin now—with an imderstanding of the P>retton Woods Proposals, Truman's policies, the Dum barton Oaks, FEPC, the San I'rancisco Conference. Tomorrow's world is our world—the .youth of today, and we must know what it is all about. We were glad to know that .loyce Edley represented us at the Conference in Chapel Hill on the delegation to the San Fi’iuicisco Conference. This should emphasize the great need of students being active participants in world af- t'airs. We are going on—going on to greatin- heights. We progress by organization and it will be made by ones such as tlit* United Negro College Fund. We btdong to the thirt.v-two colleges who are furthering this worth.v effort. For the moment, the college i/''e.sidents are the leaders of the drive—but students can and will help. We have been asked to do more—let us be every-ready when that time comes. Education of our peo ple is one of the basic solutions to the Negro problem, education before we can ask for equal jobs—the training for a job is a must. Ve olde [ihilosopher has felt tlu* thrill of pleasure all the to the toes at the bustling jictivitity which has jirevailed on the campus. Hats off to those wise sophs who brought David L(-H*r to oui- campus. It is initiative such as that which we take great pride in. Those two plays given by the play-production class were really remarkable. Oongratulations to Vera Wooden and (!loria Dix. ilay we wisli them even greater success behind the “stage-lights" ... It will be a won derful feeling in the y(>ars to come to say we knew Jli.ss Patterson when . . . her recital was a gr>at achievement . . . we have been deeply interested to have Dr. Pununnzio—he has brought us some valuable information on the litalian situation . . . We want to com mend the l''reshnian (Jiiild for their grand production of “'riu! (iirl With Two Faces" . . . 'I'he Wiir-P(>ace Pro gram is k«*iiiiig uj) we see . . . the siion- soring of the Clothing Drive on our camims. Are we cooperating? We won't nei'd to take many of tlio.se old sweat ers home again. Donate them to the drive, then! Today 1 When we thhik of those in other countries who are homeless and starving, our own lives seem selfish . . . P(>rliaps we do not liek to admit that we need a Good Conduct Campaign, but it is inde'd very timely. So many visitors remark on the Bemiett courtesy and culture— we our.selves dig down (hv]i and won der. Let's not ignore those things whicli are brought to (uir attiMition—clu'wing .gum, laughing loudly, rt'ading in chapel. .\re yovi guilty? ’I'liere has been cause for our hearts to swell with pride in the last few days—pride which has been brought about by five of us who sacrific(^l and worked hard to reprt‘S(‘iit us in Ihe niamiei' in which we W(M-(‘ ri'pri'sented years ago—tlu‘ Bennett. Quartet. .V great round of ajiplause to Bt'tly Ann .\rti.s, Orial Banks, Allethia Walker, Edith 'I'ayhu' and Joyce Picot, as solo ist. We have no doubt that we wt*re well represented. We art' glad that they not only had a pleasant trip but a siic- (•(‘.ssful oni‘. Ve i>lde philosopher often wonders how oin> will b(‘ abit' to rep.-iy our benc- factrt*ss, and then we rt‘iilizt“ that she does not wish to be rt'paid—slu' is only interested in making Bennett — the plact' that it is. We are gratt'ful to her as we are to all tho.se who have had a share in making the I!enii(‘tt we know. Time grows short—too soon we'll be bidding each other good-b,ve. Oiu* more issue l'(U- oui- tt‘te-a-(et(‘. Bieiilot, La Philosoiilie. Exclu 1 a 113c equips I'lit' Campus War Hoiid Committee ]ilans to follow up tlu> iilnup boy cam paign with another uniqu(> drive for ■March. Proportionate (piotas will be assigiuMi to th(“ doi'iiiitorii's, ;iml ]irog- ress will bt“ recordtKl on charts in P. O. Though 101*% participation is hoped for, (‘ven attainment of (he S0% mark will win for each houst* tlu' un- lirecediMited privile.ge of inviting as waitresst's, janitm's, and maids of all work whiclu'ver memlK'rs of the fac- ult,v it choos(‘S. 'I'he M(umt Holyoke .\(‘ws. Mount Hoi yoke College. President Herbert Davis of Smith College', Northamiiton, Aiassjichuset ts, announci'd that Mrs. Adelaide Ci'om- well Hill, a Nt'gro, would servt' on tin' lacult.v as an instructor in sociohigv for (he year l!)4:'i-4n. Mrs. Hill is a gr.'iduate of Smith, as was lu'r mother. She has ((ualifit'd ht'rself with gi'aduatt' work at tilt' I'nivt'rsity of I’enn.sylvania and at Harvard sociologists who know h('r work sa.v that she is a vt'i'y in- telligi'iit pt'rson with a treiiK'ndously practical social vision. Zions Ih'i’ald. Published by the Boston Wesh'yan Association, Miss Roberta Loui.st' (^lu'i'ii, fresli- maii, op('i'at('S tht“ Somm. moving ]iic- (urt' machint' at Virginia State Col lege thus jii-ovidiug ('ntertainiiK'nt for the collegt' on Wedne-sday and .Satur day nights. Mi.ss (^ut'en stated, “It was ver.v eas.v for me to h'arn to run a Bomni. machine. I enjoy my work im mensely. Some' day I hojie to show pictui'es in my own tlu'atrt'". SIk' started at th(> age of fifte(‘ii (d lu'lp her latlu'r with his hobby of running a Kinim. machine. Till' Statesman. A'irginia State (.'olU'ge. PLAN KOK SL\ WEEKS Sl'MMEH SCHOOL ANNOl'NCEl) A .Summer School, di'sigiK'd to fit th(' needs of students, tt'achers, and com munity p('rsons of various interi'sts and occupations, is in th(' offing at Itennelt College this stminu'i- and will run for six w»'('ks, b('ginning .lune 12 and chis- ing .July 24. 'I'Ik' (’hild Health Institute, long a standard offering in du' Summer School, as a laboratory for intensified study of child hi'alth and nutrition, will b(' op('rat(*d again this sunitm'i-. A workshoji in Rural Commurdty Prob lems and with courst's in lOducation for degrt'e credit are also planned. The summer school will Ik* under Ihe direction of Dr. Fredt'ric A. .lackson. INTEHNA'I’IONAL KELA'I'IONS CLl H HEAR DR. TANNI N/IO SPEAK ON ITALIAN POLITK'S (Continued from page 1) tilt' San l''raiicisco Conrei't'iict' as a part of the project fostert'd by thi' Con ference of .Sdutht'rn Stuilt'iits. 'I'lit' nt'w iriti'r-racial body organiz('l ri'ct'iitly at the University of North Carolina, to wliicii .loyce Eilh'.v, a niembt'r of th(' International Rt'lations (-'lub, wa.s a ilt'lt'gate.