v4 -V % Septe^W, 1^9 was the most1|i6morable epoch in the industrial Transylvania C^^nty, and one of the most impo^^t ^ tobacco circles % America. It was commemorat^^as^^e time of delivellaiSlce of American cigarette mar^^c^ers from depending on foreign sources for the^fcsiijppiy of cigarette paper. The first paper, rolling fr^b Fourdrinier papei^uiachines on September 2, 193^inS^d an adequate for the ever-increasing nun^^ "^]^cigarette smoker^^ Much time, con^^trk^, effort and tir^^s energy have gone into the m^^g^^^Ecusta. Throv^m the co operation of hundreds women, th^fcompany has been able to produce ^^wol^V finest cigai^e paper for our customers; and to ^ptribu^^^.the coi*)rt, hap- 1 • £ U pmess and prosperity or the^pmuni The purpose of this issue of THE ECHO is to pre sent a picture of Ecusta Paper Corporation as it is today, together with an outline of its background against which to measure its progress. It has been prepared as a tribute to those who have helped to build Ecusta, and as a source of inspiration as we all move toward the problems and challenges of a great and promising future. THE ECHO IS PUBLISHED MONTH LY BY AND FOR EMPLOYEES OF ECUSTA PAPER CORPORATION AND ENDLESS BELT CORPORATION AT PISGAH FOREST, NORTH CARO LINA.