FM FOR FREE! TIPS TO ALL EMPLOYEES That’s right, I’ve never cost anything! And what do I offer? A few "minor” advantages like happiness, health, well-being, security . . . and a major advan tage like life itself. I don’t claim to prevent halitosis or dandruff, but I’ve been known to prevent human pain, sorrow, tragedy, poverty—death. Not bad at all for a free product! What’s wrong? Can’t be com petition. I’m a ticket to a full, happy life while my competi tors often turn out to be one way tickets to the graveyard. I offer EVERYTHING at no cost, yet the public turns its back on me—and goes hog-wild over smudgeproof lipstick, atomic-powered vitamins, and non-skid hair oils. What’s wrong? Why can’t I go over like superfoamy tooth paste, or those magic girdles that do so much, or those per fumes that cause men to leave home? I won’t deny that it’s got me baffled, or that it’s bru tally discouraging, but don’t think for a moment that I’m thinking of calling it quits. No, the campaign will go on! I’ll keep hammering away at hu- IT HAS HAPPENED HERE This is one of the safest plants in operation today, and you can do your part to keep it that way if you will. Know how to operate your machine or to do your work safely at all times . . . Keep all guards in place and remember that they are there for your protection . . . Wear clothing that fits both you and your job, and wear any protective equip ment furnished you , . . Remem ber that loose or ragged gar ments, flowing ties, and jeweU ry can easily be caught in ma chinery . . . Report any unsafe or unsanitary plant condition as soon as you discover it .. . Get immediate medical attention for illness or injury ... A few minutes away from your job now may mean hours saved later . , . Consult your supervisor if a job seems dangerous, and he will show you how to do it safely. man haste, indifference, and ig norance. I’ll sell myself to man kind if it’s the last thing I ever do—or else my name isn’t SAFETY/ Several foot and toe injuries have occurred here in our plant due to the use of badly worn or unsafe footwear. A good shoe not only offers protection when working where one might step on broken glass, a nail, or some other sharp object, but acts as a buffer for any falling object that could otherwise damage ones foot or toes. We should all protect our method of transpor tation! GOOD SHOES. 1 see vouRpomx johnny, i REALIZE NOW THAT »TS GOOD COMAAON SEKSE TO USE THE THERES one TWING WE MUST FACE^JERRYI EVERY mOlVIDUAL A^UST BE W\S OWN SAFETY BOSS. IF we ARE TO ELIMINATE PERSONAL tMJURIES. THATS THE RIGHT ATTITUDE, jerry AND VOULL FIKD THAT IT pays* . DIVIDENDS! CK. P. A/«0|Z«S/t>/