5 * BENNETT BANNER » OCTOBER 13, 1995 NEWS AND FEATURES Depression: What Every Woman Should Know (NAPS)—Women experience clinical depression about twice as often as men, but tlie good news is that this common illness is highly treatable. Symptoms of depression last two weeks or longer and include sadness, loss of interest, pessi mism, worthlessness or guilt, anxiety, changes in sleeping and eating habits, fatigue, poor con centration, irritability, thoughts of death, and chronic aches and pains. Seeking treatment early is important... Varied factors unique to women ’ s lives may play a role in the development of depression in those vulnerable to the illness, say experts at the National Insti tute of Mental Health. Hormonal cycles, stress, vic timization, and certain personal ity patterns are possibly signifi cant factors on which research is now focused. Regardless of contributing fac tors, standard treatments for de pression are effective for a ma jority of women. Seeking treat ment early is important, espe cially for depressed mothers, whose illness can negatively af fect their children’s develop ment. Common treatments for de pression are medication, psycho therapy, or a combination of the two. Only a qualified professional can decide which treatment is right for an individual. With ap propriate treatment, nearly 80 percent of those with depression can begin to feel better, most within a matter of weeks.For a free brochure about women and depression, write: depression. Dept. W, Rockville, MD 20857; or call 1-800-421-4211. A cure for cold sores? (NAPS)—Cold sores, those ugly blisters that crop up around the mouth, are a lot like an unpleas ant relative—they show up when you least expect them, and nothing can keep them away forever. Eight in 10 Americans will get a cold sore at some point in their lives. Unfortunately, once you’ve hadacoldsore, it willkeep coming back. According to Dr. Pol Vandenbroucke, director of medi cal affairs for Bayer Corporation, the makers of Campho-Phenique® Cold Sore Gel, there is no cure for cold sores. “Medical evidence has shown that so-called cures based on diet or vitamin therapies simply do not work,” he said. “The only thing cold sore suf ferers can do is try to avoid things UNITED NEGRO COLLEGE FUND A Mind Is A Terrible Thing To Waste. A PuWic Service of This Publication (NAPS) Forafree, comprehen sive brochure, “Women’s Guide to Vaginal Infections,” write the National Vaginitis As sociation, 220 Soutli Cook Street, Suite 201, Barrington, Illinois 60010. For a free brochure with tips on preventing practically ev ery skin problem from dry skin to skin cancer, call the makers of Eucerin Creme at 1-800-655- SKIN. A list of Medicine for the Pub lic booklets is available free by writing to; Clinical ('enter C\)m- munication, Nation:il Institutes For Health, 10 Center Drive, Room 1C255, M(\S, 1170. Bediesda, MD 20892-1170. Forafree 12-page recipe book let with low fat dips, cheese cakes, brownies, and fudge reci pes, send a self-addressed stamped envelope to: PHILI.Y® FREHl® Recipe Booklet, c/o Hunter & Associates, Inc., 41 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10010-2202. For information on children’' mental liealth, call the ('cnlcr Ibi Menial Health Services at 1-800 78‘>-2647. Free ()nline info, 1-8M>-X48-K I ‘W for CompuServe, anil 1 -800-776- 3449 for Prodigy. A free brochure al)oul the ef fects of media on children i.savail able by sending a slanipc'd, .self addres.sed envelope to: TV and ihc F;unily BriK'hure, IX'pt. (', Amcri can Academy of Pediatrics, P.() Box 927, Flk Orove Village, II 60009. i 21st century voter registration is here that cause a recurrence and, if the blisters do reappear, apply a treat ment to speed them on their way.” Cold sores are caused by a type of herpes virus. Colds and flu, excessive expo sure to sun and wind, menstrua tion, stomach problems and stress can all cause a recurrence. Dr. Vandenbroucke advises the use of a skin protectant to reduce cracking, plus a local anesthetic or counter-irritant to control discom fort. Cracked cold sore blisters are subject to infection, which can slow down the healing process. Antibi otics have no effect. To receive a free brochure on cold sores and their treatment, send a stamped, self-addressed enve lope to Campho-Phenique Cold Sore Guide, 99 Cherry Hill Road, Parsippany, NJ 07054. Becky Cain President, U.S. League of Women Voters This year our voter registra tion system had an overhaul; it was called the National Voter Registration Act, also known as the motor voter law, and it was long overdue. Prior to the new law, many states’ antiquated voter registra tion systems were straining to meet the needs of a changing, mobile population. In some places, laws written years ago were intended to make the registration system convenient for whoever happened to be the registnu"; in other places, they were intended to suit tlie political par ties. Motor voter, enacted in 1993, was written to make registration convenient for citizens. Now citizens cjui register when they go to renew their driver’s li cense, when they apply for assis tance at state agencies or hy mail. According to Max Cleland, (leor- gia Secretary of State, “People are amazed and pleased tliat the gov ernment is taking steps to m;ike life easier for them rather than cre ating a bureaucratic maze to obtain es.senlial government services." As a result of this voier-l riciidly law, we arc now experiencing the largest increase in voter registra tion in American history—hirger even than the increase that (K curred :ifter women got the right to vole. By the next presidential elec tion, 20 million voters will have registered under the new law. This surge suggests that bureaucracy was indeed stjmding in the way ol many people who were not regis tered. The National Voter Registra tion Act is a rare example of a federal law “trickling up” from Not settins your child all her shots is like leaving her out here alone. At least 11 shots fay two. Howsttre Questions? I-8004SS 2522. U.S. HsalSi Md Htimaii Soviets Ivan Neal has put out a lot of fires. He’s not a firefighter— he’s a teacher. But to the kids he’s reached, he’s a hero. BE A TEACHER. BE A HERO. Call 1-800-45-TEACH.