Clear Paper vs Alley Cats. Any bowling match close match between these two teams. The score which has involved the Clear Paper boys for the keeper is Peter Bennett. Standing left to right is last few weeks has drawn much attention since Bill Woodward, C.P., Felix Weese, A.C., John the Clear Paper team has been leading the league Soivell, CP., Donald Poteet, A.C., and George during this time. The above photograph portrays Spicer, C.P. Incidentally the Clear Paper team won much interest being shown in the scoring of a this match 2 to 1. CLEAR PAPER AND HILLBILLiIES Rogers of the Finishing team and Harvey Souther BOWLING TEAMS TIED FOR TOP of the Pirates. Chris rolled a high individual set After the last pin had been knocked down and Harvey turned in the high- the smoke had cleared away on Friday night, No- ^r^^ividual game score of 237 pins, vember I6th, a quick talley by the league’s secre- tary found that the Clear Paper and Hillbillies ECUSTA BOWLING LEAGUE teams were tied for first place in our Ecusta STANDINGS THROUGH FRIDAY, Bowling League race. Each team has a record of NOVEMBER 16th, 1951 fifteen wins and nine losses. With the first round, of three rounds of play, TEAM W. L. Pet. almost completed each week the competition gets Clear Paper 15 9 .625 tougher and every team shows improvement which Hillbillies 15 9 .625 indicates the prospect of some nip and tuck bowl- Bees 14 10 .583 ing matches in the future. Pirates 14 10 .583 On Friday night November 2nd the Clear Pa- Transportation 12 12 .500 per, Transportation, Bees and Cellophane Mech’s Maintenance 11 13 .458 teams each whitewashed their opponents the Fin- Finishing . 11 13 .458 ishing, Alley Cats, Pirates and Electric Shop teams Alley Cats 11 13 .458 respectively. Friday night the ninth the Pirates Cello. Maintenance 10 14 .417 shut out Finishing 3 to 0 while Maintenance, Electric Shop 7 17 .292 Cellophane Meeks, and the Bees defeated their opponents, Electric Shop, Transportation and Hill- Thousands of Baltimoreans have been breaking billies 2 to 1 respectively. the law for years—An old ordinance outlawing The individual honors of the month go to Chris Bowling had never been taken off the books. 11