WITH THE WOMEN Shown above is Miss Ruth McCall of Endless Belt. She was one of the first girls to go to work, being employed July 20, 1939. Ruth has many hobbies, including cooking, embroidering, sewing, crocheting, and fancy work of all kinds. She has consented to give us one of her favorite recipes. Ruth McCall Bakes A Coconut Yellow Cake SEVEN MINUTE ICING 1 Egg white Vs teaspoon cream of tartar Vs Cup boiling water 1 Cup sugar Few grains salt Vz Teaspoon vanilla COCONUT YELLOW CAKE Measure into Mixing bowl (all measurements level). 2 Cups sifted cake flour Wz Cups sugar Vl Cup Crisco 1 Teaspoon salt 2/3 Cup of milk Blend by hand or mixer for 2 minutes (medium speed). Stir in 3 teaspoons of baking powder. Add 2 eggs (unbeaten), 1/3 cup of milk, and 1 teaspoon of vanilla. Blend by hand or mixer for two minutes (medium speed). The batter will be smooth and thin. Pour into two 9-inch layer pans (1V2 inches deep) which have been rubbed with Crisco and lined with waxed paper. Bake in moderate oven (375° F) 23 to 30 minutes. Ice with 7-minute icing. Sprinkle with coconut. IT AINT THE GIFT // am'f the gift a feller gits It ain’t the shape ner size That sets the heart to heatin’ An puts sunshine in yer eyes. It ain’t the value of the thing Ner how its’ wrapped or tied It’s something else aside from this That makes you glad inside. It’s knowin’ that it represents A love both deep and true, That someone carried in his heart An’ wants to slip to you. So ’taint the gift the feller gets Ner how it’s wrapped ner tied; It’s knowin’ folks like you That makes you glad inside. 12