FINISHING NEWS By Elizabeth Barnett and Betty Ann Orr A SHIFT Cupid has made another visit to the Finishing Department—this time leaving Mary Corbett a beautiful diamond. The lucky fellow is David Sitton, also of this department. At this writing the wedding plans hadn’t been announced. Con gratulations to Mary and David. Mildred Ashe and her husband recently spent a week-end in Oak Ridge, Tenn. We are very sorry to lose Brittalie Wilson. She has left us to devote her time to housekeep ing. Mr. Drake has returned from his vacation in New York, and reports that he had a wonderful time. Those from this shift enjoying vacations this month are: Gwendolyn Gillespie, Jim Orr, and Glennard Corn. B SHIFT We heartily welcome Betty Rahn and Christine Johnson, two of our former members, back to work in our department. If there is anyone who, while planting their garden, failed to plant onions, please contact Cedric Paris and ask him to save you some. Cedric planted thirty-two pounds this year and we are sure that he can’t eat all of them. We wish Betty Stewarts mother, who recently underwent an operation, a speedy recovery. We can’t tell that Myrtle Redmond looks a bit older, even tho’ she is the grandmother of a baby girl. Ailene Baynard enjoyed having a recent visitor from Detroit. Lois Holbert enjoyed a nice week-end in Nash ville, Tennessee, visiting her brother. Faye Lowing, Myrtle Redmond, and Fred Cairnes enjoyed vacations this month and all re ported having a very nice time. Jack Mackey spent his vacation planting his garden. Since he planted his beans while it was raining, he probably already has beans large enough to eat. We extend our deepest sympathy to Billie Blankenship on the death of her Uncle. C SHIFT We wish to extend our deepest sympathy to Thomas Smith, Rebecca Clark and Charles Clark on the recent death of Mr. John W. Robinson. Mr. Robinson was the father-in-law of Thomas, and the grandfather of Charles and Rebecca. Marie Barton and Carl Norris enjoyed vacations this month. Marie visited relatives while she was away. Ruby Waldrop has bought a new car — we wonder how the driving lessons are coming along. We are very happy to have Edith Stepp back MAINTENANCE GREASE SPOTS By Bruce Cassell We thought that by this time there would be lots of fishing stories to tell, but it seems that everyone is com.plaining about the big ones "that got away.” Several of the fellows have taken their vacations to go fishing, but it seems that they have gotten more enjoyment out of the cigars that Tom Poor and Joe Wright have passed around than they have fishing. We are very sorry that we didn’t know that Carrol Fletcher was moving to North Brevard. We would have been very glad to help him move. Our singing tinner, Medford Cooper, took one week of his vacation to work in his garden, but it seems that he dug more worms than he did weeds—they are very good fishing bait so we un derstand. We wish to express our appreciation to the company for the interest that the Medical De partment has been taking in us; and we want to urge the Maintenance employees to take advant age of the tetanus shots and the Blood Bank. The Maintenance Department wishes to ex press their heartiest congratulations and best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Vassey, who cele brated their 29th wedding anniversary on May 12th. MEDICAL NEWS By Dr. Mac Roy Gasque On Wednesday, June 1st, from 10:00 A. M. to 5:00 P. M. the blood collecting team of the American Red Cross will again be in Brevard. This group is actively engaged in the collecting of blood in the various Western North Carolina communities. This blood will be redistributed to the same communities according to need. This valuable service is free of charge to all persons. The whole program, of course is voluntary, but Ecusta employees will be given every oportunity to cooperate with the Red Cross authorities. Em ployees, who wish to give blood, will be allowed to leave the mill in accordance with a pre-arrang ed schedule, and transportation will be furnished to and from the American Legion Hall. Further information can be obtained from the Personnel Office. with us, after she was out for a week due to ill ness. Very sorry to lose Reba R., and hope that she will return to us soon. Dot Banning and her husband are certainly en joying riding in their new Nash. Ruby Heaton goes in for sunbathing in a big way—ask her for the remedy for curing sunburn. 24