■> f' OUR STATE FLOWER The Dogwood was adopted as the official State Flower of North Carolina by the General As sembly of 1941, replacing the Goldenrod. No where in the world is the dogwood as abundant and as beautiful as in this state. It is our symbol of immortality, and of peace, and of faith. TAR HEEL When Carolina was divided in 1710 into North Carolina and South Carolina, historians recorded that the principal products of this State were tar, pitch and turpentine. It was during one of the fiercest battles of the Civil War, so the story goes, that the Column supporting the North Carolina troops was driven from the field. After the battle, the North Carolinians, who had successfully fought it out alone, were greeted with; "Any more tar down in the Old North State, boys?” Came this reply: "No, not a bit; old Jeff’s bought it all up.” "Is that so; what is he going to do with it?” they were asked. "He’s going to put in on you’ns heels to make you stick better in the next fight.” Creecy relates that General Lee, hearing of the incident, said: "God bless the Tar Heel boys,” and from that they took their name. This is the version of our nickname as adapted from Grandfather Tales of North Carolina by R. B. Creecy and Histories of North Carolina Regi ments. 13