THE BLUE BANNER/October 08, 1987/11 \^lxj EX^ioYlir r I '_7fe£ ^ntE.'itcUnmE.nt Money stinks but poverty is worse education By Cindy Bennett Entertainment Editor Why is it a generally accepted belief that, somewhere along the line, a person has to choose between money and intellectual fulfillment? Money as an educational objective is considered crass, shallow, and generally un academic. However, the merits of a lucrative career attract many. As a famous man once said, "Fve been rich, and I’ve been poor; rich is better." I believe him. More seriously, higher education has not always been available to the masses the way it has become in the last twenty years. John F. Kennedy initiated many of the financial aid programs that are now being cut by the present administration. Kennedy giveth, and Reagan taketh away. Due to this loss of fimds and increasing educational costs, many students are choosing more "practical" careers — much to the dismay of educators. Well, it’s a crying shame but what to do? It is no fun to be broke and educated, as many will attest. Students don’t want to graduate with degrees that practically guarantee they won’t get jobs. It is hard to appreciate the quality of your college focus when the heat is off, the rent is due, and a guaranteed student loan payment book is staring you in the face. From a purely pragmatic point of view, we all have to look after our own. Perhaps, the coming administration will improve educational aid. In the meantime, you can throw all that tacky old money my way, if you want. » w Dancing It Up Slaff Photo—Kudi Schwab Students enjoy the music at the Fall Fest dance held in the Inn on The Plaza this past Friday night. ‘The Principal’ flunks By Bryan Qasen Staff Writer V As I left the theatre after seeing "The Principal," I heard someone behind me tastelessly remark how he wished that Jim Belushi had been the one to die of a drug overdose instead of John. At the time, I thought to myself how unfair that statement was, because Jim Belushi is about all that this film has going for it. Don’t get me wrong, it is not that "The Principal" is all that bad; it is just that it is not all that good. While watching the film, you have a constant sense of having seen it all somewhere before. The lack of originality in the script is like "Rambo" meets "Teachers." a weak combina tion of books and brutality. The story focuses on the trials and tribulations of Rick Lattimer (Jim Belushi), a teacher at the suburban Willoughby High School who is forced to resign his posi tion because of bad conduct. He is then offered a second chance as the principal of Brandel High, a combat zone - of a high school. Lattimer takes the job, de- - termined to force Brandel students away from drugs and degradation and back into the classroom. Along the way, he encounters apathy from his fellow teachers and hostility from his students. The problem with the film is that its cliched script wanders too much, touching on some controversial issues (illiteracy, rape, drug use), but never really commenting on any of them. It is as if the writers had nothing in mind but a dramatic sob story to showcase the talents of Belushi. Although I will always be a devoted fan of "The Blues Brothers" and "Samurai Di vorce Lawyer," I feel that Jim has a depth that his bro ther never had. He proves in this film that he has strengths besides his comedic talents. Hopefully he will continue to display them in the future. The remainder of the cast is dull in comparison to Belushi. Louis Gossett, Jr. appears as Jake Phillips, the school security guard. His role in this film is basically the same as his roles in every other fihn; the tough old black man with the heart of gold. Will he ever escape the typecasting he has been a victim of ever since his excellent performance in "An Officer and a Gentleman"? Rae Dawn Chong, as gorg eous as ever, makes an ap pearance as a teacher who gets raped. But her character is never fully developed, so she never gets a chance to show off her considerable acting talents. Western Carolina dical Clinic * BIRTH CONTROL * PAP SMEARS CHECKS FREE PREGNANCY TESTiNG DAiLY 900 Hendersonville Road