QUALITY FIRST THEN QUANTITY NOT HOW MUCH BUT HOW WELL Volume No. 4 PISGAH FOREST, N. C. January, 1943 Number 1 Gardens For All Planned In Foreign Service Earl Garren, now a gun captain a transport in the Pacific, re- ^ently spent six days of a 15-day ^rtough with his parents, Mr. and C. C. Garren of Brevard, ^oute 1. When he landed in San ^ran-cisco, Calif., it was his first on land in three months. Earl ''^as in a convoy during the battle the Solomon Islands last Noviem- when the aircraft carrier Wasp and he helped rescue some of the survivors. Earl was formerly Ecusta Inspector and volunteer- for service on Dec. 27th, 1941. ^^wlers Win Stamps, Ilians Are Announced tinder the new bowling arrange- started the evening of January nineteen bowlers came out, ^*^aljing up four teams. On this first ^'^ening, prizes of 50 cent war stamps , ^re given for high'' single game and i set. Both prizes went to Wal- g ^ Straus for his high game of 212 20h. January there were again enough play Present to make up four teams. Filkins won the 50 cent war for high single game with a of 192 and K. McCurry won a l^^ilar prize for high set of 509. ^^iftber four team composed of the t^Ve two players, Walter Straus, Joe and Howard Schmidt won 90 i in defense stamps for the high pins for the evening, is believed that the number of ^ Mers will increase from week to for all bowlers are invited to ^^Ucipate. Matches will take place Wednesday evening at 7:30. NOTICE: Blood tests will be given all em- ^jjoyees, with the exception of hose who were checked between ^Ptember 1, 1942 and January .» 1943. Your department head notify you when you are to ®Port for your test. Otis Marshall Christmas Presents And Programs Given Following their established policy, the Companies headed by Mr. Harry Straus, gave Christmas presents to all of their employees this year. These presents consisted in all cases, of as much money as was giv en last year, plus a surgical insur ance policy. While these were being given out Mr. Straus was in confer ence with government officials, ask ing permission to give a larger amount. This permission was grant ed, and a few days later, practically all employees received a second pres ent. This was even a bigger surprise than the first and was really welcom ed with open arms. The first presents were passed out in conjunction with musical pro grams which were given in the Cafe teria by the Ecusta Band and Chorus. A program was given for each group of employees as they went off duty and required five performances. These started at 8:00 A. M. Wednes day, December 23rd and ended at 8:00 A. M. the following morning. 8:00 A. M. was rather early for the band to be tuned up and the chorus in full voice, but they showed them selves to be good troupers by being on the stand at the appointed time. Too much credit cannot be given to them, their officers and their di rector, Mr. John Eversman, for a beautiful and impressive program. It consisted of Christmas music by the band and carols sung by the chorus. The only solo was by Miss Marie Sprinkle of the Chemical Laboratory who sang “Silent Night” over the “mike” and did a nice job of it. Mid- way of the program Mr. Bennett de livered a 5 minute Christmas mes sage over the microphone, while music could be heard in the back ground. We believe it made every one stop and think. The fact that many persons came back to hear three programs and some four is something that every one who contributed to the programs should be proud of. After this, the whole audience sang a chorus of “Silent Night” and start ed leaving. As they filed out all doors at once, their department heads were waiting to hand their presents to them. The Photographer? So many people have asked the same question that a credit line seems in order for Ralph Erskine who is responsible for the four win ter scenes in the center section of our December Echo. Ralph has spent a great deal of time with his hobby and some of his work has been ac cepted by such leading magazines as Printers’ Ink. It is becoming increasingly diffi cult to secure pictures for the ECHO, yet we know that pictures have wide public appeal. Send your pictures to the ECHO editor and they will be returned to you within two weeks. You Need A Victory Garden In ’43 Because: 1. War demands more food—for home use, for our fighting men, and for our allies. 2. The government will take an even larger part of commercially canned foods in 1943 than in 1942. 3. Meat will be rationed. This ^ill require use of more vegetables for a balanced diet. 4. Certain foods will be scarcer and prices higher. 5. If you do not grow your own food in 1943, your family may not be properly fed. Cafeteria Supplies Because of priority and ration reg ulations and present market condi tions, we are finding it increasingly difficult to obtain certain supplies and foodstuffs for the cafeteria. On some items we are able to obtain only 50% of the quantities ordered to meet normal needs and sometimes it is necessary to do a great deal of shopping around to locate a dealer who has any supply, at all, of ma terials required. If at times you find that the caf eteria, canteen and lunch wagon are short of supplies like wooden spoons, wooden forks, paper cups, coffee, eggs, or if they do not serve the meats that you prefer as often as you like, please be patient with the operators because everything possi ble is being done to obtain the neces sary supplies. Any shortages that may exist are entirely beyond the control of the cafeteria manage ment. Mr. Straus Re-Elected Head Of Hospital At the annual meeting of the board of trustees of the Transylvania com munity hospital our president, Mr. H. H. Straus, was re-elected Chair man of the Board of Trustees. Wil liam Jordan was re-elected secre tary. Mr. R. F. Bennett was also elected to the hospital board at a Chamber of Commerce meeting sev eral weeks^ ago. NOTICE Due to the congestion of all cir cuits we are asking that you make as few long distance calls as possi ble. If it is necessary to place long distance calls, do not use your tele phone or leave it until you receive some report from the operator. If you place a call, complete it as soon as possible so that other business may be transacted on that same cir cuit. Your indifference in this re gard may prevent urgent calls from being completed. Your cooperation will be appreciated. Contributions to "Echo” Due Feb. 17th Circolation date Feb. 24th Company Agrees To Help By Furnishing Land, Details Given As a result of a meetng of 25 rep resentatives of leading industries, clubs, and schools of Transylvania County in the office of the county farm agent on January 16, the follow ing notice was placed on the bulletin boards. NOTICE This is to call your attention to the severe shortage of food that faces all of us this year. It is expected that ten million dollars worth of food will be shipped out of the United States daily. No tin cans will be available for civilian food this year, etc., etc. Consequently, those of us who stay at home will either raise our own food or do without. It is no longer a case of what is cheaper or what we would rather do, it is a case of necessity if we are to provide for our families as usual. Mr. Straus realizes all of the fore going and wishes to make it possible for all of us to have a Victory Gar den. If any employee does not have ground for a garden at home it is expected that one will be furnished to him here at the mill. A tool house will be provided so that a man can check his garden tools and ride the bus home. An agricultural committee will be formed for the purpose of keeping in touch with the needs of the garden ers and passing out necessary infor mation from the “County Victory Food Committee.” It is possible that they will later consider prizes to be awarded in connection with the gar dens. In order that everyone gets his garden planted on time, it is neces sary that we know as soon as possible how much land is required, and ar- (Continued On Page 3) May Use Ecusta Buses For Inter-Urban Run Plans are now being made under the sponsorship of the Brevard Cham ber of Commerce to establish an in- ter-urban bus system in Transylvania county. The owners of the buses that haul Ecusta employees said their buses are idle a good deal of the time and that they would be glad to use them for regular scheduled trips. It is believed the chances of get ting this service installed are good since the demand is great as a result of the gasoline restrictions. Infantile Drive Is On In several places throughout Ecus ta are deposit boxes for the Infan tile Paralysis drive. Mr. Straus has stated his intention to match em ployee contributions. Your donation to this nation-wide drive will be greatly appreciated, and half of the funds will remain in the county to provide treatment for polio victims. The county quota is $360. :r % I.