CAMPUS CRIER Published three times a year by the Weepers of Asheville-Biltmore College, Asheville, North Carolina. Articles in the Campus Crier reflect the opinions of the writers and do not claim to represent student or college opinion. Editor-in-Chief John Young MOMENTS OF INSPIRATION “For when the one great scorer comes to write against your name, he writes not that you won or lost, but how you played the game.” COLLEGE CELEBRATES MAY DAY The third annual May Day exer cises were celebrated on the college campus at four o’clock on Thurs day afternoon, May 1. The program, which was wit nessed by the students and public, opened with the royal procession of the May Court, followed by the crown bearer, Michael Woody, and the May Queen, Anne Burnette. Members of the court were Agnes Carrelli and Bobbie Capps, sopho mores; Barbara Zibelin and Bar bara Macon, freshmen. The girls wore formal dresses in pastel shades of lavender, green, blue, and yel low. They carried bouquets of mixed flowers, with ribbons to match their dresses. The queen was crowned by Dr. Bushey. She wore a white organdy STUDENTS ELECT NEW STUDENT BODY OFFICERS During a recent election, Don Jones was named president of the Asheville-Biltmore College student body for the 1952-53 school year. Johnny Lee was chosen vice-pres ident to serve with Jones, Ruth Reid was selected secretary, and gown and carried an arm bouquet similar to those of her attendants. Entertainment in honor of the queen and her court began with the entrance of the court jester, John Young. A play, “Hansel and Gretel,” was then presented in pan tomime. David Blazer and Modena Penland were cast in the title roles. Others in the play were Frances Penland, Joe Patelidas, Bob Coop er, Annie Yarborough, Ruth Reid, John Young, Phyllis Cogburn, Joan Glover, and Betty Kirby. Advisers for the event were Mrs. Wishart, Mrs. Wright, and Mrs. Taylor. Barbara Capps was general chairman. A semi-formal dance, honoring the queen and her court, was held in Seely Hall the evening of May Day. It lasted from nine until twelve o’clock. Gary Carter will serve as treasurer. Prior to the election, nomination speeches were made by members of two parties. On May 24, sophomore represent atives to the Student Council for next year were elected. They are Claude Greene, Ray Sawyer, and Ken Morgan.