2 • BENNETT BANNER • OCTOBER 5. 2001 OPINION • OPINION • OPINION • OPINION » OPINION Monya D. Tomlinson Gaymon is our queen; let’s get back to work Diaing tbis lestnicturing md revitalizatioD, some tilings have remained constant: controversy, cafeteria food, controvmy, pounds of hnnewoik and of course, controversy. On the Belle Network, the ever-present rumor mill that feeds us the latest gossip, nothing has caused more controversy than the Miss Bomett College PageanL I often diink the Miss Bennett Pageant can bring out the worst in studoits. One year at the President’s Ball, I watched the friends of a Belle who did not get the Miss BC title storm out of the ballroom in the middle of die announcement of the winn^. Another year, I saw students tearing down one candidate's posters, and replacing them with their choice’s ads. The pivotal point to aU the pageant drama for me was hearing that the Miss Bennett College who was announced last year, Monica Gaymon, was stripped of her title pending investigation of the elections. When I heard that two sister Belles (both purpcHtedly members of SGA ) questioned the integrity of the elections, I was floored. I thought the meaning of sisterhood was to support one another. I thought Miss Branett was somebody the C(^§ge supported no matter whaL Apparently I was wrong. I would be f(^ not to say that Gaymon is my friend, my rlassmatp., and my sorority sister. Evoi my biased eyes see some thing is wrong when the opinions of two pec^le have impact on just about everyone from organization queens to faculty and staff. {t seems that the Miss BC pageant will be a fixture on die Belle Network forever. Ijust wish that people wouldn’t let the contro versy bubble up in them to the point that they feel they should question the facts. Gaymon won! She is our queen. Now let’s get back to work, back to the controversy. The opinion expressed in this column is tfial of the auAor and does not necessarily reflect tftg opituon of the entire Bennett Banner staff. IliE Bennett Banner The newspaper produced by and for the Phenomenal Women of Bennett College Monya D. Tomlinson Chief Editor Carla Adams Circulation Ethelyn Bagwell Circulation Takesha Brlggins General Reporter LaShalnna K. Campbell Associate Editor Rochelle Qark Health & Beauty Reporter Larissa Colbert General Reporter Toccara Davenport Staff Artist Stacey Hansen General Reporter Damlta Howard Herstory, Briefings, KUDOS Amber Knox Production Jessica London Production Ayodele Murphy Reporter & Reviews Phierce nielps General Reporter Keisha A. J. Stoute Sports Reporter Brandi Wright Reporter & Reviews Dr. Lena D. Cobb Faculty Advisor The Bennett Banner is a laboratory newspaper published twice monthly during the academic year, except during months with College recognized holidays or College vacations. The newspaper office is located in Shell Hall C-2. The Banner telephone is (336)517-2305. STUDENT OPINION POLL: What do you think about the Miss Bennett College election investigation? Photos by La Shainna L. Campbell. RASHEEDA DALE Sophomore Biology New Jersey The whole election was bogus. Check the integrity! CHERRIE WILLLVMS Sophomore Political Science Baltimore, Md. The election was unfair and we should have had a chance to do the whole election over. KIA WALLER Junior Sociology Silver, Springs Md. What is done is done and now its time to move on. ANNYCK RODGERS Junior Biology Plainfield, NJ It [the election and the controversy] was an interest ing series of events. CAYCE MOSES Senior Mass Comm Rialto, Calif. / believe that the issue was handled properly. LAUREL LASHLEY Sophomore Computer Science Landover Hills, Md. Uninvolved parties investi gated the elections of last semester and found no discrepancy, so lets support our officers. CHRISTINE PENDELTON Sophomore English Education Columbus, Ga. The situation was handled in a professiorutl manner, and I am glad that it is settled. JACQUELINE MARTIN Senior Elementary Education Qinton, Md. lam glad the votes are in and that its over we should move on. SHERNETTA VEASEY Sophomore Mass Comm Los Angeles, Calif. I am glad that it [the election controversy] is over.