NESTLY FOLKS 9 rY THOUSAND Lars is a lot OF MONEY T injuries, and this is something that must be borne entirely by the injured person and his or her loved ones. We all realize that the cost of operat ing is an important item in any busi ness, and that any costs connected with accident cases must necessarily be included in operating expenses. Taking this into consideration, we must admit that we are helping to in crease operating costs and throwing money away, so to speak, when we sustain any injury that results in payment of compensation or medical costs. In every industry throughout the world, steady employment depends upon increased production and low operating costs. Our industry here is no different in that respect from any of the others, and the importance of keeping operating expenses at a mini mum should be foremost in our minds at all times. It is easy to visualize just what would happen at home if we al lowed our expenditures to exceed our income. We should always have the same slant about operations here in the plant, and do our utmost to trim the operating costs in every way pos sible. One of the best ways we can assist in this is by lowering our accident fre quency rate, and this can only be ac complished by each and every one of us becoming Safety Conscious, to the extent that we take a vital interest in our Accident Prevention Program. We must remember that the person who gets hurt is always the greatest loser, and that those who remain acci dent-free will always reap the great est dividends. SAFETY will never cost us anything unless we get hurt, and keeping our names off the list of those who have experienced personal injuries will always be DARN GOOD BUSINESS.