THEIR PROTECTION IS OUR RESPONSIBILITY Back to school days are with us again, and this means that our public streets and highways will be lined with such valuable assets as the little boy shown at the left. Sure, they’re going to be careful in crossing streets and highways on the route to and from school, but they are going to need the advice and help of every parent and motor vehicle operator if they are to remain 'accident free’ during the next nine inonths. Children should be continually cautioned about their personal safety, and the part it will play in their chance to live and have fun their chance to grow up and become men and women. Operators of motor vehicles can play an all- important part in protecting these youngsters, and seting that they do grow up to be men and women .... that their chances to live and have fun are not marred by some thoughtless speed merchant that they receive the same con sideration that each driver would wish his own child to receive. During 1947 there were 2,350 children between the ages of 5 and 14, whose lives were snuffed out by traffic accidents. In addition to this alarm ing number of fatalities, there were 125,000 in this age group who were injured. It behooves each of us to accept our respon sibility in protecting these youngsters, and to drive with care, caution, and common sense. JOHNNY BOBBIN IN: ^‘It Is Better To Be Safe Than Sorry" BILL, THAT HAMMER SEEMS TO BE IN GOOD SHAPE. THEY SOUND BAD J0HNN11 YOU SHOULD SEE SOME TOOLS THAT WERE USED IN HERE LAST WEEK. YEAH. rVE FOUND THAT SAFE HAND TOOLS PREVENT accidents: