RED CROSS BLDDDMDBILE TD RETURN DN â–¡GTDBER ID The Red Cross Bloodmobile will be in the basement of our Medical Center on October 10th and 11th. Pledge cards will bs distributed again by the super visor, and to eliminate unneces sary waiting time for donors the Medical Department is planning a definite schedule well in ad vance. It is hoped that we can set a record this time. Your blood is badly needed in Kore:i as well as at home. Whole blood is flown regular ly from the West Coast to Japan by Military Air Transport Serv ice, and sent to Korea from there. Blood in excess of that re quired in the combat areas will be used for plasma and other derivations for military use. Speedy and massive blood transfusions have proven ex tremely valuable in combatting shock suffered by the wounded in Korea. Shock usually results from loss of fluid from the blood circulation. It can also be caused by severe injuries or continued hemorrhage.