The Barker ETC Q) ST Mountain Echoes Storyfest Friday-Sunday, April 5-7,2002 UNCA campus reaturin^ award-winning stoiytellers & Jaeliie Torrence Q) Q) Peninmh Sehram Of Q) Jamal Koram & Q) Dou^Elliott Of Friday and Saturday, 8 p.m. performances Emceed by Connie Regan-Blake Friday and Saturday children's programming Saturday workshop and Sunday sacred tales All student tickets $5 For further ticket information call 828/232-5000 ^Sponsored by UNCA Cultural and Special Events Co-sponsored by the UNCA Drama and Education departments and the Center for Jewish Studies COLLEGE SUCCESS WORKSHOP SERIES 2002 Sponsored by Academic Advising and Retention, for more info: 232-5050 or Monday, April 8 12:15-1:15, Laurel Forum EXAM PREPARATION AND TEST TAKING, ; EUen Perry : Wednesday, April 24 12:15-1:15, Laurel Forum SUBSTANCE ABUSE AND COLLEGE PERFORMANCE, Linda Winter I Friday, May 10 12:15-1:15, Laurel Forum STRESS MANAGEMENT, Megan Long and Cathy Foister FREE ASTRONOMY YIE WINES ON THE QUAOf Come see the stars through giant telescopes. Join representatives from the Physics Department on Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 8pm to 9pm, and enjoy the sky at its best!