If you haven’t planted garden peas yet, don’t expect too much of them since they don’t do well in warm weather. Cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, and asparagus need extra liming. Don’t put lime down at the same time as manure since the lime releases am monia from the manure and your plants lose the benefit. Never grow root crops in newly manured soil. And now a few words about the better varie ties of vegetables for this vicinity. Burpee String- less, Giant Stringless, and Tendergreen are good varieties of green beans. Kentucky Wonder and McCaslan are the best pole beans. For large limas, try Fordhook or Challenger. For Baby Limas, the best are Cangreen and Carolina Sieva. There are many varieties of good beets but Detroit Dark Red, Early Blood Turnips, and Crosly’s Egyptian are among the best. Chantenay, Danvers, and Tendersweet are good carrots. Golden Cross Ban tam is unsurpassed for yellow sweet corn and Stowell’s Evergreen is one of the best whites. Long Green, Chicago Pickle and Burpee’s Hybrid are among the best cucumbers. Icebergs, Grand Rapids, New York, and Imperial are all good varieties of lettuce for our section. For best Broccoli, use the Italian Green Sprout ing Type. Clemson Spineless is by far the best garden okra and Perkins Mammoth is a good market variety. White onion sets make the best spring onions, and Yellow Globe Danvers, and White Silverskin are good storing varieties. Bell or Bullnose, and California Wonder are th-^ best sweet peppers and Burpees Early is the best in pimento peppers. Sequoia, Green Mountain, and Irish Cobbler are the most popu lar potatoes. Puerto Rico Unit 1 is an excellent sweet potato. Bloomsdale Savoy and New Zealand are good spinach varieties. For summer squash, Golden Summer Crookneck is by far the most popular variety. Marglobe Brimmer and Rutgers are the best tomatoes. If you are bothered with wilt, plant the new Pan-American which is wilt- immune. Although the food shortage isn’t as acute as it once was, the wise householder keeps on gardening not to save money, but because he finds it an interesting hobby, a wholesome family recreation, and he also enjoys the freshness of the vegetables and the beauty of the flowers which he grows. The beauty which a garden creates is shared with his friends and helps to make the neigh- hood a better place in which to live.