Impressive Stage And Lighting Gave Color To Occasion A novel and enjoyable feature of the October party given for Ecusta employees in the cafeteria Thursday evening, October 22, was the singing by those present of a number of popular and tuneful melodies, which were led by the Ecusta chorus. The stage had been tastefully decorated with shocks of corn, au tumn leaves and pumpkins. A heap of wood had been placed on the' stage, beneath which were concealed light bulbs sheathed in red. When the cafeteria lights were cut off the beams from the woodpile resembled a cozy camp fire while the glowing pumpkins suggested the approach of Hallow e’en. The ;chorus was grouped around the campfire as it led the singing of numbers suggested by Mr. Eversman. Those present joined heartily in the singing of patriotic, sentimental and religious songs. Credit for the impressive light ing arrangement and the sound effects which added so much to the enjoyment of the program is due to Wayne Conn, who in this way has contributed materially to previous parties. Square dancing was enjoyed both before and after the singing. The Ecusta string band furnished the music. Quite a few of the guests came dressed in costume and sev eral of those present elected to play bridge instead of dancing. Champagne Teams —From Page One- Champagne 3, Control 0: Endless Belt 3, Office 0. Results of games, Oct. 27, men’s —Champagne 3, Control 0; Ma chine Room 3, Office 0; Mainte nance 3, Refining 0. Oct. 28 wo men’s—Champagne Stars 3, Pin Setters Delight 0; Office 2, Fin ishing 1; Endless Belt 2, Control 1. A list of the teams and bowlers is as follows: Men’s Ten Pin League Champagne—James Dunne, cap tain, Frank Israel, Ted Schepkow. ski, Chris Rogers, Walter Straus, H. Golderer and Landeck. Maintenance—Emil Vassey, cap tain, Wayne Conn, Jessie Press ley, Bruce Reynolds, Robert Kap- pers, Morris, Bradley and Parris. Control—Bob Matthews, captain, Doyle Wells, Grover Suttles, Dix on, Grise, Robert Head, Marjorine Bevacqua, Harris. Machine Rooni—Jimmie Poteet, captain, Luther Callender, Gilbert Coan, Walter Wood, Paul Simpson, Burdet Teague. Office—Paul Plaut, captain, Pete Eberle, Emmett Barker, Ernest Burch, Henry Newbury, Howard Schmidt, George Huskamp. Refining room—A1 Montville, captain. Jack Rhodes, Bill Cobble, Kermit Reece, White, Newman. Women’s Duck Pin League Champagne—Anne Morris, cap tain, Lucille Lockman, Maymie Reynolds, Mary Merrill and Mar tha Taylor. Control—Lucy Clarke, captain, Louise Jones, Frances Henderson’ Anna Meixel, Edith Ridenhour’ Eunice Waldrop and Thelma Glaz- ener. Finishing—Sue Allen, captain, Perleen Blankenship, Mae Free man, Helen Russel, Margaret Mc Kinney and Gladys McKinney. Endless Belt—Mary Sue Thorne, captain, Nelle Gallamore, Eloise Matthews, Alba Drake and Grace Not Spooks Just Ecusta Employees Attending Party Adding t» the atmosphere and gaiety of the October party was a large number of persms dressed in costumes. Shown above are several of them. For identification lines it is suggested that vo^ try your hand. Ye editor is not sure he knows them via present dress! Campfire Singing Is Enjoyed In An Autumn Setting i Of course everybody had a good fire at nights, when the lights, made during the October party, of the chorus. time. Who wouldn’t and doesn’t enjoy sitting around a cozy camp- are low, and singing good old familiar songs. The, above photo was Sitting around the campfire and leading the singing are members Allison. Office—Roberta Bryant, captain Mildred Carpenter, Kate Rheberg’ Pat Grimshawe, Gladys Burnette’ Katherine Anderson and Margaret Collins. Champagne Pin Setters Delight —Eileen Nelson, captain, Frances Orr, Charlotte Cox, Dot Mitchem Mary L. Fort and Louise Rigdon. ’ LEAGUE STANDINGS Men’s Division Team ^ ^ Champagne g q Maintenance 3 i Machine Room 3 Control ”__3 6 Office 8 Refining ~”o 9 Pet. 1.000 .888 .666 .333 .111 .000 High team match. Champagne, 2450. High team set, Champagne 911. High individual match, Eberle 576. High individual game, Eberle 225. “ Women’s Division Team w L Pet. Champagne 9 0 1.000 Endless 7 2 .777 Finishing ~2 4 !333 Office 2 7 .222 Control 1 5 166 Pm Setters 0 3 .000 High team match, Champagne 4^^^ High team set, Champagne High individual match, Collins 318. High individual game, Col lins, 130. GEORGE S. MILLINGTON VISITED PLANT RECENTLY It was a pleasant surprise for many of the folks in our plant to greet Mr. George S. Millington, as sistant secretary, associated with our Vice-president, Mr. Walter V. Landeck, of the New York Office. This was Mr. Millington’s first visit to the plant and he said he certainly felt that it was worth while after spending several days in the various departments of the plant. He was entertained while* here by many of his former New York associates now residing at Pisgah Forest, and they were all very glad to have him here.