DEPARTMENTAL NEWS PAPER DIVISION J ”k" SHIFT WHITE DEPARTMENT By Gertrude Summey We’re happy to welcome Betty Powell and Jack Zachary to our shift. Both come to us from Grey Department. Charles Ayers was on the vacation list this month and enjoyed a quiet, restful week at home. Autumn seems to be about the best season of the year to climb into your car and "just drive”, or visit those special friends and relatives. The following enjoyed week-end trips during the month of October. J. B. went to Gatlinburg, Tennessee by the way of the Smokies. Betty P. visited friends in S. C Sydney C. and friends went to Grandfather Mt. "Aunt Janes” and family visited relatives in Shal- otte. Ocean Isles and Myrtle Beach, S. C. Sharon and Jimmy W. spent the week-end in Knoxville, Tennessee, while there they attended the University of Tennessee-U. N. C. football game. Our shift really believes in supporting the local football team. Several of us including Waynes- ville’s own Ruth M. went over to cheer for the "Blue Devils” when they played the "Moun taineers”. Honestly, Ruth, we’ll never tell them what you did! Lillie G. says after moving furniture from room to room for a week, she is now enjoying her new ly sanded floors. Sid and Ruth have become excellent (soup) cooks, since they moved to their home on Hayes Street. L. C. Wilson is in the market for an alarm clock —one with a very loud bell. He hopes to find one by the next time he has to work graveyard. We sure had a sharp looking bunch of fellows on this shift last week. They all wore their shirt collars buttoned, and Jack Z. was even seen wear ing a "White” bowtie. Wonder if the season’s first icicles had anything to do with all this. Well, seems as though the squirrel hunting has faded out on our shift and we now hear talk of "The Big Hunt”! Sure hope you fellows are real lucky. That’s all for now folks. See ya next month. Have a nice Thanksgiving "You All”. Fruit, Apple Grove, Grape Vine, Lemon Springs, Peach, Pearland and Cherry are towns in this State. Tomahawk, Warrior, Cannon and Battleground are also places in North Carolina "B" SHIFT WHITE DEPARTMENT By Dot Angel & Peggy Freeman We sure were surprised when Betty Lambert came in with a set of rings, after her marriage on October 23. Best of luck, Betty, we wish you a lot of happiness. Seems as if getting married is becoming a habit. George Limbo surprisingly announced his marriage which took place May 9th. Congratulations, George. We have a couple of vacationers this week. Gene Stewart is enjoying a week working on his new home and Jackie Whitaker is spending a week in Kentucky. Tom Corbett must have gone to Cherokee on Wednesday night of 3rd shift. He came to work with some war paint on. Watch it, Tom. Wonder why Amanda Corn is going around with a long face. Could it have anything to do with Carl Mathews going back to camp after spend ing several days at home. What gives, Bugs? Wonder why Georgia Ann Reid likes green Mercurys? Could it be she has new interests. Seems like Phil Riddle isn’t getting much sleep this week on 3rd shift. He is too busy painting his house yellow. Hope "you-all” like it? Seems like Chick Loftis eye’s are as blood-shot on day’s as they are on 3rd shift, from walking the floor with his little crumb-crusher. Wonder why Francis Lyday has the new name of Strawberry, of course it’s not because she has red hair. We think Oscar Whitmire should start him a pear orchard so he could furnish us all with pears. Out on Owen Lee’s farm, he has all kind of animal’s including chickens, pigs and cats. We are glad to welcome Dennis Norton back after being sick for several days. I wish someone would find a way for Marie Calander to cover her windshield at night, since she has a lot of trouble getting that paper to stick. On these cold mornings you can see two of our girls trying to start their push-model Collapsible. Thank goodness these graveyard’s are over. Poor Madge almost didn’t make it. But that’s O. K. — we know how you feel, kid. Welcome to town Jack. We hear your moving over with us. Hope you like it. We are wondering why John stays down on No. 3 machine so much. Could it be that you have new interests down there, old boy? This is all for this month. We will try to do better next time. Now don’t go and stuff yourself too much with that Thanksgiving turkey. 20