Acie Waldrop—Protection Dept. (Film Diy.) "I signed up to buy Savings Bonds on the Pay roll Plan when I was first employed here three years ago. I had no special reason for buying Bonds on the Plan other than it seemed to be an ideal way to save money—and, believe me, it was. "Thus far I haven’t had any emergencies to come up to cause me to have to cash any Bonds, but if a situation does arise those Bonds should really help out. "Some of my Bonds may go toward paying off the remaining amount due on my house, but not for several years yet. You know the longer we hold onto Bonds the more we get for them when we cash them. One of the best ways I’ve found to avoid the temptation of cashing Bonds is to buy them in larger denominations. Instead of buying a smaller Bond every month, buy a larger one every two months. You’ll find as I have, that you’re not as apt to cash a larger Bond as you are a smaller one—unless a real emergency comes up.” Ed White—Machine Room (Paper Div.) "I started buying Bonds during World War II mainly because it was the patriotic thing to do and because it seemed a good way to build up a good savings account. For me, the Payroll Savings Plan turned out to be the easiest way to save. "I try to hold onto my Bonds as long as possible without cashing them. Several times though, I had to cash a few to meet medical expenses. They came in mighty handy then, believe me. 'My youngest daughter is still in High School and still hasn’t decided whether or not to go to college. If she does decide to go, then I’ll have the money in Bonds with which to send her.” Cameron Houck—Finishing Dept. (Paper Div.) "Buying U. S. Savings Bonds on the Payroll Sav ings Plan is one of the best ways I know of to save money. I started having the company set aside a certain amount of my earnings every week for Bonds back in 1946. It wasn’t long before I real ized that the Payroll Plan made it mighty easy to save toward future needs and emergencies. "The Bonds I bought those first few years helped in a big way when I built and furnished my house. Now, I’m trying to hold onto my Bonds as long as I can. We read in the papers every day about the United States doing things as a security measure—well, one of the best measures we can take to insure our own personal security is to buy Bonds through the Payroll Savings Plan.”