MR. AND MRS. BRUCE MORGAN Dan Cupid has been quite busy in the Finish ing department lately. Among the recent announcements was the marriage of Miss Alma Baynard to Bruce Morgan on May 10 in Hender sonville. Mrs. Morgan is employed in the Finish ing Department. yV arren W eddling From Marshall Loftis, our correspondent at the Fibre Warehouse, comes the news of the mar riage of Howard T. Watts of the Fibre Warehouse personnel, to Bertha Jane Warren of Horse Shoe on June 7 at Spartanburg. J. William Daven port, justice of peace, performed the ceremony. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jones Warren of Horse Shoe and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Watts of Blantyre. A June 14 was a memorable date for Mr. and Mrs. Wade Scroggs of the Pulp Mill for on that day, they observed their 20th wedding anniversary. Wade is one of the real oldtimers at Ecusta, having been here since August, 1939. He and his wife, the former Dorothy Lucille Hutchins, were married June 14, 1928 at Lenoir, N. C. DIET DATA Here are a couple of hints that will save you both expense and time. You can get more whip ped cream for each portion of regular cream by beating the egg whites stiff and then whip them into the cream. If the cream is too thin to whip stiff, a teaspoon of lime-water added to a pint of cream will turn the trick. Also, if you are having trouble in keeping rice grains from sticking to gether when cooking, try adding a teaspoon of lemon juice for each quart of water used. A pastry flour now used in Switzerland con tains 50% dried fruit, the rest being made up of wheat flour, fruit and other sugars, nuts and skim milk. Weight for weight, potatoes have one fourth as much vitamin C as do oranges. Eating the small bones of sardines and canned salmon adds calcium to the body. MR. AND MRS. DOYLE BROWN This is Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Brown whose marriage took place the latter part of April. Mrs. Brown is the former Miss Fannie Jo Tinsley of Endless Belt.