Friday, October 13, 1989 THE BENNETT BANNER PAGE THREE hair stylist seeks Student Stylist par excellence: Senior Jocey- lyn Isom is well versed In the intricate art of women’s coiffures, (photo by Yvette N. Freeman) by Joycelynne Hodges Bobs, curls, crimps and waves. Jocelyn Isom does them all and more. She is one of the most popular hair stylists here and holds a grade point average of 3.2. How did she get the title of “the queen for all styles?” Isom, a senior ac counting major from Fort Washington, Md., decided to go to beauty school after graduating from high school. She said, “while I was in high school, I found an inter est in cosmetology. I thought of it as a trade that I’d like to go into in the future. Everyone likes to get their hair done and what a way to make money.” Once enrolled at the Scan ners International Beauty Academy, Isom began to feel differently about her goals. She explains: “Halfway through hair school, I decided to go to college. I didn’t like the idea of being on my feet all of my life. With the help of school, I hoped to get a degree in business and open up a chain of my own stores.” When Isom first arrived at Bennett College, she began to do hair everyday, but soon she realized that all that glitters is not gold. “I was racking up!” Jocelyn said. “I had about six people a weekday, depending on the day. On Thursdays and Fri days, I usually had about 10 people on each day. Then my grades went down and I rea- li-ed that my purpose in school was not just for salon in money, even though this was and still is my only means of support.” Isom especially loves to create wild hair styles and doing “hard curls,” a techni que which enables styles to last for a long time. Even though Isom enjoys doing hair, she feels that the life of a college hair stylist is not all glamour. “Doing hair is fun,” Jocelyn admits. “But I always seem to have a lot of problems that arise. Like there is always an overflow of people and they don’t seem to understand that I have a life outside of doing hair. I enjoy being with my friends and with myself. Sometimes I get greedy and that gets the best of me. I really hate it when my cus- dorm tomers come late or don’t even show up.” Isom, along with some other hair stylists on campus, is trying to open the salon in the basement of Cone Hall. Isom feels the those who do cosmetology should have a place to do their trades. She said, “Most of the stu dents who are into cosmeto logy are business majors. It would be good experience if these students could form their own business. Plus, it would also be a lot of fun.” The room in Cone’s base ment used to be open, but was closed after one day of use. Though several at tempts have been made to reopen the room, things have not gone through yet. Isom hopes that the room will open. Belle falsely arrested in Virginia Beach riot by Cherryl Floyd On Sept. 2, among a crowd of college students mingling on Atlantic Ave. in Virginia Beach, Va., Jewell Jackson looked up to see an army of police officers approaching, some on foot, some on horses. Jackson recalls that the crowd started moving away from the oncoming troop of officers. “Then,” she says and pauses, “the next thing I knew, someone threw a bottle through a store window, and that’s when all the looting everybody has been talking about started.” Contrary to local news ac counts and Virginia Beach newspaper reports, Jackson says that the looting wa^ triggered when an unidenti fied white person threw a bottle through a store win dow. As students robbed and vandalized stores, Jackson says that police officers stood and watched. The following day, the avenue where the looting oc curred was closed off. Stu dents moved to another avenue to mingle. Jackson says that suddenly a heli copter started to circle the area and police officers on foot, again, chased the crowd. This time, though, people were beaten and arrested. “A guy and his girlfriend were in their car getting ready to leave, and about six police officers dragged them out of their car, beat them both, put restraints on the guy and threw him in a big paddy wagon,” Jackson says. Stunned and disbelieving, she stood there with tears in her eyes because, “I just couldn’t move. I never thought that I would have to exper ience this in my lifetime.” Jackson was then res trained and arrested. She had heard police officers behind her counting “one, two, three” and then heard them ap proaching her from behind. One police officer running by pushed her and asked her to move. According to Jackson, she was still stunned by what she saw all around her and could not move. When he asked her a second time to move, he pushed her hard enough to fall. She tumbled down with another police officer ap proaching from the other side of her. Before she had a chance to get up, the officer had placed her in restraints. “I was the only black fe male in a wagon full of black males,” she says. “They ar rested one white guy, I guess to make it look good,” Jackson says. Jackson and others arrested were taken to a recreation center where they were locked inside two ad(iacent fenced tennis courts. They all had to wait until they each re ceived a summons to court. They were all charged, ac cording to Jackson, with un lawful assembly. Jackson says that she re mained on the tennis court from 9:40' p.m. until about 1 a.m. She was initially told that she had been arrested to be kept off the street. Later, the arresting officer informed Jackson that she was arrested because she did not move when he told her to move. Police didn’t read Jackson her rights or give her a phone call. She says, “I was man handled. I didn’t resist arrest, and I didn’t try to run.” After her release, Jackson stayed at a nearby 7-11 con venience store until daybreak. She says that she feared that returning to her hotel room would invite another arrest. Jackson feels that the Vir ginia Beach Labor Day riots were unfairly blamed on Greekfest (a convention of sororities and fraternities) which was supposed to have taken place that weekend. “Nothing Greek went on at Virginia Beach,” she says as she noted that both black and white Greeks were present. She also feels that the en tire incident could have been avoided if ix)lice had not treated students as roughly as they did. “I was treated like an animal,” she says. Jackson has emerged from this situation with a new out look on racial relations. “I don’t trust white people,” she says. “I never felt that way before, but I do now.” Renovation done B ® ® XT ITf/wvrnon wifh fVlP JflTiflTlPSP wViO nlfl.VS Jovoft. RTl by Chandra Farrington “What in the devil are they doing down there?” “Where is all that dust coming from ?” “I wish they’d stop that noisy drilling.” “Why are they mov ing the post office boxes?” These were the common com plaints and questions being heard from the students of Bennett College in reference to the renovation of the post office. The function of the post office is to serve the students of Bennett College as effec tively as possible. The post office renovation, according to Ms. Carole Owens, purchas ing agent and college opera tions manager, “was neces sary to enable Bennett College to better serve its students.” Also, Ms. Owens stated “that the expansion of the post office was a direct res ponse to the growing needs and population of Bennett College, because the old post office was becoming too small to accommodate the increas ing influx of mail that is com ing in, due to the increase in enrollment at Bennett.” Students may have assumed that the days of constant dust and incessant drilling were over, but the post office was just the beginning of the re novation and expansion pro- C0SS The renovation/expansion of the bookstore is scheduled to begin in a matter of weeks and should be completed by next semester. The bookstore is being expanded so that it will provide more in terms of merchandise and college par aphernalia and permanent storage place for textbooks, making the process of selling and dispersing textbooks more orderly. Being able to offer more merchandise will generate more income, enabling a wider range of items to be sold. Rather than going off-campus to buy personal toiletries and school supplies, the students will be able to purchase those items from the bookstore, therefore, according to Owens, “creating an atmosphere more conducive to buying and sell ing merchandise.” The new bookstore will be located where the old bowling alley used to be. Owens and the bookstore staff would like to extend their appreciation to the stu dents of Bennett College, who were patient during the in- convience of the renovation of the post office. The bookstore in coniunc- tion with the Student Govern ment Association (SGA) re cently sponsored a “Design a T-Shirt” contest. Owens would like for the students to play a more viable role in the d^ signing of the paraphernalia that will be sold in the book store. Any suggestions that would help the operation of the bookstore run more smoothly or any suggestions as to what the students would like to see sold in the book store will be taken into con sideration. by Yvette N. Freeman If you’re planning to see a movie this weekend, you’re probably considering “Black Rain,” starring Oscar-winner Michael Douglas. Douglas portrays Nick Conklin, a tough, foul- mouthed New York cop under investigation for what he calls “liberating” money retrieved from drug arrests. The plot of the movie centers around Conklin and his partner Charlie, played by Andy Garcia, who are as signed to carry out the ex tradition of a Japanese mafia killer, Sato. Once in Japan, Conklin and Charlie mis takenly turn Sato over to his own men impersonating Japa nese police officials. Conklin and his partner then join forces with the Japanese police to recapture Sato, but only as “observers.” If you like action movies with slow starts, “Black Rain” is the one for you. It takes almost 30 minutes be fore any real action begins. Also, the action scenes are so spread apart, that it seems as if this movie will never end. However, this is a good movie to see if you want great ensemble acting, mostly done by the Japanese actors. Ken Takakura is absolutely fan tastic, and at the same time frightening, as Sato, the ruth less killer. He practically steals the entire movie away from Douglas. Takakura, along vdth Garcia and Kate Capshaw, who plays Joyce, an American living in Japan, help to make this movie interesting. Douglas’ performance is also up to par. His portrayal of a bumt-out cop is so con vincing you want to feel sorry for him and any other under paid, overworked cop. Although “Black Rain” seems very slow and drawn out, you may be able to over look that because of the act ing. However, there are sev eral action scenes as well as violence — graphic violence (i.e., self-amputation of a finger, hand-stabbing, throat- slashing, and beheading, samurai style). The picture even has a dash of humor thrown in here and there, which helps to break the monotony. Most Belles oppose Supreme Court abortion verdict by Cherryl Floyd This summer, the Supreme Court overturned the 1973 Roe V. Wade decision which made abortion legal. Courts in individual states can now decide whether or not a woman can have an abortion. The majority of Bennett Belles feel that this is not fair. “It’s a mother’s choice. No body should be able to force their beliefs on you. It’s your own choice. You’re the one who has to live with it not them,” says freshman Wilma Clark. Others feel that the abor tion issue should have some moral guidelines. Marcia Burrell, senior, does not know where she stands on abortion. She says that the right to have an abortion depends on the person and the situation and that “The Sup reme Court doesn’t have any thing to do with it.” While Burrell feels that the Supreme Court should have no authority to make the decision about an indivi dual woman’s right to have an abortion, Traci Cure, a freshman transfer student, feels that there are instances when someone other than the mother should decide. “It’s up to the woman, but if the person is under 18, the parent should decide,” Cure says. A minority of Bennett Belles feel that the Supreme Court is justified in making this decision for women. “I feel that the fetus, un born or not, is a life. Since our country was founded on Christianity and since I am a Christian, I feel that the Supreme Court should make abortion illegal,” says junior Kimberly Grant. The Supreme Ctaurt re cently convened for a new session and must hear three abortion cases, the outcomes of which could determine a woman’s right to choose to have an abortion.