How's Your Telephone Manners! Can you think of anything more irritating than a busy telephone—especially when you’re busy or need to place an important call? How’s your telephone etiquette? Are you one of those that slams the receiver down at the end of a call—bursting the eardrum of the poor guy on the other end? Do you dial carelessly, taking up someone’s time to answer a wrong number? Are you a telephone-shouter or, even worse, a murmurer whose soft speech is for your ears alone? Do you speak directly into the transmitter or are you one of those persons who holds it a "mile away”? These are just a few of the more common faults that some of us have when we use the tele phone. Most callers handle the phone with ease. MUMBLB, ^ \PfLST, MBLE The Pencil Cheiver The “mile away” guy (ah Y£Sj HoweVeO but some do peculiar things with Mr. Bell’s in vention. There’s the fellow, for instance, who makes a long distance or local call through the switchboard —very important, hurry it through please. Then he strolls quietly away from the scene of action. When his party is on the line, he himself is among the missing. One of the most annoying calls is from one of those "wordy birds” or "gone with the wind” per sons, They talk on and on, repeating the same thing over and over again to the extent that they fre quently discount the intelligence of the person called. Then there’s the guy who is trying to kill time. Just because he isn’t busy, he can’t understand why you should be. This guy is usually the "good 16