PAGE SIXTEEN THE ECHO DECEMBER, 1947 BOND WINNER Hi, folks, says Robert Bryant Peckham, son of Mr. and Mrs, Bob Peckham (Research), win ner of the 325 bond given last January to the first Ecusta baby arriving in 1947. For informa tion on the 1948 contest, seei Page 10. Be sure to notify The Echo office, Extension 368, to enter your baby. 9 0 MOVIE SCHEDULE Dec. 26—“Star Packers, Wayne. “Little Giants, Abbott, Lou CostellO' jol* Jan. 1—“Guns in the ny Mack Brown. “My Clementine”, Henry Fonda, da Darnell. Jan. 8—“Hopalong Again”, William Boyd. - Fury”, Gene Tierney, Power. Jan. 15—“Durango Valley ers”, Bob Steele. ^ exander Graham Bell, Ameche, Henry Fonda, Young. 0 Jan. 22—“Lawless Lands' ny Mack Brown. . Boy”, Tommy Kelly, lis, Edgar Kennedy. Jan. 29 — “Texas Trail”, Boyd. “Call of The WiW • Gable. NOTE; Movies will be sho^ Friday, December 26 lO® Thursday, Christmas T>sy- m *» V Ik December and the Christmas season—the busiest and most ex citing time of the year. Here the camera caught Ecustans and their youngsters at the peak of activity. Upper left, Mrs. Herschel Galloway is being assisted (?) by her daughter, Karen, Herschel is employed in Inspection. Upper right, the Tom Hargis family is ?bown around their beautifully decorated mantje. The chUdren are Tom, Jr., and Beverly. Mr, Hargis is in Maintenance, Tommy Hall, three year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hall hangs up that stocking early in anticipation of Santa’s ffOj choir group singing Christmas carols is composed of stude®* jjo** fi Pisgah Forest school, under the direction of Miss Flora of the children have parents with our companies.