LOOK WHO'S HERE SIEBER'S POEMS TO BE PUBLISHED Mr. and Mrs. Andrew W. Hare, Jr. (Finishing- Fikn) are the proud parents of a baby girl Janice Elaine, born at the Memorial Mission Hos pital on October 26, and weighed 7 lbs. 02. It is a girl for Mr. and Mrs. Joe Earl Jones (Machine Room). Ruth Elaine was born on No vember 2, at the Transylvania Community Hos pital and tipped the scales at 7 lbs. 5 02. (The mother, Blanche S. Jones, formerly was employed as Tester, Physical Lab). Thomas Kimberly Edens was born to Mr. and Mrs. T. Daniel Edens (Pulp Mill) on November 6, at the Transylvania Community Hospital. He tipped the scales at 7 lbs. IV2 02. Mr. and Mrs. James C. Morgan (Machine Room) are happy to announce the arrival of Garry Pace, born at the Transylvania Commu nity Hospital on November 6. He weighed 6 lbs. 15 02. Paul Bryan Creech, a 6 lb. 10 02. boy, was born to Mr. and Mrs. James W. Creech (Main Office) on November 12, at the Pardee Memorial Hos pital in Hendersonville. It is a boy for Mr. and Mrs. C. Clinton Morris (Film-Finishing). Thomas William was born at the Transylvania Community Hospital on October 6 and weighed 7 lbs. 7 02. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis C. Banther (Chemical & Casting) are the proud parents of a baby boy born on November 15 at the Transylvania Community Hospital. Ronald Curtis Banther weighed 7 lbs. 11 02. Gary Stephen Whitmire was born to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Whitmire, Jr. (Coating) on Octo ber 14, at the Transylvania Community Hospital. He tipped the scales at 8 lbs. 5 02. Timothy Harold Arrington was born to Mr. and Mrs. Harold L. Arrington (Finishing-Film) at Mountain Home in Fletcher on November 21. He weighed 6 lbs. 10 02. It is a girl for the Earl E. Powell’s (Janitor- General Mill). Beverly Jean was born at the Transylvania Community Hospital on November 26 and weighed 6 lbs. 14 02. Mr. and Mrs. William Fred Sentelle (Engineer ing) are happy to announce the arrival of Joseph Wayne, on November 27, at the Pardee Me morial Hospital. He weighed 5 lbs. 9 02. HOW TO FIND WALL STUDS: From the American Home, a few helpful hints on HOW TO FIND WALL STUDS: 1. Tap wall using a wooden block. Wall sounds hollow between studs, solid over them. 2. Studs usually run in a vertical line above baseboard nails. 3. Verify stud location with a SMALL drill. (Special for the Echo) CHAPEL HILL—Old Well Publishers of Chapel Hill announce the pub lication and January release of IN THIS THE MARIAN YEAR by young N. C. poet H. A. Sieber of Hendersonville and Chapel Hill. Mr. Sieber operates the well-known Ranch House supper club in this university village. An alumnus of the University of North Carolina (1947-1951), the poet returned to Chapel Hill upon his release from the military a few months ago. An early poem by Sieber appeared in 1942 in THE ECHO, Employee publication of the Ecusta Paper Corporation, when he was a student at Bre vard Elementary School. His father is Charlie Sieber of Ecusta. Like the rest of folks, the young poet "went modern”, and IN THIS THE MARIAN YEAR may be some rather difficult reading for some people. Nevertheless, this volume of new poetry is an interesting example of what is being done by advance guard poets nowadays, and for those who read it . . a rewarding experience. rOTHER SIDE O' TH' TRACKS By Eugene Eggert December! Already. Sort of time for reflections. Looking back, I guess most of us can say that 1954 wasn’t too bad as years go. And for those for whom it wasn’t so good, we hope 1955 will be better. We still have some vacations to fall back on for news. And a vital statistic too. Ain’t changin’ yuE name a vital statistic? That’s what Edna Waldrop did. From Waldrop to Holden. Hope it wears well and will bring all kinds of happiness. J. O. Davidson spent Thanksgiving week visit ing his and his wife’s folks. Doc and Mrs. Levy took a jaunt to Atlanta. Quite a town they se2. Dick Moore is on vacation at the time o’ this writing—^get him later. Mr. & Mrs. Schur are on vacation in Miami. Nice time o’ year, I’d say. Got us some Nimrods too. Harold Owen, Clar ence Tinsley and Troy Zachary went — Nuttin! Fellers, we like venison. Raymond Nicholson says he worked around the house. Should be getting done one o’ these days, Ray. The A1 Skinners will be found enjoying their Christmas in their new home at 201 Park View Drive. Hope you got all your painting and fixin done for the Holidays, Al. We, on T’other side o’ th’ tracks want to take this opportunity to wish everybody on all sides o’ th’ tracks a very Merry Christmas—with all the nice things Santa should bring to good people— And the very Happiest and Best New Year. And drive safely — huh.