I freedom With colossal cynicism, the Soviet lie-machine seeks to portray America as a warmonger, and Rus sia as the dove of peace. We know that the only peace Stalin offers is the peace of the police state, j the peace of the prison; the peace of the tomb. In ' the struggle to capture the minds of men, Russia tries to show America as a weak, vacillating nation, its citizens confused and disunited. Only an iron will can stand up before this sort of continual attack, the attack on the mind. We have that determination. We are confident of our own strength. But how about the people abroad? We must work with them in halting the spread of Com munism. We must make clear to them where we stand. The Crusade For Freedom is a dynamic campaign to show where we stand. It is designed to counter the Communist Big Lie by demonstrating in dra matic fashion the Big Truth that our goal is free dom and peace for all. The Crusade is headed by General Lucius Clay who, as military governor of Germany, directed the Berlin airlift. This Crusade will be a "spiritual airlift,” a declaration of our be lief in world freedom. General Clay’s Crusade has already brought a mes sage of hope and encouragement to these subjugated people, through Radio Free Europe. Last July 14— on Bastille Day—the freedom station went on the air. 'This is Radio Free Europe,” the station an nounced in programs beamed to Czechoslovakia and Rumania from a transmitter near Frankfort in west ern Germany. Right now. Radio Free Europe is trans mitting six hours a day, seven days a week to five Iron Curtain countries in six different languages. What do the programs include? Subjects like I dramatized versions of books banned by the Reds, folk music that has been banned, satires and biting |commentaries on the Red regime. Outstanding exiled leaders from eastern Europe are participating in these broadcasts to their own lands. The gist of the mes sages to the oppressed is that they are not alone, that the free world is on their side. Radio Free Europe hammers that home. Radio Free Europe is a hard-hitting partner of the Voice of America. It is the voice of John Q. Pub lic joining with the voice of his government. It is the Big Truth opposing the Big Lie. Supported by private individuals and unhampered by official re strictions, it pierces the Iron Curtain, exposes the falsehoods of the Kremlin, and brings a message of hope to its listeners. TOP, left to right: Rev. Julian J. Holmes and Harry H. Straus, Jr. BELOW: John I. Anderson and Lee M. Bauer BELOW; The Freedom Bell. 17