Harry H. Straus PISGAH FOREST NORTH CAROLINA p. o. ^oo September 15, 1948 Dear Friends: Now that the Summer is over and most of us have enjoyed our vacations, we must again mobilize ourselves for the job each and everyone of us has to perform, and will have to perform well. Competition is very keen. I am still striving and making efforts to obtain orders for the two paper machines which are still idle at this time. This cannot be done as quickly as you and I would like to see it, and we must be patient. But if hard work and intensive efforts will accomplish this, I think I shall succeed. , However, I need the cooperation of each and everyone of you. I want to remind you that if anyone in the employ of Ecusta or Endless Belt wants to discuss a problem with me, or has any suggestions to make, whereby working conditions can be improved, you are welcome to come to see me. I will be glad to talk to you and get the benefit of your advice. Please telephone first for an appointment, and I will try to see you at a time when it is most conven ient for you and for me. I feel Ecusta and Endless Belt might benefit if I obtain from you expressions as to ways and means by which life at Ecusta and Endless Belt can be bettered. Cordially yours Harry H. Straus’i'skc 1