The Transylvania Music Camp has closed an other season and the hills surrounding the camp will be strangely silent after echoing the sounds of a thousand and one notes all summer long. The 150 future Sousas and Strausses have re turned to their homes in many different states and as a result of their training this summer will be better equipped to take their places in the musical organizations of their home communities. The instructors, too, will have pleasant memories of another summer spent with talented and am bitious youngsters. In many respects, this has been the camp’s most successful session, certainly in the eyes of the citi zens of Transylvania County, Folks who hereto fore knew little of the program of the camp have this year been added to the growing list of friends and supporters of the institution. We have had the good fortune of having the large choir from the camp sing in our churches. Many of the civic clubs in town have held dinner meetings at the camp and have seen first hand how the camp op erates. Hundreds have enjoyed the fine concerts and thousands more have tuned in on the con certs which have been broadcast over a wide area. Big names in the music world like Norman Cor don and Thor Johnson have appeared in camp concerts. Through newspapers, radio, magazines, and other media, Brevard and vicinity have received publicity that could not have been purchased for thousands of dollars. One program during the festival was broadcast over a coast-to-coast hook up of the Columbia Broadcasting System, embrac ing 168 stations in this country and two in Hawaii. With our company’s keen interest in music as shown by our band and music program in county schools, it was natural for Ecusta to join in the support of the Transylvania Music Foundation which operates the camp and sponsors the Fes tival. Ecusta—as individuals and as a company— has cooperated heartily in the foundation’s pro gram, whether the job involved the printing of programs or the use of a bull-dozer for work on camp property. Every evidence points to a continued healthy growth of the institution. We believe the time is not far off when the fame of the Transylvania Music Camp will compare favorably with the nationally-known Interlochen School of Music in Michigan and the Brevard Music Festival will be just as famous as the Berkshire Festival at Tangle- wood, Lenox, Mass., where Serge Koussevitsky and his Boston Symphony hold sway. We believe James Christian Pfohl and his as sociates have the drive, ability, and foresight to make Brevard a name in the music world which will be second to none. 10