A 'Fribute 'To My Very Good Frie?idy 'Thomas TV. JVord September 10th, in the year 1923—25 years ago—was a very fortunate day for me. On that day, Thomas N. Word joined our staff. We were, at that time, a small concern, but growing fast. I needed help and advice, which I received from Mr. Word magnanimously. Jointly with me he put his shoulder to the wheel and helped us to enlarge our business, to strive for bigger things, until we had finished ECUSTA, of which you today are part and parcel. Not only I but all of you owe a debt of gratitude to Mr. Word, and the 25th Anniversary affords all of us a splendid opportunity to express our esteem and high regard to this outstanding gentleman. I hope and trust that our lovely partnership will continue for many years to come, to be enjoyed in the best of health and prosperity. Happy Anniversary to you, Mr. Word, and our congratulations! Cordially, HARRY H. STRAUS