RETIREMENT PLAN distributed On Friday, October 20, 1950, every employee of our company received a copy of a booklet en titled "Your Ecusta Retirement Plan”, accom panied by a personal letter from Mr. Harry H. Straus. The Retirement Plan, as we all know, was ef fective January 1, 1950. The attractive booklet gives full details of just exactly how the plan works and what it means to each one of us. With this latest provision for retirement, the company now rounds out a thorough and com plete six point Employee Security Program. The benefits include not only our new Retirement Plan, but Life Insurance, Hospital Insurance, Sur gical Insurance, and Accident and Health Insur ance. Our Ecusta Retirement Plan contains many ex cellent features and, as we all know, the cost of the plan is borne entirely by the company. Some of the most interesting features of our Retirement Plan include Early Retirement Allowance, Sep aration Retirement Allowance, Disability Retire ment Allowance, and several options as to how the monthly benefits will be paid. The booklet is well written and contains full information which will enable an employee to estimate his personal re tirement benefits under the plan. All employees are encouraged to ask questions, however, in order that everyone will be fully familiar with how the plan actually applies to them. The Personnel De partment will be happy to discuss the Retirement Plan with you at any time. Some of our older employees, who are now 65 years old, will begin to retire on January 1, 1951- Others will reach age 65 during the years 1951 and 1952. These employees, in particular, are urged to contact the Personnel Department in the near future in order that they can be fully in formed as to their benefits, well in advance of their retirement date. The Ecusta Retirement Plan is by far the most expensive and most important benefit which is provided for our employees by the cornpany. Along with their personal savings and Social Se curity, the Retirement Plan provides for all long- service employees a comfortable measure of se curity during the later years of their lives. I CAN YOU IDENTIFY ALL SIX POINTS OF ECUSTA'S EMPLOYEE SECURITY PLAN? ANSWERS ON PAGE 29 13