dLCJL VOL. 11 NO. 8 PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY AND FOR EMPLOYEES OF ECUSTA PAPER CORPORATION AND ENDLESS BELT CORPORATION AT PISGAH FOREST, NORTH CAROLINA Charlie Russell Editor Jack D. Morgan Art Editor Frit2 Merrell Sports and General News Reporter H. E. Newbury Safety Reporter DEPARTMENT REPORTERS—Elizabeth Barnett, Ernest Burch, Bob Bolt, Virginia Bryson, Bruce Cassell, Bill Erwin, Betty Finck, Thelma Glazener, Andrew Harrell, Lu cille Heffner, Bill Henson, Anne Kitchen, Eula G. Landreth, Dick Landeck, Sara Loftis, Marshall Lofti>, hC.-'nneth McDaris, Betty Ann Orr, Margaret Smith, Howard Schmidt, Dona Wright Hdna Nfae McCrary, Jack Rhodes, Howell Medford, Gene Stepp, Jim Bradley, Kay Collms, Burdvir Teague, Evelyn Smith, James Poteet. PUBLICATIONS COMMITTEE—E. B. Garrett, Jr., R. F. Bennett, Walter Straus, J. O. Wells, W. M. Shaw. ON THE COVER Visitors to Western North Caro lina are amazed and thrilled by the great number and the beauty of our waterfalls. Many of these waterfalls have attracted tourists from all parts of the world, but hundreds more, just as beautiful, have never been seen by many of us who live near them. One of these is Little Willow Falls, near Blantyre. PRINTED ON ECUSTA FLAX-OPAKE (BIBLE PAPER) THE COVER IS PRINTED ON CHAMPION KROMEKOTE ECOSTA FV.PEWtOftPORATIOfii »-• (>l ror-eSr.,«, C. THE ECHO IS PRINTED BY THE CHAMPAGNE JOB PRINTING DEPARTMENT