Page Two THE BENNETT BANNER MARCH, 1965 THE BENNETT BANNER Published Monthly by the Students of Bennett College Greensboro, North Carolina PRESS Ten Cents A Copy $1.00 Per Subscription sion there is a move forward. Negroes in Alabama know that there is a right for them. On the other hand, students such as we, have not begun yet, even to openly express their beliefs. They have not begun to move. . Perhaps this means that they are not convinced of their rights. Perhaps they don’t believe that they have rights. Perhaps they are not willing to suffer some bad consequences, recognizing that good can come from them. Maybe they are waiting for a Martin Luther King of the college campus; God speed his arrivalll ADVERTISING CIRCULATION EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Frances Campbell ASSOCIATE EDITOR Gail Hickerson _Regina Carpenter Bernardine Harris JFrances Kelly Penny Walker COLUMNISTS _^Liza Abram, Phyllis Tuck, Andrea Mast, Lillie Madison, Patricia Murray EXCHANGES. —— ^dna Smith TYPISTS Shirley Smedley, Sonja Hazard, Business Education Club, Penny Walker, Margie Cumbo, Paula Lewis. Nellie Campbell, Rita RufF, LaRue Hodges REPORTERS. IT’S TIME NOW (a commentary written for publication prior to last week’s elections.) It’s Time Nowl Veahl The time has really arrived. We all are eagerly awaiting tlie outcome. Ihis time of tne year really attracts everyone s attention. iMow all want to get on tlieir tiivoiiie Uiiiiuwagon. aigiis are uispiayeU m every nook aiiU comer ana uie uuion looiis like a ooiiveniion Haii. Candidates aie viROiuusiy caiupaigaiiig. Jiveryuuiig goes exccpt kissing ba bies. Its ume lor tue yearly eictuoiis. Or, haa you already guessed it? a j • • J:.iection time is a great event, on all campuses. And it is no different lor ±>eiiiiett. iiiis year may prove to be an exciting 6iie. iiut as usual, it s time lor a looK at what is really belimu all the loud noises of tlie campaign snouts. Uf course, the first peiboii tliat you are going to mark the ballot lor is the one wno promises a lot and tnese promises seem Ureamlike. Ol course, the iirst person to get your vote will be tne one who preaches a change in tradition. But is tliis what you want? At a iirst glance, the immediate answer is “yes”. However there is always someuiing tar more important. The person you elected must promise to do a good joo. Ihe ability to lead is much more important than the oDvious cam- . uaiKU suceuics lUiiue in uie hcac ol -poiiuKing’. ine person you eicct must have a way about her - sne mu»t know how to Kct uiiiiRS uone in the rignt way and at Uie rignt time, lake a look at what is being said during tnis excitcu ume. See what you are gctung beioie you "voice youi choice . io uie nominees, who may be our tuiure leaders lets see what may be required of you if you are elected. All of these oiaces wnicli you are campaigning for are very significant wnether you are running tor president or parliamentarian. JL iiereiore, you will be in uifc limciigiit. iour role is to exempiity your position, ^ou, too, must reauze that a change cannot be made overnight - Do not get discouraged by the bl UMiiLlNU 4ij_»oCKi) that will obviously be placed belore you. • You may not realize it, but some change has been maae liiereiy because you were elected. So take it slow but sure . ^ince the student body elected you, we must stay witn you. Whatever endeavor that you may pursue, let all of us be mindlul ol the responsibilities that are involved. Remember that tliese elections call for all of us to be respectlul of each person’s ideas. Whether you agree or not, lisieni T.he next person is still entitled to her ideas. Mud sling ing may appear on other campuses but let s not have it here. Yes, it s time now to vote; make sure you know your choice— it’ll be for all next year. Open your eyes to the candidates and their views. If you don’t, you may be blinded by results. —Gail Hickerson Letters to the Editor Dear Editor: With tired feet, and a growling stomach, I waited in line outside the dining room from 5:15 to 5:35 p.m. with some other hundred students for my dinner. After being admitted to the dinning hall twenty minutes late, I became curious enough to ask what caused the delay. Surprisel The kitchen staff had to wait for the dietitian to op en the kitchen. She had been delayed and she had the ONLY key. Does this mean that we’ll have to wait everytime the die titian is late? Does it not seem sensible that someone else should be ready with another key? As drastic as it may seem, here’s something else we should keep in mind — Suppose this person loses the key. Sincerely “Hungry” P. S. — 1 was delayed still long er when many of my Bennett sisters so graciously cut line. Dear Ediotr, There has been a saying on B. C. campus that it’s not what you know, it is who you know. Is this really true on this Christian campus? Is this really true on this campus which is so enlightened on academic freedom and pursuits? Worried THE LAST OF THE SERIES OF ARTICLES Catalyst On Campus Between B. A. and Baby Some of you are married now, some will be single for life but by and large, you will walk down the aisle two years after graduation and have your first child one year later. This brief island of time separating the rigors of 17 years of education from the demands of ten years or more of child care is yours to do with as you will. By the time you close the door on the ch?pter of your life which will follow this, and your youngest child has left for school, you will be 35 years old. You will be a much more he terogeneous group at 35 than you are now, for each of you will establish for yourself the stage and clmate of the inter vening years. If your college experience were the sole deter minant of what you will do when your children leave home, we could predict this with relative certainty, but it is not. The three years between B. A. and baby are critical. Why? If you utilize these years to work in a carefully selected job in the area of your interest, you will learn the basic me thods which separate the indi vidual with a professional ap proach from the amateur. You will gain confidence in your ability to function effectively and a fuller realization of the significance of your college ed ucation. Further, you will be exposed to your own educational gaps which you can fill during uie “lamily years” more validly than a person without experi ence who can view such uain- ing only theoretically. The experience and knowl edge you nave gained through luii-time work will increase your employer’s willingness to keep yo uon as a part-timer (if that is what you wish) after the birth of your first child. If he has already spent time in your training, even a limited work schedule serves to further amortize this investment (this has validity even if you are forced to shift jobs within a given area). This will prove a valuable poportunity for you to keep your skills alive while your children are small. You will also derive a less obvious benefit: a basis for in tellectual satisfaction during the years when your vocation is largely put aside for the ve ry different satisfactions of raising your children. Your decision to work in a carefully selected area during the brief available years fol lowing graduation can pay di vidends far into the future in terms of experience, confi dence, a positive attitude to wards a return to work in the future, and a firm foundation for a succesful realization of that future. VOTE, IS THERE SUCH A THING AS STUDENT RIGHTS? Periloiis fumes of gas, nightsticks of police were the instru ments used to halt a march staged by Negroes in Selma, Alabama. 1 he cause of such an uprising — a desire for God-given rights. Why then were such techniques used to stop such a move ment? — some senseless supposedly appointed chief of la\ir and justice somehow rationalized the fact that rights for “all meant tliat some were not included. But because of the beUef of a few the pursuance of rights is carried on. These people carry on their fight even though the threats they receive and the turmoil their physical persons receive keep telling them that they have no cause, that that which they fight for was not meant to be theirs, yet ^ey keep on because they believe differently. And they will win. Slowly but surely they will win. . Today on many college campuses, such as our own, we sut>- consciously believe that there are some rights endowed to us, merely because we are students but which are not ours. W’^e are made to feel that we do not deserve to demand such righu as are ours in a society. These two situations can be compared. In both instances, there is a desire, to receive that freedom which is defined by our society but not enforced as the execution of the right passes to a closer level. There is an unrest in these two groups. Yet, the two situations are different. In one there is an expres- , V6-tt«rv^ .s^ '^ssTT ■VAcv/ si&et" i^oo"P T)allot ? CHEATING - THE FAULT OF WHOM? Cheating has become quite a controversial issue on our cam pus as well as many campuses across the nation. The general concensus about cheating on the Bennett campus, in refer ence to rules and regulations, as well as academic achieve ments, is due to a misconstrued sense of values. Life itself is a learning pro cess, in which one learns uy er rors and is rewarded by self satisfaction. Institutionalized education is not sometning to be chewed and spit out tor a grade, but should be chewed, swallowed, and digested, thus adding to growth. Growth is not bragging to friends about the excellent symbols lined upon a cheap piece of cardboard or ascend ing the steps of the chapel in white, to snake the president’s hand, on some irrelevant day of the year. Nor is growth, throwing around that “ugly” word “perfection”, which haunts the campus like a ghost. Growth is however, the gain ing of knowledge and enlight enment, for ones personal use, and for the betterment of so ciety. Who is really at fault for stu dents withdrawing from an in stitution because of cheating? Society must bear the burden. Society places such high values on that “ugly” word “perfec tion”, that students are only doing what they were taught to do; that is, to conform to the norms of their society. Is this growth? Does this warrent a symbolic reward, or a hand shake in a white dress? Growth or Grades? 'That is the question. And no, the an swer will not be found within the confines of this protective institution, but within the con fines of ones own self, student and faculty alike.