QUALITY FIRST THEN QUANTITY NOT HOW MUCH BUT HOW WELL Vol. 5; No. 12 PISGAH FOREST, N. C. December, 1943 Christmas Presents Given To Employees VAUDEVILLE SHOW TO BE PR^ENTED Promises to Be Outstanding Entertainment. Date is January 7. , On the night of Friday, January 7th., Ecutsans will have the op portunity to witness Ecusta’s first vaudeville show. This show, pre sented as a recreational feature for the entertainment of Ecusta workers, is packed with fun, music and hilarious laughter. As is the usual custom, wives and husbands of Ecusta employees are invited. Over 40 in Cast More than 40 persons make up the cast and they have been select ed from different departments of the plant and the office. You will see many new faces in this big show and the producers have promised to hit a new high in the field of Ecusta entertainment. Several Speicial Acts There will be several acts in cluding four headline feature acts and several spot acts. A special orchestra has been trained for the big vaudeville show and it will provide the musical background. Curtain at 8:30 O’clock The vaudeville show is the main —Tuni To Page Five OLD SANTA IS ON HIS WAY Ecusta Baby Contest Is Announced; $25 War Bond Offered Ecusta will give a $25 war bond to the first baby bom to an Ecusta Family in 1944. Elsewhere in this issue of the Echo is an announce ment of the First Baby Contest which gives the rules of the con test. However, either the mother .or the father or both must be em ployed here at the Pisgah Forest plant. All entries must biB submitted to the office of the Echo and the win ner of the contest will be announc ed in an early edition. 143 Days Of Safety For Ecusta Workers At midnight Thursday, Decem ber 16, Ecusta’s Safety depart ment chalked up another day of safety which brought the grand total to 143 days without a loss time accident representing, ap proximately 942,000 man-hours. “This is something every Ecus- tan can well be proud of, said Safety Director H. E. Newbury, “and if all employees continue to cooperate as,they have been do ing, we’ll show you an even bet ter record.” Mr. Newbury highly praised the company employees for their help in making this new record possi- —Turn To Page T|ve Here’s that Jolly Old Fejlow who makes the world a better place in which to live . . . who spreads fellowship everywhere. He’s on the way to visit you . . . May he bring you joy and happiness this Christmas! President’s Message The year 1943 is rapidly coming to a close. In many re spects, this has been one of the most significant yctars in world history. During 1942 the allies were on the defensive, but to day they are on thei offensive everywhere. We are definitely on the march towards final Victory. Our men in the armed forces are straining every ounce of their strength to bring this colossal war to a successful ending and we on the home front are not relaxing and must not relax our ef forts. The principles for the establishment of a lasting peace have been agreed upon by the leaders of our four great allied nations, and here at home we are looking ahead and making post war plans for a better world in which to live, work and play. Therefore, it is only natural that as we approach the Christmas season, we should feel much happier than we did a year or two years ago. Today the spirit of Christmas —- the spirit of giving, of brotherhood, of peace and good will — fills the air and gives us all more cause of inward rejoicing. I take this opportunity to express my thanks and ap preciation to each and everyone of you for your loyal support and cooperation, and the interest you have taken in the per formance of your duties. This has been a most trying and difficult year for all of us, but I am happy to inform you that each employee will receive a Christmas remembrance, and it is my sincere and heart felt wish that each and everyone of you will have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Sincerely yours, HARRY H. STRAUS, President ECUSTA PAPER CORPORATION CHAMPAGNE PAPER CORPORATION ENDLESS BELT CORPORATION CHRISTMAS CAROL FOR EMPLOYEES Supt. Raymond Bennett De livers Annual Christmas Message at Services. Ecusta has again made sure this year that all employees will have a Merry Christmas by presenting each of them with a Christmas check. According to custom, the Band and Chorus, directed by John Eversman, presented a pro gram of carols., The Company’s Christmas message to employees was delivered by General Superin tendent Raymond F. Bennett and the Company Christmas presents* were given out by the different department heads. Old Santa him self was there, too, and he had several lovely young ladles all dressed in red, handing out copies of the Christmas edition of the Echo. In order that all could take part —Turn To Page Five Ecusta Kiddies Will Ride Buses To Party On Thursday afternoon the reg ular shift buses that serve Ecusta employees will take our Ecusta Kiddies to the Christmas parties at the Clemson theatre. There will not be any charge made for this service. It is a courtesy extended by the bus owners and drivers. Schedules for the different buses will be posted in the buses so that you will know the time your bus will leave. TO filVE PARTIES FOR THE CHILDREN Hundreds of “Ecusta Chil dren” Are Expected To Attend Parties* Hundreds of “Ecusta children” are expected to attend the spe cial Christmas parties at the Clem son theatre in Brevard Thursday afternoon, December 23. Santa will be there to greet the cluldren and to present each one with a Christmas package. Several short pictures, featuring Mickey Mouse, Popeye, Donald Duck and other favorites will be shown at the theatre. Children of all Ecusta employees are invited to attend the parties which are scheduled to be held at 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 o’clock in the afternoon. “I’U be looking forward to seeing each one of the ‘Ecusta children’ at the Clemson,” Santa wires from the North Pole,