THE ECHO PAGE nine MR. AND MRS. CLYDE G. FARMER were married October 25 at the Pisgali Forest Baptist cliurch. Mrs. Farmer iis the former Miss Mary Ellen Sentelle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur D. Sentelle, of Pisgah Forest. She is employed in Champagne. Sentelle Is Bride Of Clyde G. Farmer J''' and Mrs. Arthur D. Sen- ’ of Pisgah Forest, announce , Marriage of their daughter, , Mary Ellen Sentelle, to Mr. ^®™er, of Gastonia. The was performed at the j ^'orest Baptist church by Anderson, 10 o’clock on October 25. iij * was attired in a light suit with black accessories, an orchid corsage. ss Bosse, pianist, and "'•am Merrill, vocalist, pre- (frriii wedding music. Miss M ! ®^ng “Always,” “Because,” Hjl . “Lord’s Prayer” at the j usion of the ceremony. Mrs. presented the traditional >8 marches. Jewel Sentelle was her ®aid of honor and the i, , ^ brother, Mr. Alva Sentelle man. ' and Mrs. Farmer are spend- honeymoon in Florida w make their home in Bre- they return, iijl,® “•‘ide graduated at Brevard iljj ^t^hooi and Brevard college, been employed in Cham- three years. Sentelle And Bly Rogers ^irried October 18 Hr Mrs. J. J. Sentelle, of Jijjj forest, announce the mar- daughter. Miss Eva togj ®> to Mr. WiUiam Bly 5 I of Mr. and Mrs. Sal- iDiiyjjl °®cph Rogers, of Hender- iijlj They were married at 4 October 18 at the Pis- Baptist church. Rev. pastor of the church, ceremony, in J ^ bride was very attractive gabardine suit with win- \ ‘te and black accessories. ^Sriijj.'^ied a bouquet of white Her centered with an orchid. '‘Or Faye, was maid of Rogers was his broth- '’^re . ''others, Kline and Orville, \^rs. ’“Id 3f, *de’s mother wore a tan *'^cessQ plaid suit with black II corsage was Je buds. The mother of •Hj om ^ore a black gaabar- i,g with black accessories ‘corsage was also of red .'■'all • Jfysj.|*^skets of gladioli and Xgf. ®*^iums decorated the aiirf^ alter. Oregon ^en.b “ palms combined with a candelabra made li’^santu® more beautiful. White J themums marked the pews. Townsend presented a J of nuptial music. town guests for the wed- } 1} Mrs. Claude Willis, Mrs. j'setj^jrren, Mr. and Mrs. M. S. ft’ ^iss Ella Rogers, Mr, and ^ Ballard, Mr. and Garren. Mr! "'Adding trip, Mr. losers moved into their Ati) at Pisgah Forest. I^oScrs are \ >n the Control depart- kV and covers of a range V' A be banged or slam- K "eavy weight should never % "'ar''*'. oven door, as this fi! '*■ prevent tight seal- 06 .Z' closed. All parts of the lij/ be treated gently if ^tly to keep their shape, fit Id prevent heat leakage. Ethel Moore Stover And Russel Batson Married In Brevard Ethel Moore Stover, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Moore, of Brevard, and Russel Batson, son of Mrs. F. V. Batson and the late Mr. Batson, of Brevard, were mar ried in a quiet ceremony at the First Baptist parsonage in Brevard on October 16 at 11 o’clock. Rev. B. W. Thomason officiated at the double ring ceremony. The bride wore a tan suit with brown accessories. Her shoulder corsage was of pink carnations. Mrs. Robert Gravely, sister of the bride, was matron of honor and Mr. Harold Bagwell, nephew of the bridegroom, was the best man. Following the reception and dinner at the home of Mrs. L. E. Bagwell, sister of the bridegroom, the couple left on a motor trip to Knoxville and other points in Ten nessee. They are now making their home’ in Brevard. Mrs. Batson is employed in the Cafeteria. Edith Ridenhour Will Be Married On December 27 Announcement has been made of the engagement of Miss Euith Agner Ridenhour, of Brevard and Charlotte, to Mr. W. Edwin Fear er, of Lorain, Ohio. The couple will be married in Charlotte on De cember 27, Miss Ridenhour is a member of our Five Year Service Club. She graduated from Lenoir-Rhyne col lege with a B. S. in chemistry, and is employed in the Chemical Lab. STEWART-NORWOOD WEDDING ANNOUNCED Announcement has been made of the marriage of Miss Maude Stewart, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Stewart of Pickens, S. C., to Mr. Samuel Blanton (Pete) Nor wood of Waxhaw. The wedding was solemnized at the First Pres byterian church of Greenville, S. C., on Saturday, September 27. Dr. Charles Haddon Nabors offi ciated using the double ring cer emony. The bride wore a soldier blue dress with black accessories, and her corsage was of pink carnations. Immediately following the cer emony the couple left on a wed ding trip to Atlanta and other points in Georgia. They are now making their home at 12 Park avenue in Brevard. Airs. Sewart is employed in the Finishing department and her hus band is connected with the Power department. HOUSEHOLD HINTS Matted spots in mgs caused by heavy furniture can be recovered with a damp cloth, pressed with a hot iron. As the nap springs up, brush with a stiff brush. Broken shoe lace tips coated with clear nail polish and allowed to harden, will last as long as the laces. No soap in your eyes if you ap ply cold cream around them be fore shampooing. Rolling-pin slip-cover made from a baby’s long white stocking —minus the toe and heel—keeps dough from sticking and is wash able. A new plastic tape for Venetian blinds has no surface pores to trap soot, dirt or grease. The price range is the same as those for cot ton tape blinds. STORK CORNER Dale Blythe A son. Dale, was born to Mn and Mrs. Alvin Blythe at the Tran sylvania Community hospital on October 12. Dale weighed 7 Ibs; 5 02. at birth. Mr. Blythe is assist ant foreman in the Ifoning depart ment of Endless Belt; Mary Joanne itughey Mr. and Mrs. Liston Hughey ail‘ nounce the birth of a daughter, Mary Joanne, who was bom at the Transylvania Community hos pital on September 7 weighing 8 lbs. and 8 oz. Mr. Hughey works in the Machine Room. David William Fowler Little David William Fowler was born to Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Fow ler at Mountain Sanatarium on October 18. David weighed 9 lbs. 14 oz. Mr. Fowler is employed in Applied Research. Martha Eliza Drake A daughter, Martha Eliza, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Alvin H. Drake on October 14 at the Tran sylvania Community hospital weighing 6 lbs. 14 oz. Mr. Drake works in the Pulp Mill. Julia Elizabeth Blythe Julia Elizabeth Blythe was born to Mr. and Mrs. Horace Blythe on October 16 at the Transylvania Community hospital. Julia Eliza beth weighed 6 lbs. at birth. Mr. Blythe is employed in Refining. Clara Elaine Mason Little Clara Elaine Mason was born to Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ma son at the Transylvania Community hospital on September 21. She weighed 7 lbs. 6 oz. at birth. Mr. Mason works in Inspection. George Franklin Culver Mr. and Mrs. John B. Culver an nounce the birth of a son, George Franklin, who was bom at the Transylvania Community hospital October 3. George Franklin weighed 7 lbs. 3 oz. at birth. Mr. Culver works in Finishing. Dianne Marie Capps Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Capps have a new daughter, Dianne Ma rie, who was born August 20 at the Transylvania Community hos pital. Dianne Marie weighed 7 lbs. 8 oz. Her father works in Finish ing. Margaret Louise Clarke A new daughter, Margaret Lou ise, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Em mett Clarke at the Biltmore hos pital on October 21. She weighed 6 lbs. 8 oz. at birth. Mr. Clarke is in the Maintenance department. William Steve Mulenex William Steve was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ervin A. Mulenex at the Transylvania Community hospital September 22 weighing 7 lbs. 8 oz Mr. Mulenex works in Refining. John Wayne Cagle Mr. and Mrs. B. 0. Cagle announce the birth of a son, John Wayne, on October 13. Lit tle John Wayne weighed 9 lbs. 8 oz. at birth. Mr. Cagle works in the Machine Room. Elizabeth Ashby Burwell Mr. and Mrs. John Burwell are the proud parents of a daughter, Elizabeth Ashby, who was bom at Mission hospital in Asheville on October 25. Their new daughter weighed 6 lbs. 3 oz. at birth. Mr. Burwell is employed in Fundamen tal Research. Betty Katherine Combs Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Combs, Jr., are happy to announce the birth of a daughter, Betty Katherine, who was born September 24 at Mission hospital in Asheville. Betty weighed 8 lbs. at her birth. Mr. Combs works in the Engineer ing office, and Mrs. Combs was formerly a nurse in First Aid.