SALLIE GRAVELEY AND OLLIE JEAN EMORY RECEIVE ECUSTA NURSES SCHOLARSHIPS FOR 1953 Sallie Marie Graveley and Ollie Jean Emory have been selected by the nurses scholarship com mittee to receive the two Ecusta nurses scholar ships that are awarded each year. This makes a total of eight Transylvania County girls who have received three-year nursing scholarships un der our program since it was started in 1950. Sallie is the daughter of Mrs, William Graveley of Brevard. She has seven brothers and three sis ters. She interrupted her school work when she was in the ninth grade to work at the Transyl vania Community Hospital. She liked nursing from the start, and, after two years, decided to be come a graduate nurse. Realizing that she need ed more education, Sallie returned to Brevard High School, graduating in 1951 while working HINTS FOR SUCCESS To determine the pattern of success, there’s no better way than to review the lives of successful men and women. No matter what their businesses or professions, regardless of birth or formal edu cation, certain trains of personality, certain ways of doing things stand out above all else. Those people had nothing you don’t have or can’t de velop. Regardless of the economic or political system, the successful man or woman has always been—and will always be— - One who gets things done, quickly and quietly. One who gets to work on time and who isn’t always the first to leave. One who listens carefully to instructions, then conscientiously carries them out. One who doesn’t alibi if he fails. One who isn’t burdened with self-pity for hav- an eight-hour shift each day as a nurse’s aid. She plans to attend the nursing school at Mt. Sinai Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland, where she will specialize in operating room nursing. Ollie Jean is the only daughter of Mrs. Maude Emory of Brevard. She has been interested in a nursing career since she was a sophomore at Bre vard High School. She will enter the Latta School of Nursing of Memorial Mission Hospital in Sep tember, and plans to return to Brevard after com pleting her training. Wanda Waters of Brevard was selected as first alternate and Joyce McCall of Balsam Grove as second alternate. The Committee which selected these recipiants is composed of Miss Martha Choate, Dr. R. L. Strieker, Rev. J. J. Holmes and Dr. B. A. Stevens. ing to work. One who is neat in appearance. One who cooperates cheerfully, who is cour teous to everyone and determined to make good. If these traits are yours, there is no limit to the success you can achieve. Age or lack of experi ence doesn’t count. The only thing that does is your ambition which, in combination with your ability, creates your opportunities for success. If you keep plugging away, you’ll get where you want to get. For you are the kind of individual any business wants — and wants to keep. Walgreen Pepper Pod Fe. 1949 "Let not him who is houseless pull down the house of another, but let him work diligently and build one for himself; thus by example insuring that his own shall be safe from violence when built.”—Abraham Lincoln 5