2 • BENNETT BANNER - APRIL 12, 1996 OPINION BeWeSpeak comer, many Photos bv Tahja McVav Banner Sports Editor students are fearful that having a Republican president would drastically impact their education and job pros- If a Republican is elected president, how will it impact your life? i SHANTISSE WHITE CLASS: SENIOR MAJOR: PSYCHOLOGY HOME STATE: MARYLAND On the negative side we as African Americans lose federal funding, and job opportunities, but on a positive side it makes me more determine to achieve because I refuse to let a political party hold me back. AMBER BRADSHAW CLASS: SOPHOMORE MAJOR: PSYCHOLOGY HOME STATE: ELLNOIS It would effect me because my tuition is paid by a federally funded minority program. It would pose a severe threat PORTIA EWING CLASS: SENIOR MAJOR: BIOLOGY HOME STATE: GEORGIA Financial programs to HBCU’s would be limited and discourage a lot of minorites from trying to get a degree. WANDA HARRIS CLASS: SENIOR MAJOR: ENGLISH HOME STATE: NC I probably wouldn’t be able to get funds I need for graduate educa tion, and my sister certainly would have a harder time paying for undergrad studies. ANGEL HARRIS CLASS: JUNIOR MAJOR: PSYCHOLOGY HOME STATE: MARYLAND It would not only effect me but other perspective college stu dents as far as aid for school and views on federal aid. Senioritis is back Senioritis — that time of the year when seniors become anxious and uncertain about the afterlife (i.e., after graduation). That time of year has arrived again. Seniors are preparing for the much anticipated graduation day. Although it is an exciting time, it is also a frightening time for most. In about a month, approximately 100 graduating seniors will exit this safe haven called Bennett College and enter the uncertain world of graduate school or the work force. In preparation for the transition, seniors have spent their spring and Easter breaks updating resumes, filling out graduate school applications and searching through the classified sections of the paper for jobs. This is indeed a stressful time. Not only are seniors preparing for graduation,but they are also having to deal with the uncertainty of their future. I am a graduating senior, but I am not as confused about my direction as most of my peers. During my freshman year at Bennett, I had planned my future perfectly, or so I thought; however, things changed with time and wisdom. I still know what I would like to do, but I am more sure about what I don’t want to do. During my final days at Bennett, when walls seem to close in around me, I close my eyes and say a prayer to the one who ah-eady has my future planned. With his guidance, no senior will ever be lead astray. Yvette Burton Banner Editor The Bennett Banner welcomes all letters that are typed, double-spaced, and no longer than 500 words. All letters to the editor must be signed, include the author's name, address and daytime Letter Policy telephone number. No letters will be printed in the Banner without the author's signature. Once submitted the letters become the sole property of the of Bennett Banner. The Banner reserves the right to edit. Letters may be hand delivered to the Banner office in Shell Hall C or mailed to Letter to the Editor, The Bennett Banner, Shell Hall C Room 2, Bennett College Greensboro, NC 2740L TMIE BENNETT BANNER The Newspaper produced by the Phenomenal Women of Bennett College EDITORIAL STAFF Yvette Burton -—EDITOR Tahja McVay-— SPORTS EDITOR Ketta White ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR NEWSPAPER STAFF Donna Bardon- BOOKS REVIEWS Tamu Johnson MOVIE REVIEWS & HERSTORY Toshanique Paulley SGA LAB STAFF Stacy Blackmon SGA Genesta Carothers SECURITY Kimberly Barrett—BUILDING AND GROUNDS Sheri Gibbs PAN HELLENIC COUNCIL Monique Edwards CHILDREN'S HOUSE Paquita Herring HUMANITIES Latasha Patrick—HEALTH CENTER BUSINESS STAFF Nanaaba Eshun ADVERTISING DIRECTOR Dr. Lona D. Cobb - FACULTY ADVISOR The Bennett Banner is a laboratory newspaper published twice a month during the academic year, except during months with College recognized holidays or College vacations. The newspaper is pro duced by and for students at Bennett College. The newspaper office is located in Shell Hall C-2.