The „Blue Banner The University of north Carolina at Usheville Uolume 32 Issue 77 Rouember 16,2000 The Slip combines jazz andfunlito create a unique sound See page 4 UoKegbatl defeats 6ardner-U!ebb Uniuersity in final home game See page 7 Student group looks at uses for bond money. By Candice Carr See page 3 Students question U.S. race Political science department holds presidential forum Nov. 14 Keith Cromwell staff Writer UNCA students, faculty and staff discussed the cur rent presidential contro versy, the Electoral College and its relationship to the popular vote Nov. 14 at a political science gathering. The presential race was still undecided Nov. 15. “What should happen is (Dem. candidate) Al Gore should concede now,” said Gene Rainey, professor of political science. “I voted for Gore. I think he is the best man, but he is turning off voters.” Currently, Gore leads the election in the popular vote with some 49,261,654 votes, leaving Republican candi date Governer George W. Bush with 49,044,716. In terms ofelectoral votes. Bush has 246 and Gore has 260, both short ofthe270 needed to win, according to Will iam Sabo, professor of po litical science. “The candidate who gets the most popular votes in each state, gets all the elec toral votes. There are only two minor exceptions, Maine and Nebraska, who allocate electoral votes to congressional districts,” said Sabo. “(This system) was designed because the founders did not trust the voters to figure out what was going on, and, therefore, make a right choice.” PHOTO BY WALTER FIr LbR Linda Cornett, instructor of political science, William Sabo, professor of political science, and Mark Gibney, Belk professor of humanities, discuss the presidential stalemate. While the election was been over for more than a week, the results in New Mexico, Oregon and Florida are too close to call, according to Linda Cornett, instructor of political science. In Iowa and Wisconsin, fewer than 5,000 voters separate the two can didates. “While the race is too close to call (in the three states). It’s clear that Florida is the pivitol state,” said Cornett. “With New Mexico having five electoral votes and Or egon having seven, neither candidates would be able to pull it off (with just those two states).” Many students said they did not understand the prin ciples behind the Electoral College, as well as the many legal concepts involved in this election. Students said this discussion was very success ful, and answered questions they had about the election. “I really enjoyed the meet ing (and talking) about the fine details in this election that I did not know much about,” said Mari Anne Th ompson, a senior chemistry major. “I really appreciated some of the history offered by Sabo.” One of the points brought up by students at the discus sion was that they would like to get rid of the Electoral College. According to Mark Gibney, professor of politi cal science, that would re quire an amendment to our constitution, which is not a very easy process to go about. In order for the amend ment to pass both halves of Congress must, by a two- thirds majority in each, have to approve it. Once Con gress passes the amendment, it must be approved by three- fourths of states, according to Gibney. “I would be in favor of get ting rid of it,” said Gibney. “When this dies down, I would imagine all the inter est (to get rid of the Electoral College) would also die down until a situation like this comes up again.” Apart from the difficulty of amending the Constitution, turning to a nationwide popular vote to pick a presi dent would leave people from smaller states worried about being ignored altogether by candidates who choose to campaign exclusively in the populous regions, according to The Associated Press. “If we did away with the Electoral College, an awful lot of states would never get a visit from a presidential can didate,” said Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky. President Bill Clinton said he hopes the dispute does not lead to a presidency crippled by controversy. “I think it is too soon to say See FORUM page 10 Students call for change in teaching styles PHOTO BY WALTER FYLER several students and faculty said they want the overall teaching process enhanced it UNCA. iRachel Grumpier ikaffUlriter Different teaching styles • should be used to improve the ; overall learning process at :UNCA, according to Equal Access, a group on campus open to anyone interested in physical or learning disabili ties. However, some students on campus feel classes should not be changed, and build ings should not be altered to cater to disabled students. Teachers should “not baby the (disabled) students,” said Travis Brown, a junior com- puterscience major. “Thatwill give them a false reality about what the world is really like.” Disabled students do not want to be singled out, ac cording to a member of Equal Access who wishes to remain unnamed. They believe new teaching styles, such as group assignments and videos, will help the whole class, not just students with learning disabili ties. “We are not asking for spe cial treatment. We are asking to reach our potential as indi viduals,” said the member. “Not all students learn the same way. When teachers have the mindset to work with dis abled students, they are actu ally enhancing education for everyone in that classroom.” For example, not all students learn orally. According to the member, teachers should use visual aids to add to their les sons. “Some people understand concepts much more easily if they are in visual form rather than written or spoken form,” the member said. “Ifsomeone lectures (and teaches) with all words, then those of us who learn visually are lost.” Catherine Whitlock, lecturer in mathematics, said she rec ognized that students all have different learning styles. She tries to accommodate students as long as she completes the allotted amount of material per semester. “In my class, I try to mix up different teaching styles, but I am required to cover a certain amount of material by the end of the semester,” said Whitlock. “I think students with disabilities may need ex tra tutoring or time in the professor’s office. I cannot slow the whole class down.” Physically disabled students also struggle on UNCA’s cam pus, according to the anony mous member of Equal Ac cess. Some buildings are diffi cult to enter. “There is the whole issue of access on campus,” said the member. “We have had stu dents who have had real chal lenges getting into (Rhoades- Robinson Hall) from the back. They have repeatedly asked for handicap doors. Several disabled students were disappointed they could not attend the school dance that took place on the gymna sium floor, which is not acces sible to students in wheel chairs, according to the mem- UNCA creates child care site Sanna Raza staff UJriter Students, faculty and staff in need of child care can now contact the Babysitter Con nection, a Web site that is part of a long-term process to have on-campus child care . “There is defi nitely a need,” said Alison Penland, a se nior literature major. “A lot of (students) have to leave their kid with a parent when they go to class. It is hard to get schooling if you have to juggle with that.” The BC is pri marily a list of 25 e-mail ad dresses and available times of students who are willing to baby-sit, accord- ing to Data Jones, an undeclared sopho more. “We match up the child-care list with people who need child care and come to the Web site. Most of us will hook up with parents who want child care, meet them and start working for them,” said Jones. “Then, you get a few parents who you are comfortable with (and stay with them).” The students will be trained in babysitting so parents know their children are in good care, according to Maggie Smith, UNCA director of child and family services. “There is a standard child care training that folks in the community can go through to become sub stitutes in child-care agencies in Asheville,” said Smith. “It is a seven-hour training. They also check fin gerprints (and give) tubercu losis shots. We are actually looking to con dense (training) to four or five hours for UNCA stu dents, and Cardiopulmonary PHOTO BY JUSTIN MECKES Maggie Smith, director of child and family services, gives students informtion. See CHILD page 10 Union organizer addresses rights Kay Rlton staff lUriter See ACCESS page 11 Around 25 people gathered to learn the effects of global ization on Southern workers from Saladin Muhammad, an organizer for the United Electri cal Workers’ Union 150 Pub lic Service Workers Union and Black Workers for Jus tice. “I was im pressed and in spired by Muhammad’s talk, because unions not only empower work ers in the work place, but also serve to educate the workforce on issues that affect their lives and the world around them,” said Candice Carr, a junior ecology major, and co-chair of Active Stu dents for a Healthy Environ ment. A union drive is going on at all 16 N.C. public universi ties, according to Sachie Godwin, a senior mass com- PHU i D Saladin Muhammad, a union organizer, tells students about globalization. munication major and mem ber of Student Labor Action Coalition, a student group at UNCA supporting workers’ rights to unionize. “Workers in the UNCA sys tem are saying we need a union. Our union’s position is that there are some damn laws we are not going to honor anyway, and this should be the role of the working class,” said Muhammad. Workers at UNCA will have to decide to either suc cumb to the laws or chal lenge them as a statement of power, with workers pro viding that power. This is the goal of the UE 150 union on campuses, according to Mohammad. “It is difficult because N.C. has legislation which prohib its state employees from col lective bargaining, which is one of the most instrumental See UNION page 10 YLER